Thank you for your interest in serving as a Reader/Grader for the Department of Accounting! This position is a great way to earn a little extra money during your studies and work more closely with some of our Accounting faculty. In a Reader/Grader role, you would be assisting our faculty, PhD students, and/or Teaching Assistants with grading assignments, quizzes, and exams based on a rubric throughout the quarter.
How does the Reader/Grader Pool work and who should apply:
We have closed applications for 2023-24 due to the volume of applications received. If you are selected for consideration for a Winter 2024 or Spring 2024 grader position, you will be contacted directly by a faculty member or teaching assistant for that course for more information.
In Summer 2024, we will be compiling a pool of potential Reader/Graders for the 2024-2025 academic year and will be seeking driven candidates who are either: 1. students in the Foster School of Business in a relevant program, or 2. pre-major students who have been encouraged to apply by faculty or administrative staff based on their excellence in ACCTG 215 or 225.
To be included in the Reader/Grader pool, you will just need to fill out a short Google Form, when applications are opened. Completing this form will not guarantee your employment. Our faculty will review the submissions in our pool when the need for a Reader/Grader arises and reach out if they are interested in bringing you on. You may be required to submit additional application information/material on request by faculty or administrative staff for onboarding purposes.
Student hourly employee eligibility:
Student hourly employment is available to UW students who meet the following enrollment requirements:
- Undergraduate students enrolled for a minimum of 6 credits
- Graduate students who are enrolled for a minimum of five credits, or two credits for Ph.D. candidates working on their dissertation. This does not include hourly paid positions covered by the United Auto Workers (UAW) collective bargaining agreement covering Academic Student Employees (ASEs)
For more information and other student employee resources, please see the student employees webpage on the UW HR website.
Reader/Grader Responsibilities:
The following list of responsibilities includes what duties may be assigned in this position, though the specific duties assigned will vary by course and instructor and will be discussed at the start of each quarter:
- Prepare/maintain course webpage or Canvas site
- Print/copy overheads, slides, and handouts, as directed
- Maintain other e-resources, as directed
- Obtain resources as needed (rooms, etc.)
- Attend meetings with Instructor or TAs to discuss grading criteria and grading outcomes
- Score exams and provide written feedback on exams, homework, and other deliverables, according to criteria established by Instructor
- Proctor exams
- Maintain participation records
- Maintain grading and other records on student performance
- Attend a selection of lectures when required
- Other duties as assigned
Pay, Hours, and Appointment Duration:
Base pay for this position is $19.25 per hour and weekly hours assigned will vary depending on the course’s exam and homework schedule, up to a maximum of 19.5 hours per week. An average commitment of 8-10 hours per week would be a reasonable assumption, but again, that might vary depending on instructor and course. Each appointment will be a quarter by default, though faculty may ask you to continue on for additional quarters/courses as needed.
Contact Us:
If you have any questions about the position, Reader/Grader pool process, etc., please contact Department of Accounting Administrator Joel Carey at [email protected] and he would be happy to assist you with your questions.