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Advanced Career

Advanced professionals dive deeper into strategic and technical concepts to position themselves on the path to senior leadership. View the profiles of our students who joined the MSIS program with over eight years of work experience below.

Nicolas Griffin

Senior Manager, Event Risk
Management, Microsoft

Nicolas Griffin smiling and looking into the cameraThe opportunity to have a mentor highly established in IT was one of the key reasons I chose the MSIS program. My mentor gave excellent insight specific to my career trajectory, which helped me identify and set new goals. Talking through her experiences leading companies and organizations through digital transformation helped drive home concepts we learned in our courses. Having an experienced mentor offer curated advice while acting as a sounding board for my own ideas has helped improve my ability to be an effective leader.”

Read about Nicolas

Partha Ray

Director, Business Applications,

Partha Ray smiling and looking into the camera“My time in the program has already equipped me with a lot of knowledge of database concepts, distributed cloud systems, and enterprise application concepts, information security and GRC concepts, product roadmap management, and not to mention hands-on experience with data mining and analytics. I feel as a result I have been able to boost the business component of my leadership role, and really build out the technical component of my leadership role. The easiest way I can validate this is by sharing that I achieved my promotion to the Director role halfway through the MSIS program!
I strongly believe that the MSIS theme of technology balanced with business needs has provided me with a great basis to further my career into an eventual VP / CIO role.

Read about Partha

Elizabeth Evans

Data Analyst, Launch Consulting

Elizabeth Evans speaking into a microphone“The MSIS program goes beyond the foundational knowledge needed to become a good leader in technology through its Leadership Series and the focus on teamwork. I am grateful for the challenges that this program has afforded me, because it allows me to demonstrate my strengths, resilience, and problem-solving skills to employers through real experiences I may not have otherwise been exposed to.

Read about Elizabeth