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Faculty Directory

Douglas MacLachlan
Office: 510
Phone: 206-543-4562
Fax: 206-543-7472

Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353200
Seattle, WA 98195-3226

To ask how much survey nonresponse is acceptable is like asking how long is a piece of string. The answer, of course, is that it depends on the nature of the problem to which it is being applied.

Douglas MacLachlan

Professor Emeritus of Marketing


PhD University of California, Berkeley (1971)
MA University of California, Berkeley (1970)
MBA University of California, Berkeley (1965)
BA University of California, Berkeley (1963)

Current Research

Customer response models, Data mining methods, Customer relationship management, Pricing models, Marketing metrics

Positions Held

At the University of Washington since 1970
Visiting scholar at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France, 1982-1983
Visiting professor at, Catholic University in Leuven, Belgium, 1991-1992
Visiting professor at, Koc University in Istanbul, Turkey, 2001
Visiting professor at, Vice president of marketing at Hartec Corporation, 1966-1970

Selected Publications

  1. Estimating Willingness to Pay by Risk Adjustment Mechanism
    Journal Article:Park, J.H., MacLachlan, D.L., (2013). Applied Economics, Vol. 45(1), pp. 37-46.
  2. Improving Response Modeling Based on Clustering, Undersampling, and Ensemble
    Journal Article:Kang, P., Cho, S., & MacLachlan, D.L., (2012). Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 29(8), pp. 6738-6753.
  3. New Venture Performance in China, Japan and US: The Impact of Formalization and Market Information
    Journal Article:Kawakami, T., MacLachlan, D.L., Stringfellow, A., (2012). Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 29(2), pp. 275-287.
  4. New-Product Pricing Strategy under Customer Asymmetric Anchoring
    Journal Article:Park, J.H., MacLachlan, D.L., & Love, E.A., (2011). International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 28, pp. 309-318.
  5. An Analysis of the US Decking Materials Market: Perceptual Mapping Approach
    Journal Article:Ganguly, I., Eastin, I., MacLachlan, D.L., (2011). Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 4, pp. 668-669.
  6. Social Competency and New Product Development Performance
    Journal Article:Mu, J., Zhang, G., & MacLachlan, D.L., (2011). IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 58(2), pp. 363-376.
  7. Semi-Supervised Response Modeling
    Journal Article:Lee, H., Shin, H., Hwang, S., & MacLachlan, D.L., (2010). Journal of Interactive Marketing,
  8. Absorptive and Disseminative Capacity: Knowledge Transfer in Intra-organization Networks
    Journal Article:Mu, J., Tang, F., & MacLachlan, D.L.,, (2010). Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 3(1), pp. 31-38.
  9. Effect of Risk Management Strategy on NPD Performance
    Journal Article:Mu, J., Peng, G., & MacLachlan, D.L., (2009). Technovation, Vol. 29, pp. 170-180.
  10. A customer-based view of multi-channel Service
    Journal Article:Cassab, H., MacLachlan, D.L., (2009). Journal of Service Management, Vol. 20(1), pp. 52-75.
  11. Implication of Network Size and Structure on Organizations’ Knowledge Transfer
    Journal Article:Tang, F., Mu, J., & MacLachlan, D.L., (2008). Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 35(1), pp. 1109-1114.
  12. Estimating Willingness to Pay with Exaggeration Bias Corrected Contingent Valuation Method
    Journal Article:Park, J.H., & MacLachlan, D., (2008). Marketing Science, Vol. 27(4), pp. 691-698.
  13. Interaction Fluency: A Customer Performance Measure of Multichannel Service
    Journal Article:Cassab, H., & MacLachlan, D.L., (2006). International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 55(7), pp. 555-568.
  14. Response Models Based on Bagging Neural Networks
    Journal Article:Ha, K., Cho, S., & MacLachlan, D.L., (2005). Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 19(1), pp. 17-31.
  15. Ad Skepticism: The Consequences of Disbelief
    Journal Article:Obermiller, C., Spangenberg, E., & MacLachlan, D.L., (2005). Journal of Advertising, Vol. 34(3), pp. 7-18.
  16. Responsive and Proactive Market Orientation and New-Product Success
    Journal Article:Narver, J.C., Slater, S.F., MacLachlan, D.L., (2004). Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 21, pp. 334-347.
  17. Using Latent Class Models to Improve Marketing Decision Making: A Segmentation Illustration
    Journal Article:Mulhern, M., & MacLachlan, D.L., (2003). Canadian Journal of Marketing Research, pp. 25-30.
  18. Fax Surveys: Return Patterns and Comparison with Mail Surveys,” with J. Dickson
    Journal Article:Dickson, J.P., & MacLachlan, D.L., (1996). Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 33, pp. 108-113.
  19. Application of a Multi-Generational Diffusion Model to Milk Container Technology
    Journal Article:Speece, M.W., & MacLachlan, D.L., (1995). Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 49(3), pp. 281-295.
  20. Ecological Validation of Alternative Customer-Based Brand Strength Measures
    Journal Article:Francois, P., & MacLachlan, D.L., (1995). International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 12(4), pp. 321-332.
  21. A Flexible Strategy for Reducing and Analyzing Ordered Choice Data
    Journal Article:Moinpour, R., MacLachlan, D.L., & Wiley, J., (1994). Multivariate Behavioral Research,
  22. Process Tracing of Emotional Responses to TV Ads: Revisiting the Warmth Monitor
    Journal Article:Vanden Abeele, P., & MacLachlan, D.L., (1994). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 21, pp. 226-232.
  23. Time Changes in Perception: A Longitudinal Application of Multidimensional Scaling
    Journal Article:Moinpour, R., McCullough, J.M., & MacLachlan, D.L., (1976). Journal of Marketing Research,


Expert witness in litigation, various companies
Marketing research, various companies

Honors and Awards

Marion B. Ingersoll Professor of Marketing, 2007-2012
Dean's Citizenship Award, 2003
Andrew V. Smith Faculty Development Award, 2001
Simpson Timber Faculty Scholar, 1992-1994
Ford Motor Company Professor, 1989-1990
Nordstrom Professor of Retail Marketing, 1988-1989

Academic Service

Faculty Director - International Alliances, 2003-2006
Associate Dean for Academic Programs, 1995-1999
Chairman of the Department of Marketing and International Business, 1978-82, 1983-86, 1993-94, & 2006-2012
Executive Direct, Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), 1995-1999

Courses Taught

Marketing Research
Database Marketing and Decision Models
Advanced Marketing Management
Marketing Research Topics: Analysis of Multivariate Marketing Data, Data Mining