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Selected Publications

Nidhi Agrawal
Shirsho Biswas
Gary M. Erickson
Elissa Fink
Mark Forehand
Ali Goli
Lalit Jain
Shailendra Pratap Jain
Max Kleiman-Weiner
Ian Lurie
Douglas MacLachlan
Martha Matthews
Natalie Mizik
Reza Moinpour
John Narver
Robert W. Palmatier
Robert Pollack
Oliver J. Rutz
Amin Sayedi
Ann Schlosser
Jeffrey D. Shulman
Jeremiah Sullivan
Francesca Valsesia
Russell Walker
Scott Wallace
Kelly Breslin Wright
Richard Yalch
Hema Yoganarasimhan

Nidhi Agrawal

  1. Fear of Detection and Efficacy of Prevention: Using Construal Level to Encourage Health Behaviors"

    Achar, C., Nidhi Agrawal, and M. Hsieh, (2020). Journal of Marketing Research, pp. 582-598.
  2. Coping and Construal Level Matching Drives Health Message Effectiveness via Response Efficacy or Self Efficacy Enhancement"

    Han, D., A. Duhachek and Nidhi Agrawal, (2016). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 43(3), pp. 429-447.
  3. The Psychology of Appraisal: Specific Emotions and Decision-making"

    So, J., C. Achar, D. Han, Nidhi Agrawal, A. Duhachek, and D. Maheswaran, (2015). Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol 25(3), pp. 359-371.
  4. Emotional agency appraisals influence responses to preference inconsistent information"

    Agrawal, N., Han, D., & Duhachek, A., (2013). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, pp. 87-97.
  5. Guilt Versus Shame: Coping, Fluency, and Framing in the Effectiveness of Responsible Drinking Messages"

    Agrawal, N., Duhachek, A., & Han, D., (2012). Journal of Marketing Research, pp. 928-941.
  6. Carry Over Effects of Self-Control in Decision-Making: A Construal Level Perspective"

    Agrawal, N., & Wan, W., (2011). Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 199-214.
  7. Emotional Compatibility and the Effectiveness of Anti-Drinking Messages: A Defensive Processing Perspective on Shame and Guilt"

    Agrawal, N., & Duhachek, A., (2010). Journal of Marketing Research, pp. 263-273.
  8. Biases in Social Comparisons: Optimism or Pessimism?"

    Agrawal, N., & Menon, G., (2009). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, pp. 39-52.
  9. Regulating Risk or Risking Regulation? Construal Levels and Depletion Effects in the Processing of Health Messages"

    Agrawal, N., & Wan, W., (2009). Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 448-462.
  10. Health Risk Perceptions and Consumer Psychology"

    Agrawal, N., Menon, G., & Raghubir, P., (2008). The Handbook of Consumer Psychology, pp. 981-1010.
  11. For Better or For Worse? Valenced Comparative Framing and Regulatory Focus"

    Jain, S.P., Lindsey, C., Agrawal, N., & Maheswaran D., (2007). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 34(1), pp. 57-65.
  12. For Better, For Worse: Valenced Comparative Frames and Regulatory Focus"

    Agrawal, N., Jain, S.P., Lindsey, C., & Maheswaran, D., (2007). Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 57-65.
  13. Getting Emotional About Health"

    Agrawal, N., Menon, G., & Aaker, J., (2007). Journal of Marketing Research, pp. 100-113.
  14. When More May Be Less: The Effects of Regulatory Focus on Responses to Different Comparative Frames"

    Agrawal, N., Jain, S.P., Maheswaran, D., (2006). Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 91-98.
  15. When More may be Less: The Impact of Regulatory Focus on Responses to Different Comparative Frames"

    Jain, S.P., Agrawal, N., Maheswaran, D., (2006). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 33(1), pp. 91-98.
  16. Motivated Reasoning in Outcome-Bias Effects"

    Agrawal, N., & Maheswaran, D., (2005). Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 798-805.
  17. The Effects of Self-Construal and Commitment on Persuasion"

    Agrawal, N., & Maheswaran, D., (2005). Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 841-849.
  18. Motivational and Cultural Variations in Mortality Salience Effects: Contemplations on Terror Management Theory and Consumer Behavior"

    Agrawal, N., & Maheswaran, D., (2004). Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol 14(3), pp. 213-218.

Shirsho Biswas

  1. The Persuasive Effect of Fox News: Noncompliance with Social Distancing During the COVID-19 Pandemic"

    Simonov, A., Sacher, S., Dubé, J.P. and Biswas, S., (2022). Marketing Science, Vol 41(2), pp. 230-242.

Gary M. Erickson

  1. Advertising Competition in a Dynamic Oligopoly with Multiple Brands"

    Erickson, G.M., (2009). Operations Research.
  2. An Oligopoly Model of Dynamic Advertising Competition"

    Erickson, G.M., (2009). European Journal of Operational Research, pp. 374-388.
  3. Dynamic Models of Advertising Competition"

    Erickson, G.M., (2003).
  4. The Financial Rewards of New Product Introductions in the Personal Computer Industry"

    Bayus, B.L., Erickson, G.M., & Jacobson, R., (2003). Management Science, pp. 197-210.

Elissa Fink

Mark Forehand

  1. The Many-Faced Consumer: The Effects of Inter Identity Competition and Association on Identity Prime Response"

    Saint Clair, J. and Mark Forehand, (2020). Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 1011-1030.
  2. Egocentric Improvement Evaluations: Change in the Self as an Anchor for Brand Improvement Judgments"

    Dagogo-Jack, Sokiente and Mark Forehand, (2018). Journal of Marketing Research, pp. 934-950.
  3. Activating Stereotypes with Brand Imagery: The Role of Viewer Political Identity"

    Angle, Justin, Sokiente Dagago-Jack, Mark Forehand and Andrew Perkins, (2017). Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol 27(1), pp. 84-90.
  4. It’s Not Us, It’s You: How Threatening Self-brand Association Leads to Brand Pursuit"

    Angle, J., Forehand, M., (2016). International Journal of Research in Marketing.
  5. The Ebb and Flow of Consumer Identities: The Role of Memory, Emotions and Threats"

    Reed II, A., Forehand, M., (2016). Current Opinion in Psychology.
  6. Riding Coattails: When Co-branding Helps versus Hurts Less Known Brands"

    Cunha, M., Forehand, M., Angle, J., (2015). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 41(5), pp. 1267-1283.
  7. Identity-Based Consumer Behavior"

    Reed II, A., Forehand, M., Putoni, S., Warlop, L., (2012). International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol 29(4), pp. 310-321.
  8. Implicit Self-Referencing: The Effect of Non-volitional Self-association on Brand and Product Attitude"

    Forehand, M., & Perkins, A., (2012). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 39(1), pp. 142-156.
  9. An Interpretive Frame Model of Identity Dependent Learning: The Moderating Role of Content – Identity Association"

    Forehand, M., (2011). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 38(3), pp. 555-577.
  10. When are Automatic Social Comparisons not Automatic? The Effect of Cognitive Systems on User Imagery-Based Self-Concept Activation"

    Forehand, M., (2010). Journal of Consumer Psychology, pp. 88-100.
  11. Decomposing IAT-measured Self-Associations: The Relative Influence of Semantic Meaning and Valence"

    Forehand, M., & Perkins, A., (2006). Social Cognition, Vol 24(4), pp. 387-408.
  12. Implicit Assimilation and Explicit Contrast: A Set/Reset Model of Response to Celebrity Voiceovers"

    Forehand, M., & Perkins, A., (2005). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 32(3), pp. 435-441.
  13. On Self-Referencing Differences in Judgment and Choice"

    Forehand, M., & Sood, S., (2005). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, pp. 144-154.
  14. Endorsements as Voting Cues: Heuristic and Systematic Processing in Initiative Elections"

    Forehand, M., Gastil, J. & Smith, M.A., (2004). Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Vol 34(11), pp. 2215-2233.
  15. When is Honesty the Best Policy? The Effect of Stated Company Intent on Consumer Skepticism"

    Forehand, M., & Grier, S., (2003). Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol 13(3), pp. 349-356.
  16. Identity Salience and the Influence of Differential Activation of the Social Self-Schema on Advertising Response"

    Forehand, M., Deshpandé, R., & Reed II, A., (2002). Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 87(6), pp. 1086-1099.
  17. What We See Makes Us Who We Are: Priming Ethnic Self-Awareness and Advertising Response"

    Forehand, M., & Deshpandé, R., (2001). Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 38(3), pp. 336-348.
  18. Extending Overjustification: The Effect of Perceived Reward Giver Intention on Response to Rewards"

    Forehand, M., (2000). Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 85(6), pp. 919-931.

Ali Goli

  1. Show and Sell: Studying the Effects of Branded Cigarette Product Placement in TV Shows on Cigarette Sales"

    A. Goli, S. Mummalaneni, P. K. Chintagunta, S. Dhar, (2022). Marketing Science, Vol 41(6), pp. 1163-1180.
  2. Effect of Payment on User Engagement in MOOCs"

    A. Goli, P. K. Chintagunta, S. Sriram, (2022). Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 59(1), pp. 11-13.
  3. What Happens When a Retailer Drops a Product Category? Investigating the Consequences of Ending Tobacco Sales"

    A. Goli, P. K. Chintagunta, (2021). Marketing Science, Vol 40(6), pp. 1169-1198.

Lalit Jain

  1. Sequential Experimental Design for Transductive Linear Bandits"

    Jain, L., Jamieson, K., Ratliff, L., Fiez, T., (2019). Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.
  2. A Bandit Approach to Sequential Experimental Design with False Discovery Control"

    Jain, L., Jamieson, K., (2018). Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 3660-3670.
  3. Firing Bandits: Optimizing Crowdfunding"

    Jain, L., Jamieson, K., (2018). International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 2211-2219.
  4. Finite sample prediction and recovery bounds for ordinal embedding"

    Jain, L., Jamieson, KG., Nowak, R., (2016). Advances In Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 2711-2719.

Shailendra Pratap Jain

  1. Curiosity Tempts Indulgence"

    Wiggin, K., M. Reimann, & Shailendra P. Jain, (2019). Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 1194-1212.
  2. The Influence of Self-Construal on the Use of Central and Non-central Features"

    Mao, H., Li, X., Desai, K. & Jain, S., (2015). Marketing Letters.
  3. The Influence of Implicit Theories and Message Frame on the Persuasiveness of Disease Prevention and Detection Advocacies"

    Mathur, P., Jain, S., Hsieh, M., Maheswaran, D., & Lindsey, C., (2013). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
  4. The Influence of Consumers’ Implicit Theories and Brand Extensions on Brand Personality Impressions and Overall Brand Evaluations"

    Mathur, P., Jain, S. & Maheswaran, D.. Journal of Consumer Psychology.
  5. Cracking the Code: How Managers Can Drive Profits by Leveraging Consumer Psychology"

    Hsieh, M., Blower, K., Li, X., Jain, S.P. & Posavac, S.S., (2011).
  6. Stock Market Response to Regulatory Reports of Deceptive Advertising: The Moderating Effect of Omission Bias and Firm Reputation"

    Wiles, M.A., Jain, S.P., Mishra, S., & Lindsey, C., (2010). Marketing Science, Vol 19(5), pp. 828-845.
  7. Consumer Responses to Brand Elimination: An Attributional Perspective"

    Mao, H., Xueming L., Jain, S.P., (2009). Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol 19(3), pp. 280-289.
  8. On Assuaging Positive Bias in Environmental Value Elicitation"

    Posavac, S.S., Brakus, J.J., Cronley, M.L., & Jain, S.P., (2009). Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol 30(3), pp. 482-489.
  9. The Influence of Consumers’ Lay Theories on Approach/Avoidance Motivation"

    Jain, S.P., Mathur., P., & Maheswaran, D., (2009). Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 46(1), pp. 56-65.
  10. For Better or For Worse? Valenced Comparative Framing and Regulatory Focus"

    Jain, S.P., Lindsey, C., Agrawal, N., & Maheswaran D., (2007). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 34(1), pp. 57-65.
  11. The Influence of Chronic and Situational Self-Construal on Categorization"

    Jain, S.P., Desai, K.K., & Mao, H., (2007). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 34(1), pp. 66-76.
  12. Towards Dimensionalizing Warranty Information: The Role of Warranty Redemption Costs"

    Jain, S.P., Slotegraaf, R., Lindsey, C.D.,, (2007). Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol 17(1), pp. 70-80.
  13. Selective Assessment and Positivity Bias in Environmental Evaluations"

    Posavac S.S., Brakus J.J., Jain S.P., Cronley M.L., (2006). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Vol 12(1), pp. 43-49.
  14. When More may be Less: The Impact of Regulatory Focus on Responses to Different Comparative Frames"

    Jain, S.P., Agrawal, N., Maheswaran, D., (2006). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 33(1), pp. 91-98.
  15. Valenced Comparisons"

    Jain, S.P., & Posavac, S.S., (2004). Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 41(1), pp. 46-58.
  16. Preference Consistency and Preference Strength: Processing and Judgmental Issues"

    Jain, S.P., (2003). Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Vol 33(5), pp. 1088-1109.
  17. Pre-purchase Attribute Verifiability, Source Credibility, and Persuasion"

    Jain, S.P., & Posavac, S.S., (2001). Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol 11(3), pp. 169-180.
  18. Motivated Reasoning: A Depth-of-Processing Perspective"

    Jain, S.P., Maheswaran D., (2000). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 27(4), pp. 358-371.

Max Kleiman-Weiner

  1. Most people do not “value the struggle”: Tempted agents are judged as less virtuous than those who were never tempted"

    McManus, Ryan M; Fong, Helen Padilla; Kleiman-Weiner, Max; Young, Liane; , (2024). Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, pp. 104615.
  2. Emotion prediction as computation over a generative theory of mind"

    Houlihan, Sean Dae; Kleiman-Weiner, Max; Hewitt, Luke B; Tenenbaum, Joshua B; Saxe, Rebecca; , (2023). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Vol 381(2251), pp. 20220047.
  3. Too Many Cooks: Bayesian Inference for Coordinating Multi‐Agent Collaboration"

    Wu*, Sarah A; Wang*, Rose E; Evans, James A; Tenenbaum, Joshua B; Parkes, David C; Kleiman‐Weiner, Max; , (2021). Topics in Cognitive Science, Vol 13(2), pp. 414-432.
  4. Drivers are blamed more than their automated cars when both make mistakes"

    Awad, Edmond; Levine, Sydney; Kleiman-Weiner, Max; Dsouza, Sohan; Tenenbaum, Joshua B; Shariff, Azim; Bonnefon, Jean-François; Rahwan, Iyad; , (2020). Nature human behaviour, Vol 4(2), pp. 134-143.
  5. What we owe to family: The impact of special obligations on moral judgment"

    McManus, Ryan M; Kleiman-Weiner, Max; Young, Liane; , (2020). Psychological Science, Vol 31(3), pp. 227-242.
  6. The logic of universalization guides moral judgment"

    Levine, Sydney; Kleiman-Weiner, Max; Schulz, Laura; Tenenbaum, Joshua; Cushman, Fiery; , (2020). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol 117(42), pp. 26158-26169.
  7. People make the same Bayesian judgment they criticize in others"

    Cao, Jack; Kleiman-Weiner, Max; Banaji, Mahzarin R; , (2019). Psychological Science, Vol 30(1), pp. 20-31.
  8. Theory of minds: Understanding behavior in groups through inverse planning"

    Shum*, Michael; Kleiman-Weiner*, Max; Littman, Michael L; Tenenbaum, Joshua B; , (2019). Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence, Vol 33(1), pp. 6163-6170.
  9. Finding friend and foe in multi-agent games"

    Serrino*, Jack; Kleiman-Weiner*, Max; Parkes, David C; Tenenbaum, Joshua B; , (2019). Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.
  10. Towards formal definitions of blameworthiness, intention, and moral responsibility"

    Halpern, Joseph; Kleiman-Weiner, Max; , (2018). Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vol 32(1).
  11. Learning a commonsense moral theory"

    Kleiman-Weiner, Max; Saxe, Rebecca; Tenenbaum, Joshua B;, (2017). Cognition.
  12. Statistically inaccurate and morally unfair judgements via base rate intrusion"

    Cao, Jack; Kleiman-Weiner, Max; Banaji, Mahzarin R; , (2017). Nature Human Behaviour, Vol 1(10), pp. 738-742.

Ian Lurie

  1. One Trick Ponies Get Shot"

    Lurie, I., (2016).
  2. Web Marketing All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies"

    Arnold, J., Becker, M., Dickinson, M., Lurie, I., Martsen, E., (2009).
  3. Conversation Marketing: Internet Marketing Strategies"

    Lurie, I., (2007).

Douglas MacLachlan

  1. Estimating Willingness to Pay by Risk Adjustment Mechanism"

    Park, J.H., MacLachlan, D.L., (2013). Applied Economics, Vol 45(1), pp. 37-46.
  2. Improving Response Modeling Based on Clustering, Undersampling, and Ensemble"

    Kang, P., Cho, S., & MacLachlan, D.L., (2012). Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 29(8), pp. 6738-6753.
  3. New Venture Performance in China, Japan and US: The Impact of Formalization and Market Information"

    Kawakami, T., MacLachlan, D.L., Stringfellow, A., (2012). Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol 29(2), pp. 275-287.
  4. An Analysis of the US Decking Materials Market: Perceptual Mapping Approach"

    Ganguly, I., Eastin, I., MacLachlan, D.L., (2011). Canadian Journal of Forest Research, pp. 668-669.
  5. New-Product Pricing Strategy under Customer Asymmetric Anchoring"

    Park, J.H., MacLachlan, D.L., & Love, E.A., (2011). International Journal of Research in Marketing, pp. 309-318.
  6. Social Competency and New Product Development Performance"

    Mu, J., Zhang, G., & MacLachlan, D.L., (2011). IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol 58(2), pp. 363-376.
  7. Absorptive and Disseminative Capacity: Knowledge Transfer in Intra-organization Networks"

    Mu, J., Tang, F., & MacLachlan, D.L.,, (2010). Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 3(1), pp. 31-38.
  8. Semi-Supervised Response Modeling"

    Lee, H., Shin, H., Hwang, S., & MacLachlan, D.L., (2010). Journal of Interactive Marketing.
  9. A customer-based view of multi-channel Service"

    Cassab, H., MacLachlan, D.L., (2009). Journal of Service Management, Vol 20(1), pp. 52-75.
  10. Effect of Risk Management Strategy on NPD Performance"

    Mu, J., Peng, G., & MacLachlan, D.L., (2009). Technovation, pp. 170-180.
  11. Estimating Willingness to Pay with Exaggeration Bias Corrected Contingent Valuation Method"

    Park, J.H., & MacLachlan, D., (2008). Marketing Science, Vol 27(4), pp. 691-698.
  12. Implication of Network Size and Structure on Organizations’ Knowledge Transfer"

    Tang, F., Mu, J., & MacLachlan, D.L., (2008). Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 35(1), pp. 1109-1114.
  13. Interaction Fluency: A Customer Performance Measure of Multichannel Service"

    Cassab, H., & MacLachlan, D.L., (2006). International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol 55(7), pp. 555-568.
  14. Ad Skepticism: The Consequences of Disbelief"

    Obermiller, C., Spangenberg, E., & MacLachlan, D.L., (2005). Journal of Advertising, Vol 34(3), pp. 7-18.
  15. Response Models Based on Bagging Neural Networks"

    Ha, K., Cho, S., & MacLachlan, D.L., (2005). Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol 19(1), pp. 17-31.
  16. Responsive and Proactive Market Orientation and New-Product Success"

    Narver, J.C., Slater, S.F., MacLachlan, D.L., (2004). Journal of Product Innovation Management, pp. 334-347.
  17. Using Latent Class Models to Improve Marketing Decision Making: A Segmentation Illustration"

    Mulhern, M., & MacLachlan, D.L., (2003). Canadian Journal of Marketing Research, pp. 25-30.
  18. Fax Surveys: Return Patterns and Comparison with Mail Surveys,” with J. Dickson"

    Dickson, J.P., & MacLachlan, D.L., (1996). Journal of Marketing Research, pp. 108-113.
  19. Application of a Multi-Generational Diffusion Model to Milk Container Technology"

    Speece, M.W., & MacLachlan, D.L., (1995). Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol 49(3), pp. 281-295.
  20. Ecological Validation of Alternative Customer-Based Brand Strength Measures"

    Francois, P., & MacLachlan, D.L., (1995). International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol 12(4), pp. 321-332.
  21. A Flexible Strategy for Reducing and Analyzing Ordered Choice Data"

    Moinpour, R., MacLachlan, D.L., & Wiley, J., (1994). Multivariate Behavioral Research.
  22. Process Tracing of Emotional Responses to TV Ads: Revisiting the Warmth Monitor"

    Vanden Abeele, P., & MacLachlan, D.L., (1994). Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 226-232.
  23. Time Changes in Perception: A Longitudinal Application of Multidimensional Scaling"

    Moinpour, R., McCullough, J.M., & MacLachlan, D.L., (1976). Journal of Marketing Research.

Martha Matthews

  1. Advertisers Less Satisfied as Results of Detroit JOA"

    Shaver, M.A., & Matthews, M., (1996). Newspaper Research Journal.
  2. How Public Ownership Affects Publisher Autonomy"

    Matthews, M., (1996). Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly.
  3. Route to the Top: How the Top Newspaper Chains Train their Publishers"

    Matthews, M., (1996). Media Management Review.

Natalie Mizik

  1. Visual Listening In: Extracting Brand Image Portrayed on Social Media"

    Liu, L., D. Dzyabura, and Natalie Mizik, (forthcoming). Marketing Science.
  2. Handbook of Marketing Analytics with Applications in Marketing, Public Policy, and Litigation"

    Mizik, N., Hanssens, D., (2018).
  3. Managing for the Moment: Role of Real Activity Manipulation versus Accruals in SEO Over-Valuation"

    Kothari, S.P., Mizik, N., Roychowdhury, S., (2016). The Accounting Review.
  4. Assessing the Total Financial Performance Impact of Brand Equity with Limited Time-Series Data"

    Mizik, Natalie, (2014). Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 51(6), pp. 691-706.
  5. Firm Innovation and the Ratchet Effect among Consumer Packaged Goods Firms"

    Moorman, C., Wies, S., Mizik, N., & Spencer, F., (2012). Marketing Science, Vol 31(6), pp. 934–951.
  6. Modeling coexisting business scenarios with time-series panel data: A dynamics-based segmentation approach"

    Bucklin, R., Mizik, N., & Sismeiro, C., (2012). International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol 29(2), pp. 134-147.
  7. Merging Company Identities May Add Value"

    Dinner, I., Knowles, J., & Mizik, N., (2011). Harvard Business Review, Vol 89(September), pp. 26.
  8. The Financial Markets and Customer Satisfaction: Re-examining Possible Financial Market Mis-Pricing of Customer Satisfaction"

    Jacobson, R. & Mizik, N., (2009). Marketing Science, Vol 28(5), pp. 810-819.
  9. The Financial Value Impact of Perceptual Brand Attributes"

    Mizik, Natalie, Jacobson, Robert L., (2008). Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 45(1), pp. 15-32.
  10. Myopic Marketing Management: Evidence of the Phenomenon and Its Long-Term Performance Consequences in the SEO Context"

    Mizik, N., Jacobson, R., (2007). Marketing Science, Vol 26(3), pp. 361-379.
  11. Are Physicians ‘Easy Marks’? Quantifying the Effects of Detailing and Sampling on New Prescriptions"

    Mizik, N., Jacobson, R., (2004). Management Science, Vol 51(12), pp. 1704-1715.
  12. Trading Off between Value Creation and Value Appropriation: The Financial Implications of Shifts in Strategic Emphasis"

    Mizik, Natalie, Jacobson, Robert L., (2003). Journal of Marketing, pp. 63-76.
  13. The Theory and Practice of Myopic Management"

    Mizik, N., (2010). Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 47(4), pp. 594-611.
  14. Valuing Branded Businesses"

    Mizik, N., & Jacobson, R., (2009). Journal of Marketing, Vol 73(6), pp. 137-153.

Reza Moinpour

  1. A Flexible Strategy for Reducing and Analyzing Ordered Choice Data"

    Moinpour, R., MacLachlan, D.L., & Wiley, J., (1994). Multivariate Behavioral Research.
  2. Managerial Judgment in Marketing:The Concept of Expertise"

    Larréché, J.C., & Moinpour, R., (1983). Journal of Marketing Research.
  3. Time Changes in Perception: A Longitudinal Application of Multidimensional Scaling"

    Moinpour, R., McCullough, J.M., & MacLachlan, D.L., (1976). Journal of Marketing Research.

John Narver

  1. The Marketing Economy: An Analytical Approach"

    , (1971).
  2. Creating a Market Orientation"

    Narver, J.C., Slater, S.F., & Tietje, B., (1998). Journal of Market-Focused Management.
  3. Customer-Led and Market-Oriented: Let’s Not Confuse the Two"

    Slater, S.F., & Narver, J., (1998). Strategic Management Journal.
  4. Market Orientation and the Learning Organization"

    Narver, J.C., (1995). Journal of Marketing.
  5. Does Competitive Environment Moderate the Market Orientation-Performance Relationship?"

    Narver, J.C., (1994). Journal of Marketing.
  6. The Effect of Market Orientation on Business Profitability"

    Narver, J.C., (1990). Journal of Marketing.
  7. The Marketing Economy: An Analytical Approach"

    Narver, J.C., Savitt, R.,, (1971).
  8. Conglomerate Mergers and Market Competition"

    Narver, J.C., (1967).
  9. Market Oriented is more than Being Customer Led (forthcoming)"

    Slater, S.F., & Narver, J.. Strategic Management Journal.

Robert W. Palmatier

  1. Conceptual Research: Multidisciplinary Insights for Marketing"

    Palmatier, R., (2025). Journal of Marketing.
  2. Marketing in the Health Care Sector: Disrupted Exchanges and New Research Directions"

    Palmatier, R., (2024). Journal of Marketing.
  3. Uncovering Synergy and Dysergy in Consumer Reviews: A Machine Learning Approach"

    , (2023). Management Science.
  4. Understanding Online Influencer Marketing Effectiveness"

    , (2022). Journal of Marketing.
  5. From Vision to Reality: Lessons in Creating a Marketplace of Ideas"

    , (2022). Journal of Marketing.
  6. Does Influencer Marketing Really Payoff?"

    , (2022). Harvard Business Review.
  7. Digital Technologies: Tensions in Privacy and Data"

    , (2022). Journal of Academy of Marketing Science.
  8. Online Influencer Marketing"

    , (2022). Journal of Academy of Marketing Science.
  9. Marketing Analytics: Based on First Principles"

    , (2022). Bloomsbury.
  10. An Emerging Theory of Avatar Marketing"

    , (2022). Journal of Marketing.

Robert Pollack

  1. The Effects of Customer Acquisition and Retention Orientations on Radical and Incremental Innovation Performance"

    , (2011). Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.

Oliver J. Rutz

  1. A New Method to Aid Copy Testing of Paid Search Text Advertisements"

    Rutz, O., Sonnier, G., & Trusov, M., (forthcoming). Journal of Marketing Research.
  2. Paths to and off Purchase: Quantifying the Impact of Traditional Marketing and Online Consumer Activity"

    Srinivasan, S., Rutz, O. & Pauwels, K., (2016). Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
  3. Managing Blood Donations by Marketing"

    Aravindakshan, A., Rubel, O. & Rutz, O., (2015). Marketing Science.
  4. How online consumer segments differ in long-term marketing effectiveness"

    Reimer, K., Rutz, O. & Pauwels, K., (2014). Journal of Interactive Marketing.
  5. A Latent Instrumental Variables Approach to Modeling Keyword Conversion in Paid Search Advertising"

    Bucklin, R., Rutz, O., & Sonnier, G., (2012). Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 49(3), pp. 306-319.
  6. Does Banner Advertising Affect Browsing for Brands? Clickstream Choice Model Says Yes, For Some"

    Bucklin, R., & Rutz, O., (2012). Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Vol 10(2), pp. 231-257.
  7. A Dynamic Model of the Effect of Online Communications on Firm Sales"

    Sonnirt, G.P., McAlister, L., & Rutz, O.J., (2011). Marketing Science, pp. 702-716.
  8. From Generic to Branded: A Model of Spillover Dynamics in Paid Search Advertising"

    Rutz, O.J., & Bucklin, R.E., (2011). Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 48(1), pp. 87-102.
  9. Modeling Indirect Effects of Paid Search Advertising: Which Keywords Lead to More Future Visits?"

    Rutz, O.J., Trusov, M., & Bucklin, R.E., (2011). Marketing Science, Vol 30(4), pp. 646-665.
  10. Modeling the Evolution of Internal Market Structure"

    Rutz, O.J., & Sonnier, G.P., (2011). Marketing Science, Vol 30(2), pp. 274-289.
  11. Zooming in on Paid Search Ads – An Individual-level Model Calibrated on Aggregated Data"

    Rutz, O.J., Mullin, P.W., & Trusov, M., (2011). Marketing Science, Vol 30(5), pp. 789-800.
  12. Metrics for the New Internet Marketing Mix"

    Review of Marketing Research, (2009), pp. 175-192.
  13. A Latent Instrumental Variables Approach to Modeling Keyword Conversion in Paid Search Advertising"

    Rutz, O.J., Mullin, P.W., & Sonnier, G.P.. Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 49(3), pp. 306-319.

Amin Sayedi

  1. Learning in Online Advertising"

    J. Choi and Amin Sayedi, (2019). Marketing Science, pp. 584-608.
  2. Exclusivity in Online Advertising"

    Sayedi, Amin, K. Jerath and M Baghaie, (2018). Marketing Science, pp. 970-986.
  3. Real-time Bidding in Online Display Advertising"

    Sayedi, Amin, (2018). Marketing Science, pp. 553-568.
  4. Expertise in Online Markets"

    Despotakis, S., I. Hafalir, R. Ravi and Amin Sayedi, (2017). Management Science, Vol 63(11), pp. 3895-3910.
  5. Strategic Compliments in Sales"

    Sayedi, A. & Shulman, J., (2017). Quantitative Marketing & Economics, Vol 15(1), pp. 57-84.
  6. Keyword Management Costs and `Broad Match’ in Sponsored Search Advertising"

    , (2016). Marketing Science, Vol 35(2), pp. 259-274.
  7. Game-theoretic Models of Information Overload in Social Networks"

    Borgs, C., Chayes, J., Karrer B., Meeder, B., Ravi, R., Reagans, R., & Sayedi, A., (2012). Seventh Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph: WAW'10..
  8. A Near Pareto Optimal Auction with Budget Constraints"

    Hafalir, I.E., Ravi, R., & Sayedi, A., (2011). Games and Economic Behavior.
  9. We Know Who You Followed Last Summer: Inferring Social Link Creation Times in Twitter"

    Meeder, B., Karrer, B., Sayedi, A., Ravi, R., Borgs, C., & Chayes, J., (2011). Twentieth International World Wide Web Conference: WWW'11, pp. 517-526.
  10. Mechanism Design for Complexity-constrained Bidders"

    Kumar, R., Mahdian, M., & Sayedi, A., (2009). The Fifth Workshop on Internet and Network Economics: WINE'09, pp. 513-520.
  11. Minimizing Movement"

    Demaine, E.D., Hajiaghayi, M., Mahini, H., Sayedi, A., Oveisgharan, S., & Zadimoghaddam, M., (2009). Proceedings of the 18th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms: SoDA'07 and ACM Transaction on Algorithms.
  12. Scheduling to Minimize Gaps and Power Consumption"

    Demaine, E.D., Mohammad, G., Hajiaghayi, M., Sayedi, A., & Zadimoghaddam, M., (2007). Proceedings of the 19th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures: SPAA'07, pp. 46-54.
  13. Spanning Trees with Minimum Weighted Degrees"

    Ghodsi, M., Mahini, H., Mirjalali, K., Gharan, S.O., Sayedi, A.S., & Zadimoghaddam, M., (2007). Information Processing Letters, Vol 10(3), pp. 113-116.
  14. Trading off Mistakes and Don’t-know Predictions"

    Sayedi, A., Zadimoghaddam, M., & Blum, A.. Twenty-fourth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems: NIPS'10.

Ann Schlosser

  1. So Close I Can Almost Sense It: The Interplay Between Sensory Imagery and Psychological Distance"

    Elder, R., Schlosser, A., Poor, M. & Xu, l., (forthcoming). Journal of Consumer Research.
  2. Who’s Driving This Conversation? Systematic Biases in the Content of Online Consumer Discussions"

    Hamilton, R., Schlosser, A. & Chen, Y., (forthcoming). Journal of Marketing Research.
  3. Who’s Driving This Conversation? Systematic Biases in the Content of Online Consumer Discussions"

    Hamilton, R., Ann E. Schlosser and Y. Chen, (2017). Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 54(4), pp. 540-555.
  4. Helping Others or Oneself: How Direction of Social Comparison Affects Charitable Intentions"

    Schlosser, A. & Levy, E., (2016). Journal of Consumer Psychology, pp. 461-473.

    • Lead article
  5. The Ups and Downs of Visual Orientation: The Effect of Diagonals on Judgment"

    Schlosser, A., Rikhi, R. & Dagogo-Jack, S., (2016). Journal of Consumer Psychology, pp. 496-509.
  6. The Sweet Taste of Gratitude: Receiving Help From Others Increases Preferences for Sweets"

    Schlosser, A.E., (2015). Journal of Consumer Psychology.
  7. Converting Website Visitors into Buyers: How Website Investment Increases Consumer Trusting Beliefs and Online Purchase Intentions"

    Schlosser, A.E., Barnett White, T., & Lloyd, S.M., (2006). Journal of Marketing.
  8. Can Including Pros and Cons Increase the Helpfulness and Persuasiveness of Online Reviews? The Interactive Effects of Ratings and Arguments"

    Schlosser, A.E., (2011). Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol 21(3), pp. 226-239.
  9. The Effect of Computer-Mediated Communication on Conformity versus Nonconformity: An Impression Management Perspective"

    Schlosser, A.E., (2009). Journal of Consumer Psychology, pp. 374-388.
  10. The effect of perceived message choice on persuasion"

    Schlosser, A.E., & Shavitt, S., (2009). Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol 19(3), pp. 290–301.
  11. Learning Through Virtual Product Experience: The Role of Imagery on True and False Memories"

    Schlosser, A.E., (2006). Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 377-383.
  12. Posting Versus Lurking: Communicating in a Multiple Audience Context"

    Schlosser, A.E., (2005). Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 260-265.
  13. Computers as situational cues: Implications for consumers’ product cognitions and attitudes"

    Schlosser, A.E., (2003). Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol 13(1 and 2), pp. 103-112.
  14. Experiencing products in a virtual world: The role of goals and imagery in influencing attitudes versus intentions"

    Schlosser, A.E., (2003). Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 184-198.
  15. Locus of control, Web use, and consumer attitudes toward Internet regulation"

    Hoffman, D.L., Novak, T.P., & Schlosser, A.E., (2003). Journal of Public Policy in Marketing, pp. 41-57.
  16. Anticipated discussion and product judgments: Rehearsing what to say can affect your judgments"

    Schlosser, A.E., & Shavitt, S., (2002). Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 101-115.

Jeffrey D. Shulman

  1. Making Inclusive Product Design a Reality: How Company Culture and Research Bias Impact Investment"

    Shulman, J. and J. Gu, (forthcoming). Marketing Science.
  2. Editorial: Marketing’s Role in the Evolving Discipline of Product Management"

    Shulman, J., O. Toubia, and R. Saddler, (2023). Marketing Science, Vol 42(1), pp. 1-5.
  3. Product Diversion by Vertically Differentiated Firms"

    Smith, E. and J. Shulman, (2022). Production and Operations Management Journal, Vol 31(5), pp. 1928-1939.
  4. The Perils of Personalized Pricing with Network Effects"

    Hajehashemi, B., A. Sayedi, and J. Shulman, (2022). Marketing Science, Vol 41(3), pp. 477-500.
  5. Does it Pay to Shroud In-App Purchase Prices"

    Shulman, J., X. Geng., (2019). Information Systems Research, Vol 30(3), pp. 856-871.
  6. On the Profitability of Stacked Discounts: Identifying Revenue and Cost Effects of Discount Framing"

    Ertekin, N., J. Shulman, H. Chen, (2019). Marketing Science, Vol 38(2), pp. 317-342.
  7. Implications of Market Spillovers"

    Fazli, A., J. Shulman, (2018). Management Science, Vol 64(11), pp. 4996-5013.
  8. Strategic Information Transmission in Peer-to-Peer Lending Markets"

    Caldieraro, F., Z. Zhang, M. Cunha, J. Shulman, (2018). Journal of Marketing, Vol 82(2), pp. 42-63.
  9. The Effects of Autoscaling in Cloud Computing"

    Fazli, A., A. Sayedi, J. Shulman, (2018). Management Science, Vol 64(11), pp. 5149-5163.
  10. Strategic Compliments in Sales"

    Sayedi, A. & Shulman, J., (2017). Quantitative Marketing & Economics, Vol 15(1), pp. 57-84.
  11. Consumer Uncertainty and Purchase Decision Reversals: Theory and Evidence"

    Shulman, J., Cunha Jr., M., & Saint Clair, J., (2015). Marketing Science, Vol 34(4), pp. 590-605.
  12. How Costs and Heterogeneous Consumer Price Sensitivity Interact with Add-On Pricing"

    Geng, X. & Shulman, J., (2015). Production & Operations Management Journal, Vol 24(12), pp. 1870-1882.
  13. Product Diversion to a Direct Competitor"

    Shulman, J., (2014). Marketing Science, Vol 33(3), pp. 422-436.
  14. Add-On Pricing by Asymmetric Firms"

    Shulman, J., & Geng, X., (2013). Management Science, Vol 59(4), pp. 899-917.
  15. Assimilation and Contrast in Price Evaluations"

    Cunha Jr., M., & Shulman, J., (2011). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 37(5), pp. 822-835.
  16. Managing Consumer Returns in a Competitive Environment"

    Shulman, J., Coughlan, A.T., & Savaskan, R. C., (2011). Management Science, Vol 57(2), pp. 347-362.
  17. Creating Superior Value by Managing the Marketing–Operations Management Interface"

    Coughlan, A.T., & Shulman, J., (2010). Kellogg on Marketing, pp. 393-408.
  18. Optimal Reverse Channel Structure for Consumer Product Returns"

    Shulman, J., Coughlan, A.T., & Savaskan, R. C., (2010). Marketing Science, Vol 29(6), pp. 1071-1085.
  19. Optimal Restocking Fees and Information Provision in an Integrated Supply-Demand Model of Product Returns"

    Shulman, J., Coughlan, A.T., & Savaskan, R. C., (2009). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol 11(4).
  20. Used Goods, Not Used Bads: Profitable Secondary Market Sales for a Durable Goods Channel"

    Shulman, J., & Coughlan, A.T., (2007). Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Vol 5(2), pp. 191-210.

Jeremiah Sullivan

  1. Exploring International Business Environments"

    Sullivan, J., (1999).
  2. The Functions of Corporate Web Pages"

    Sullivan, J., (1999). Journal of World Business.
  3. English as the Lingua Franca of Business in Asia"

    Kameda, N., & Sullivan, J., (1996). Multinational Business Review, Vol 4(1).

Francesca Valsesia

  1. You Should Try These Together: Combinatory Recommendations Signal Expertise and Improve Product Attitudes"

    D’Angelo, Jennifer and Francesca Valsesia, (2023). Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 60(1), pp. 155-169 (equal authorship).
  2. Let Me Show You What I Did versus What I Have: Sharing Experiential versus Material Purchases Alters Authenticity and Liking of Social Media Users"

    Valsesia, Francesca and Kristin Diehl, (2022). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 49(3), pp. 76-89.
  3. Does Gender Matter? The Effect of Management Responses on Reviewing Behavior,"

    Proserpio, Davide, Isamar Troncoso, and Francesca Valsesia, (2021). Marketing Science, Vol 40(6), pp. 1199-2013.
  4. I Am Not Talking to You: Partitioning an Audience in an Attempt to Solve the Self-Promotion Dilemma,"

    Valsesia, Francesca, Joseph C. Nunes, and Andrea Ordanin, (2021). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, pp. 76-89.
  5. The Positive Effect of Not Following Others on Social Media"

    Valsesia, Francesca, Davide Proserpio, and Joseph C. Nunes, (2020). Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 57(6), pp. 1152-1168.
  6. Based on a True Story: Making People Believe the Unbelievable"

    Valsesia, Francesca, Kristin Diehl, and Joseph C. Nunes, (2017). Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, pp. 105-110.
  7. What Wins Awards is Not Always What I Buy: How Creative Control Affects Authenticity and Thus Recognition (But Not Liking)"

    Valsesia, Francesca, Joseph C. Nunes and Andrea Ordanini, (2016). Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 897-914.
  8. The Power of Repetition: Repetitive Lyrics in a Song Increase Processing Fluency and Drive Market Success"

    Nunes, Joseph C., Andrea Ordanini, and Francesca Valsesia, (2015). Journal of Consumer Psychology, pp. 187-199.

Russell Walker

  1. Activating the West Coast Groundfishery for Sustainable Economic Growth."

    Walker, R., Wasserman, A., Inamdar, N., (2018). Paper to Packard Foundation.
  2. From Big Data to Big Profits: Success with Data and Analytics"

    Walker, R., (2015).
  3. LinkingIN to Data Products."

    Walker, R., Davenport, T., (2015). The Wall Street Journal.
  4. Monetizing Big Data For Big Profits: It Takes More Than Algorithms."

    Walker, R., (2015). Forbes.
  5. The Increasing Importance of Operational Risk in Enterprise Risk Management."

    Walker, R., (2015). The Journal of Enterprise Risk Management, Vol 1(1).
  6. What Cuba’s New Wave of Entrepreneurs Need to Know."

    Walker, R., Bell, K., (2015). Fortune.
  7. Four Tips for Mitigating Risk of Cyber Crime."

    Walker, R., (2013). SAS Knowledge Exchange.
  8. Risk Management in Financial Services"

    Walker, R., (2013).
  9. Winning with Risk Management"

    Walker, R., (2013).
  10. Winning with Risk Management: Focus on Operational Risk."

    Walker, R., (2013). The European Financial Review.
  11. Fortune Favours the Well-Prepared."

    Walker, R., (2009). Financial Times.
  12. Partnerships in Training."

    Walker, R., (2006). Interfaces, Vol 36(4), pp. 359–370.

Scott Wallace

  1. How Goal Specificity Shapes Motivation: A Reference Points Perspective"

    Wallace, S. & Etkin, J., (2017). Journal of Consumer Research.

Kelly Breslin Wright

  1. 3 Traits Executives Need to Thrive"

    K Wright, (2022). LinkedIn.
  2. Create a Winning Company Culture"

    K Wright, (2021). LinkedIn.
  3. Best Practices to Achieve A Board Seat"

    K Wright, (2020). LinkedIn.
  4. Why Mission and Vision Really Do Matter"

    K Wright, (2019). Medium.

Richard Yalch

  1. Consumer Response to Polysemous Brand Slogans (forthcoming)"

    Dimofte, C.V., & Yalch, R.F., (2007). Journal of Consumer Research.
  2. The SMAART Scale: A Test of Individuals’ Automatic Access to Secondary Meanings in Polysemous Statements (forthcoming)"

    Dimofte, C.V., & Yalch, R.F., (2007). Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol 17(1), pp. 49-58.
  3. Applying Social Cognition to Consumer Focused Strategy"

    Kardes, F.R., Herr, P.M., & Nantel, J., (2005), pp. 281-296.
  4. Online Consumer Psychology"

    Haugtvedt, C., & Machleit, K., (2005).

Hema Yoganarasimhan

  1. Search Personalization using Machine Learning"

    Yoganarasimhan, Hema, (2020). Management Science, pp. 1045-1070.
  2. Targeting and Privacy in Mobile Advertising"

    Rafieian, O., and Yoganarasimhan, Hema, (2020). Conditionally Accepted at Marketing Science.
  3. Identifying the Presence and Cause of Fashion Cycles in Data"

    Yoganarasimhan, H, (2017). Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 24(1), pp. 5-26.

    • Lead Article
  4. Estimation of Beauty Contest Auctions"

    Yoganarasimhan, H., (2016). Marketing Science, Vol 35(1), pp. 27-54.
  5. The Value of Reputation in an Online Freelance Marketplace"

    Yoganarasimhan , H., (2013). Marketing Science.

    • Winner, John D.C. Little Best Paper Award, 2013
  6. Cloak or Flaunt? The Fashion Dilemma"

    Yoganarasimhan , H., (2012). Marketing Science, Vol 31(1), pp. 74-95.

    • Winner, Frank M. Bass Outstanding Dissertation Award, 2012
    • Finalist, John D.C. Litte Best Paper Award, 2012
  7. Link to Success – How Blogs Build an Audience by Promoting Rivals"

    Mayzlin, D., & Yoganarasimhan, H., (2012). Management Science, Vol 58(9), pp. 1651-1668.
  8. Impact of social network structure on content propagation: A study using YouTube data"

    Yoganarasimhan , H., (2012). Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Vol 10(1), pp. 111-150.