Shawn Quan
Ph.D. Candidate
Academic Department: Management & Organization
Area of Specialization: Management
- MS, Arizona State University (2015)
Research Interests
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Social Class; Human-Animal Interaction; Work-nonwork Interface
- Quan, S. X., Lam, C., Schabram, K., & Yam, K. C. (2023). All Creatures Great and Small: A Review and Typology of Employee-Animal Interactions. Journal of Management, 01492063231191090.
Working Papers
- *Quan, S. X.,* Lacerenza, C.N., Moergen, K., Dittman, A.G., (Writing) Social class meta-analysis. Target: *Journal of Applied Psychology*
- *Quan, S. X.**, Wee, E. X. M*. Social class and negotiation (Revising for submission)
- Target: *Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes*
- *Equal contribution
- *Quan, S. X., *Schabram, K. (Writing) Let my people go hunting and fishing: balancing wage work and subsistence in rural Alaska.
- Target: *Administrative Science Quarterly*
- *Quan, S. X., *Schabram, K., Barnes, C. M. (Theorizing) Organization and Natural and Sociocultural Rhythms.
- Target: *Academy of Management Review*
- Gish, J., Quan, S. X., Barnes, C., Wang, M. (Data collection) Hype and Self Improvement Among Decision Makers.
- Target: *Journal of Applied Psychology*
- Fehr, R., Gao, Z., Sun, Y., *Quan, S. X.* (Data analysis) Compassion, gratitude, and work-home interface.
- Target: *Journal of Applied Psychology*