Faculty Research Briefs March 17, 2023 New Research: Vaccine Shopping When vaccines are plentiful, allowing people to choose their type (go vaccine shopping) can accelerate pandemic rollout November 1, 2022 The Weight of Hate Social media platforms need to do more to protect kids from rampant—and viral—toxic comments March 23, 2021 Erasing a Raise Minimum wage increase can exact an unintended toll on workers intended to benefit December 5, 2019 When Feedback Backfires Instant evaluations, in some cases, can worsen performance December 4, 2012 At the Source Targeted global vaccine subsidies could stop the spread of flu where it starts November 23, 2012 Shoo, flu! Smart vaccine subsidies could curb the spread of influenza More faculty research on the magazine March 15, 2019 The hidden cost of just-in-time scheduling Do you know your work schedule for tomorrow? How about today? For millions of Americans in the service industry, the… July 30, 2018 Revenue-share crowdfunding looks promising for small businesses and investors Crowdfunding is the trending way to raise money. This democratization of financing, enabled by sites such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo, offers… May 29, 2018 Telecom bundling keeps customers from switching providers Telecommunications companies commonly bundle services at a discount to entice consumers. But if bundling attracts new customers, it serves an… February 13, 2015 To police the Internet most efficiently, modest crowds are wisest As life increasingly migrates online, the traditional work of experts is gradually giving way to the wisdom of crowds. We… February 12, 2015 Yong Tan named Chang Jiang Scholar by Chinese Ministry of Education Yong Tan, the Neal and Jan Dempsey Professor of Information Systems at the University of Washington Foster School of Business,… More faculty research on the blog