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Selected Publications

Léonard Boussioux
Shi Chen
Ming Fan
Mark Hillier
Hyeunjung (Elina) Hwang
Apurva Jain
Tayfun Keskin
Theodore Klastorin
Stephanie Lee
Hamed Mamani
Kamran Moinzadeh
Leela Nageswaran
Shaosong Ou
Manoj Parameswaran
Thomas Schmitt
Masha Shunko
Andrew Siegel
Issariya Sirichakwal
Yong Tan
Michael R. Wagner
Yingfei Wang
Mingwen Yang
Yong-Pin Zhou

Léonard Boussioux

  1. Holistic Deep Learning"

    Bertsimas, D., Carballo, K., Boussioux, L., Li, M., Paskov, A., Paskov, I., (2024). Machine Learning, pp. 159–183 .
  2. Automated Segmentation of Sacral Chordoma Tumors and Surrounding Muscles Using Deep Learning Ensemble"

    Boussioux, L.*, Ma, Y.*, Thomas, N., Bertsimas, D., et al., (2023). International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Vol 117(3), pp. 738-749.
  3. Hurricane Forecasting: A Novel Multimodal Machine Learning Framework"

    Boussioux, L.*, Zeng, C.*, Guénais, T., Bertsimas, D., (2022). Weather and Forecasting, pp. 817-831.
  4. Integrated Multimodal Artificial Intelligence Framework for Healthcare Applications"

    Soenksen, L.*, Ma, Y.*, Zeng, C.*, Boussioux, L.*, Carballo, K.*, Na, I.*, Wiberg, H., Li, M., Fuentes, I., Bertsimas, D., (2022). npj Digital Medicine, Vol 5(1), pp. 1-10.
  5. From Predictions to Prescriptions: A Data-Driven Response to COVID-19"

    Bertsimas, D., Boussioux, L., Cory-Wright, R., Delarue, A., Digalakis, V., Jacquillat, A., et al., (2020). Health Care Management Science, Vol 24(2), pp. 253–272.

Shi Chen

  1. Enhancing Customer-Supplier Coordination Through Customer-Managed Inventory"

    Shi Chen, Morris A. Cohen, and Hau L. Lee., (forthcoming). Management Science.
  2. Inventory and Supply Chain Management with Auto-Delivery Subscription"

    Shi Chen, Junfei Lei, and Kamran Moinzadeh, (forthcoming). Production and Operations Management.
  3. No-Regret Learning in Two-Echelon Supply Chain with Unknown Demand Distribution"

    Mengxiao Zhang, Shi Chen, Haipeng Luo, and Yingfei Wang, (2023). In Proceedings of The 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), pp. 3270-3298.
  4. Cloud Computing Value Chains: Research from the Operations Management Perspective"

    Chen, S., Moinzadeh, K., Song, J., Zhong, Y., (2023). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol 25(4), pp. 1338-1356.
  5. When to Lock the Volatile Input Price? Procurement of Commodity Components under Different Pricing Schemes"

    Chen, S., Lei, J., Moinzadeh, K., (2022). Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM), pp. 1183-1201.
  6. Discount Schemes for the Preemptible Service of a Cloud Platform with Unutilized Capacity"

    Chen, S., Moinzadeh, K., Tan, Y., (2021). Information Systems Research (ISR), pp. 967-986.
  7. Capacity Expansions with Bundled Supplies of Attributes: An Application to Server Procurement in Cloud Computing"

    Arbabian, M., Chen, S., Moinzadeh, K., (2021). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol 23(1), pp. 191–209.
  8. Pricing Schemes in Cloud Computing: Utilization-Based versus Reservation-Based"

    Chen, S., Lee, H. and Moinzadeh, K., (2019). Production and Operations Management, pp. 82-102.
  9. Impact of Supply Chain Transparency on Sustainability under NGO Scrutiny"

    Chen, S., Zhang, Q., Zhou, Y. P., (2019). Production and Operations Management, Vol 28(12), pp. 3002-3022.
  10. Inventory Control and Delivery Time Quotation for Assembly Supply Chains"

    Chen, S., and Moinzadeh, K., (2018). Operations Research, pp. 1004-1022.
  11. Incentive Alignment and Coordination of Project-Based Supply Chains"

    Chen, S., and Lee, H., (2017). Management Science, Vol 63(4), pp. 1011-1025.
  12. Supply Chain Coordination with Multiple Shipments: the Optimal Inventory Subsidizing Contracts"

    Chen, S., Lee, H., and Moinzadeh, K., (2016). Operations Research, Vol 64(6), pp. 1320-1337.

Ming Fan

  1. Short-Term and Long-Term Competition between Providers of Shrink-Wrap Software and Software as a Service"

    Kumar, S., Ming, F., & Whinston, A. B., (2009). European Journal of Operations Research, Vol 196(2), pp. 661-671.
  2. A Supply Chain Model with Direct and Retail Channels"

    Dumrongsiri, A., Jain, A., Ming, F., & Moinzadeh, K., (2008). European Journal of Operations Research, Vol 187(3), pp. 691-718.
  3. Selling or Advertising: Strategies of Providing Digital Media Online"

    Kumar, S., Ming, F., & Whinston, A. B., (2008). Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol 24(3), pp. 143-166.

Mark Hillier

  1. Designing Unpaced Production Lines to Optimize Throughput and Work-in-Process Inventory"

    Hillier, M.S., (2013). IIE Transaction, Vol 45(5), pp. 516-527.
  2. Introduction to Management Science: A Modeling and Case Studies Approach with Spreadsheets"

    Hillier, F.S., & Hillier, M.S., (2013).
  3. Simultaneous optimization of work and buffer space in unpaced production lines with random processing times"

    Hillier, F.S., & Hillier, M.S., (2006). IIE Transactions, Vol 38(1), pp. 53-65.
  4. Using Commonality as Backup Safety Stock"

    Hillier, M.S., (2002). European Journal of Operational Research, Vol 136(2), pp. 353–365.
  5. Component Commonality in Multiple-Period, Assemble-to-Order Systems"

    Hillier, M.S., (2000). IIE Transactions, Vol 32(8), pp. 755-766.
  6. Optimal Component Assignment and Board Grouping in Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing"

    Brandeau, M.L., & Hillier, M.S., (1998). Operations Research, Vol 46(5), pp. 675-689.

Hyeunjung (Elina) Hwang

  1. A Nudge to a Credible Information as a Countermeasure to Misinformation: Evidence from Twitter"

    Elina Hwang, Stephanie Lee, (forthcoming). Information Systems Research.
  2. Popularity Bias in Online Dating Platforms: Theory and Empirical Evidence"

    Musa Celdir, Soo-Haeng Cho, Elina Hwang, (forthcoming). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
  3. Offline Returns for Online Retailers via Partnership"

    Leela Nageswaran, Elina Hwang, Soo-Haeng Cho., (forthcoming). Management Science.
  4. Delivering Healthcare through Teleconsultations: Implication on Offline Healthcare Disparity"

    Hwang, E., Guo, X., Tan, Y., Dang, Y., (2022). Information Systems Research, Vol 33(22), pp. 515-539.
  5. The Value of Online-Offline Return Partnership to Offline Retailers"

    Elina Hwang, Leela Nageswaran, Soo-Haeng Cho, (2022). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol 24(3), pp. 1630-1649.
  6. Learning to be Creative: A Mutually Exciting Spatial Point Process Model for Idea Generation in Open Innovation"

    Vipul Aggarwal, Elina Hwang, Yong Tan, (2021). Information Systems Research, Vol 32(4), pp. 1214-1235.
  7. Online Knowledge Communities: Breaking or Sustaining Knowledge Silos?"

    Hwang, E. & Krackhardt, D., (2020). Production and Operations Management, Vol 29(1), pp. 138-155.
  8. Jack of All, Master of Some: Information Network and Innovation in Crowdsourcing Communities"

    Elina Hwang, Param Vir Singh, Linda Argote, (2019). Information Systems Research, Vol 30(2), pp. 389-410.
  9. Knowledge Sharing in Online Communities: Learning to Cross Geographic and Hierarchical Boundaries"

    Hwang, E., Vir Singh, P., Argote, L., (2015). Organization Science, Vol 26(6), pp. 1593–1611.
  10. Organizational Learning"

    Argote, L., Hwang, E., (2014). David Teece and Mie Augier (Eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management.

Apurva Jain

  1. Impact of Retailers with Knowledge of Supplier’s Inventory on Supply Chain Performance"

    Jain, A., Mamani, H., & Moinzadeh, K., (2017). Production and Operations Management, Vol 26(3), pp. 542-556.
  2. Priority Allocation in a Rental Model with Decreasing Demand"

    Jain, A., Moinzadeh, K., & Dumrongsiri, A., (2015). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol 17(2), pp. 236-248.
  3. A Single-Supplier, Multiple-Retailer Model with Single-Season, Multiple-Ordering Opportunities and Fixed Ordering Cost"

    Jain, A., Moinzadeh, K., & Zhou, Y.-P., (2012). Operations Research, Vol 60(5), pp. 1098-1110.
  4. The Influence of Consumers’ Implicit Theories and Brand Extensions on Brand Personality Impressions and Overall Brand Evaluations"

    Mathur, P., Jain, S., & Maheswaran, D., (2012). Journal of Consumer Psychology.
  5. A Supply Chain Model with Direct and Retail Channels"

    Dumrongsiri, A., Jain, A., Ming, F., & Moinzadeh, K., (2008). European Journal of Operations Research, Vol 187(3), pp. 691-718.
  6. Value of Capacity Pooling for Heterogeneous Customers"

    Jain, A., (2007). European Journal of Operational Research, Vol 177(1), pp. 239-260.
  7. Priority and Dynamic Scheduling in a Make-to-Stock Queue with Hyperexponential Demand"

    Jain, A., (2006). Naval Research Logistics, Vol 53(5), pp. 363–382.
  8. A Supply Chain Model with Reverse Information Exchange"

    Jain, A., & Moinzadeh, K., (2005). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol 7(4), pp. 361-378.
  9. Modeling the Impact of Merging Capacity in a Production-Inventory System"

    Iyer, A., & Jain, A., (2004). Management Science, Vol 50(8), pp. 1082-1094.
  10. The Logistics Impact of a Mixture of Order-Streams in a Manufacturer-Retailer System"

    Iyer, A., & Jain, A., (2003). Management Science, Vol 49(7), pp. 890-906.

Tayfun Keskin

  1. Strategic Pricing of Horizontally Differentiated Services with Switching Costs: A Pricing Model for Cloud Computing"

    Keskin, T., (2015). International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol 19(3), pp. 34-53.
  2. Adaptive Auction Mechanism Design and the Incorporation of Prior Knowledge"

    Pardoe, D., Stone, P., Saar-Tsechansky, M., Keskin, T., & Tomak, K., (2010). INFORMS Journal on Computing, Vol 22(3), pp. 353-370.
  3. Exploring the Trade-Off between Immediate Gratification and Delayed Network Externalities in the Consumption of Information Goods"

    Tomak, K., & Keskin, T., (2008). European Journal of Operational Research, Vol 187(3), pp. 887-902.

Theodore Klastorin

  1. To Preannounce or Not: New Product Development in a Competitive Duopoly Market"

    Klastorin, K., Mamani, H., Zhou, Y.-P., (2016). Production and Operations Management, Vol 25(12), pp. 2051-2064.
  2. Incentive Contracts in Serial Stochastic Projects"

    T. Chen, T. Klastorin, & M. Wagner, (2015). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol 17(3), pp. 290-301.
  3. An Effective Methodology for the Stochastic Project Compression Problem"

    Klastorin, T., & Mitchell, G., (2007). IIE Transactions, Vol 39(19), pp. 957-969.
  4. The Impact of Small Lot Ordering on Traffic Congestion in a Physical Distribution System"

    Berk, E., Klastorin, T., & Moinzadeh, K., (1997). IIE Transactions, Vol 29(8), pp. 671-679.
  5. Impact of Material Flow Policies and Goals on Job Outcomes"

    Brown, K., Doerr, K., Klastorin, T., & Mitchell, T., (1996). Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 81(2), pp. 142-152.

Stephanie Lee

  1. A Nudge to a Credible Information as a Countermeasure to Misinformation: Evidence from Twitter"

    Elina Hwang and Stephanie Lee, (forthcoming). Information Systems Research.
  2. User-Generated Physician Ratings and Their Effects on Patients’ Physician Choices: Evidence from Yelp"

    Yiwei Chen and Stephanie Lee, (2024). Journal of Marketing, Vol 88(1), pp. 77-96.
  3. The Effects of Digital Textbooks on Students’ Academic Performance, Academic Interest, and Learning Skills"

    Stephanie Lee, Ju-Ho Lee, and Young-Shik Chung, (2023). Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 60(4), pp. 792-811.
  4. Provision of Helpful Review Videos: Effects of Video Characteristics on Perceived Helpfulness"

    Kyungmin Park, Stephanie Lee, Shahryar Doosti, and Yong Tan (first two authors contributed equally), (2023). Production and Operations Management, Vol 32(7), pp. 2031-2048.
  5. The Impact of Financial Incentives on Health and Healthcare: Evidence from a Large Wellness Program"

    Einav, L., Lee, S., Levin, J., (2019). Health Economics, Vol 28(2), pp. 261-279.
  6. Does Bundling Decrease the Probability of Switching Telecommunication Service Providers?"

    Lee, S., (2017). Review of Industrial Organization, Vol 50(3), pp. 303-322.

Hamed Mamani

  1. Bundle Payments vs. Fee-for-Service: Impact of Payment Scheme on Performance"

    Adida, E., Mamani, H., & Nassiri, S., (2017). Management Science, Vol 63(5), pp. 1606-1624.
  2. Closed-Form Solutions for Robust Inventory Management"

    Mamani, H., Nassiri, S. & Wagner, M., (2017). Management Science, Vol 63(5), pp. 1625-1643.
  3. Impact of Retailers with Knowledge of Supplier’s Inventory on Supply Chain Performance"

    Jain, A., Mamani, H., & Moinzadeh, K., (2017). Production and Operations Management, Vol 26(3), pp. 542-556.
  4. Supply Chain Coordination in the Presence of Gray Markets and Strategic Consumers"

    Ahmadi, R., Iravani, F., & Mamani, H., (2017). Production and Operations Management, Vol 26(2), pp. 252-272.
  5. To Preannounce or Not: New Product Development in a Competitive Duopoly Market"

    Klastorin, K., Mamani, H., Zhou, Y.-P., (2016). Production and Operations Management, Vol 25(12), pp. 2051-2064.
  6. Coping with Gray Markets: The Impact of Market Conditions and Product Characteristics"

    Ahmadi, R., Iravani, F., & Mamani, H., (2015). Production and Operations Management, Vol 24(5), pp. 762-777.
  7. Leadtime Management through Expediting in a Continuous Review Inventory System"

    Mamani, H., & Moinzadeh, K., (2014). Production and Operations Management, Vol 23(1), pp. 95-109.
  8. A Game Theoretic Model of International Influenza Vaccination Coordination"

    Chick, S.E., Mamani, H., & Simchi-Levi, D., (2013). Management Science, Vol 59(7), pp. 1650-1670.
  9. Operational Issues and Network Effects in Vaccine Markets"

    Adida, E., Dey, D., & Mamani, H., (2013). European Journal of Operational Research, Vol 231(2), pp. 414-427.
  10. Vaccine Market Coordination Using Subsidy"

    Adida, E., Dey, D., & Mamani, H., (2012). IIE Transaction on Healthcare Systems Engineering, Vol 2(1), pp. 78-96.
  11. Supply Chain Coordination and Influenza Vaccination"

    Chick, S.E., Mamani, H., & Simchi-Levi, D., (2008). Operations Research, Vol 56(6), pp. 1493-1506.

Kamran Moinzadeh

  1. When to Lock the Volatile Input Price? Procurement of Commodity Components under Different Pricing Schemes"

    Chen, S., Lei, J., Moinzadeh, K., (2022). Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM), pp. 1183-1201.
  2. Discount Schemes for the Preemptible Service of a Cloud Platform with Unutilized Capacity"

    Chen, S., Moinzadeh, K., Tan, Y., (2021). Information Systems Research (ISR), pp. 967-986.
  3. Capacity Expansions with Bundled Supplies of Attributes: An Application to Server Procurement in Cloud Computing"

    Arbabian, M., Chen, S., Moinzadeh, K., (2021). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol 23(1), pp. 191–209.
  4. Pricing Schemes in Cloud Computing: Utilization-Based versus Reservation-Based"

    Chen, S., Lee, H. and Moinzadeh, K., (2019). Production and Operations Management, pp. 82-102.
  5. Inventory Control and Delivery Time Quotation for Assembly Supply Chains"

    Chen, S., and Moinzadeh, K., (2018). Operations Research, pp. 1004-1022.
  6. Contracting Models for P2P Content Distribution"

    Moinzadeh, K., Li, Y., Ghasemkhani, H., & Tan, Y., (2018). Production and Operations Management, Vol 27(11), pp. 1940-1959.
  7. Impact of Retailers with Knowledge of Supplier’s Inventory on Supply Chain Performance"

    Jain, A., Mamani, H., & Moinzadeh, K., (2017). Production and Operations Management, Vol 26(3), pp. 542-556.
  8. Supply Chain Coordination with Multiple Shipments: the Optimal Inventory Subsidizing Contracts"

    Chen, S., Lee, H., and Moinzadeh, K., (2016). Operations Research, Vol 64(6), pp. 1320-1337.
  9. Priority Allocation in a Rental Model with Decreasing Demand"

    Jain, A., Moinzadeh, K., & Dumrongsiri, A., (2015). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol 17(2), pp. 236-248.
  10. Leadtime Management through Expediting in a Continuous Review Inventory System"

    Mamani, H., & Moinzadeh, K., (2014). Production and Operations Management, Vol 23(1), pp. 95-109.
  11. A Single-Supplier, Multiple-Retailer Model with Single-Season, Multiple-Ordering Opportunities and Fixed Ordering Cost"

    Jain, A., Moinzadeh, K., & Zhou, Y.-P., (2012). Operations Research, Vol 60(5), pp. 1098-1110.
  12. Incorporating Delay Mechanism in Ordering Policies in Multi-Echelon Distribution Systems"

    Moinzadeh, K. & Zhou, Y.-P., (2008). IIE Transactions, Vol 40(4).
  13. A Supply Chain Model with Direct and Retail Channels"

    Dumrongsiri, A., Jain, A., Ming, F., & Moinzadeh, K., (2008). European Journal of Operations Research, Vol 187(3), pp. 691-718.
  14. Coordinated Replenishment and Shipping Strategies in Inventory/Distribution Systems"

    with M. Gurbuz and K. Moinzadeh, (2007). Management Science, Vol 52(2).
  15. A Supply Chain Model with Reverse Information Exchange"

    Jain, A., & Moinzadeh, K., (2005). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol 7(4), pp. 361-378.
  16. Economic Control and Inspection Policies for High-Speed Unreliable Production Systems"

    Moinzadeh, K., & Tan, Y., (2005). IIE Transactions, Vol 37(8), pp. 711-724.
  17. Optimal Processing Policies for an e-Commerce Web Server"

    Moinzadeh, K., Mookerjee, V., & Tan, Y., (2005). INFORMS Journal on Computing, Vol 17(1), pp. 99-110.
  18. A Multi-Echelon Inventory System with Information Exchange"

    Moinzadeh, K., (2002). Management Science, Vol 48(3), pp. 414-426.
  19. Coordinating Orders in Supply Chains Through Price Discounts"

    Klastorin, T., Moinzadeh, K., & Son, J., (2002). IIE Transactions, Vol 34(8), pp. 679-689.
  20. An Improved Ordering Policy for Continuous Review Systems with Arbitrary Inter-Demand Time Distributions"

    Moinzadeh, K., (2001). IIE Transactions, Vol 33(2), pp. 111-119.
  21. Adjustment Strategies for a Fixed Delivery Contract"

    Moinzadeh, K., & Nahmias, S., (2000). Operations Research, Vol 48(3), pp. 408 - 423.

Leela Nageswaran

  1. Offline Returns for Online Retailers via Partnership"

    Leela Nageswaran, Elina Hwang, Soo-Haeng Cho, (forthcoming). Management Science.
  2. Implications of Vaccine Shopping during Pandemic"

    Leela Nageswaran, (2022). Production and Operations Management, Vol 32(4), pp. 1133-1149.
  3. Value of Online-Offline Return Partnership to Offline Retailers"

    Elina Hwang, Leela Nageswaran, Soo-Haeng Cho, (2021). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol 24(3), pp. 1630-1649.
  4. Queues with Redundancy: Is Waiting in Multiple Lines Fair?"

    Leela Nageswaran, Alan Scheller-Wolf, (2021). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol 24(4), pp. 1959-1976.
  5. Consumer Return Policies in Omnichannel Operations"

    Nageswaran, L., Cho, S.H., Scheller-Wolf, A., (2019). Management Science, Vol 66(12), pp. 5558-5575.

Shaosong Ou

  1. Acceptance of monetary rewards in open source software development"

    Krishnamurthy, S., Ou, S., and Tripathi, A., (2014). Research Policy, Vol 43(4), pp. 632-644.
  2. Working for free? Motivations for participating in open source projects"

    Hars, A., and Ou, S., (2002). International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol 6(3), pp. 25-39.
  3. Why is Open Source Viable? A Study of Intrinsic Motivation, Personal Needs and Future Returns"

    Hars, A., & Ou, S., (2000). AMCIS 2000 Proceedings.

Manoj Parameswaran

  1. Shared Distribution of Digital Products Using Multicast"

    Parameswaran, M., Stallaert, J., & Whinston, A., (2008). Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol 7(1), pp. 93–104.
  2. Reengineering the Internet for Better Security"

    Fang, F., Parameswaran, M., Whinston, A., & Zhao, X., (2007). IEEE Computer, Vol 40(1), pp. 40-44.
  3. Research Issues in Social Computing"

    Parameswaran. M., & Whinston, A., (2007). Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol 8(6).
  4. Social Computing: An Overview"

    Parameswaran, M., Whinston, A., (2007). Communications of the Association of Information Systems, Vol 19(37).
  5. Customized Broadband Content Provision to Local Communities"

    Parameswaran, M., (2005). Journal of Information Technology Theory and Applications, Vol 7(3), pp. 49-61.
  6. Information Sharing in E-Partnerships: Toward a Consistent Data Model"

    Jukic, B., Jukic, N., & Parameswaran, M., (2002). Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, Vol 12(2), pp. 175-195.
  7. A Market Based Allocation Mechanism for the Diffserv Framework"

    Parameswaran, M., Stallaert, J., & Whinston, A., (2001). Decision Support Systems, Vol 31(3), pp. 351-361.
  8. P2P Networking: An Information Sharing Alternative"

    Parameswaran, M., Susarla, A., & Whinston, A., (2001). IEEE Computer, Vol 34(7), pp. 31-37.
  9. Emerging Market Structures in the Digital Supply Chain"

    Parameswaran, M., Susarla, A., & Whinston, A., (2000). IT Pro, Vol 2(5), pp. 33-39.
  10. Streamlining the Digital Economy: How to Avert a Tragedy of the Commons"

    Gupta, A., Jukic, B., Parameswaran, M., Stahl, D., & Whinston, A., (1997). IEEE Internet Computing, Vol 1(6), pp. 38-46.

Thomas Schmitt

  1. Scheduling Recurrent Construction"

    Faaland, B., & Schmitt, T., (2004). Naval Research Logistics, Vol 51(8), pp. 1102-1128.
  2. Economic Lot Scheduling with Lost Sales and Setup Times"

    Arreola-Risa, T., Faaland, B., & Schmitt, T., (2003). IEE Transactions on Scheduling and Logistics, Vol 36(7), pp. 629-640.
  3. Your Lean Team, Use It, or Lose It"

    Brown, K., Schmitt, T., & Schonberger, R., (2003). Target, Vol 19(1).

Masha Shunko

  1. Constrained Load-Balancing Policies for Parallel Single-Server Queue Systems"

    Do H., M. Shunko, (forthcoming). Management Science.
  2. Does feedback make you try less hard? A study of automotive telematics"

    Choudhary, V., M. Shunko, S. Netessine, (forthcoming). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
  3. Nudging Drivers to Safety: Evidence from a Field Experiment"

    Choudhary V, Shunko M, Netessine S, and Koo S., (forthcoming). Management Science.
  4. Reactive Production with Preprocessing Restriction in Supply Chains with Forecast Updates"

    Zheng, M., Shunko, M., Gavirneni, N., Shu, Y., Wu, K., (forthcoming). IIE Transactions.
  5. Humans are not machines: The Behavioral Impact of Queueing Design on Service Time"

    Shunko, M., Niederhoff, J. & Rosokha, Y., (2018). Management Science, Vol 64(1), pp. 453-473.
  6. Impact of Behavioral Factors on Performance of Multi‐Server Queueing Systems"

    Do H., M. Shunko, D. Novak, and M. Lucas, (2018). Production and Operations Management, Vol 27(8), pp. 1391-1629.
  7. Product Portfolio Restructuring: Methodology and Application at Caterpillar"

    Shunko M., A. Scheller-Wolf, T. Yunes, S. Tayur, S. Kekre, G. Fenu, (2018). Production and Operations Management, Vol 27(1), pp. 100-120.
  8. Supply Chain Strategies and International Tax Arbitrage"

    Shunko, M., Do, H. & Tsay, A., (2017). Production & Operations Management, Vol 26(2), pp. 231-251.
  9. Transfer Pricing and Sourcing Strategies for Multinational Firms"

    Shunko, M., L. Debo, S. Gavirneni, (2014). Production and Operations Management, Vol 23(12), pp. 2043-2057.
  10. Role of Transfer Prices in Global Supply Chains with Random Demands"

    Shunko, M., S. Gavirneni, (2007). Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol 3(1), pp. 99-117.

Andrew Siegel

  1. Debt Callability and Investment Incentives"

    Schall, L. & Siegel, A., (2016). Journal of Corporate Finance, pp. 315-330.
  2. Practical Business Statistics"

    Siegel, A., (2016).

    • Reprint, originally published 2012
  3. Price-Admissibility Conditions for Arbitrage-Free Linear Price Function Models for the Term Structure of Interest Rates"

    Siegel, A., (2016). Mathematical Finance, Vol 26(4), pp. 919-938.
  4. How Much Error is in the Tracking Error? The Impact of Estimation Risk on Fund Tracking Error"

    Siegel, A., & Woodgate, A., (2015). Journal of Portfolio Management, Vol 41(2), pp. 84-99.
  5. Performance of Portfolios Optimized with Estimation Error"

    Siegel, A., & Woodgate, A., (2009). Management Science, Vol 53(6), pp. 1005-1015.
  6. Testing Portfolio Efficiency with Conditioning Information"

    Ferson, W., & Siegel, A., (2009). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 22(7), pp. 2735-2758.
  7. A Data Integration Methodology for Systems Biology"

    Atauri, P., Aitchison, Bolouri, H., J., Hood, L., Hwang, D., Leslie, D., Rust, A., Ramsey, S., Siegel, A., Smith, J., & Weston, A., (2005). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol 102(48), pp. 17296–17301.
  8. Stochastic Discount Factor Bounds with Conditioning Information"

    Ferson, W., & Siegel, A., (2003). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 16(2), pp. 567-595.
  9. A Three-Stage Clinical Trial Design for Rare Disorders"

    Berger, V., Feldman, B., Honkanen, V., Siegel, A., Siegel, J., & Szalai, J., (2001). Statistics in Medicine, Vol 20(20), pp. 3009-3021.
  10. The Efficient Use of Conditioning Information in Portfolios"

    Ferson, W., & Siegel, A., (2001). The Journal of Finance, Vol 56(3), pp. 967-982.
  11. Diversification in the Presence of Taxes"

    Appeadu, C., Narasimhan, P., Siegel, A., & Stein, D., (2000). The Journal of Portfolio Management, Vol 27(1), pp. 61-71.

Issariya Sirichakwal

  1. Current State and Potential of Additive – Hybrid Manufacturing for Metal Parts"

    Strong, D. Sirichakwal, I., Manogharan, G. & Wakefield, T., (in press). Rapid Prototyping.
  2. Implications of Additive Manufacturing for Spare Parts Inventory"

    Sirichakwal, I. & Conner, B., (2016). 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, Vol 3(1), pp. 56-63.

Yong Tan

  1. Quality of Service Based Pricing Schemes for Content Sharing in Peer-to-Peer Networks"

    De, P., Hao, L., Li, Y.M, & Tan, Y., (forthcoming). Production and Operations Management.
  2. Contracting Models for P2P Content Distribution"

    Moinzadeh, K., Li, Y., Ghasemkhani, H., & Tan, Y., (2018). Production and Operations Management, Vol 27(11), pp. 1940-1959.
  3. Do I Follow My Friends or the Crowd? Information Cascades in Online Movie Ratings"

    Lee, Y., Hosanagar, K., & Tan, Y., (2015). Management Science, Vol 61(9), pp. 2241-2258.
  4. An empirical investigation on organizational innovation and individual creativity"

    Fu, Z., Peng, J., Tan, Y., & Zhang, G., (2014). Information Systems and e-Business Management, Vol 12(3), pp. 465-489.
  5. Effects of Different Types of Free Trials and Ratings in Sampling of Consumer Software: An Empirical Study"

    Lee, Y., & Tan, Y., (2014). Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol 30(3), pp. 213-246.
  6. Feeling Blue? Go Online: An Empirical Study of Online Supports among Patients"

    Tan, Y., & Yan, L., (2014). Information Systems Research, Vol 25(4), pp. 690-709.
  7. Leveraging Philanthropic Behavior for Customer Support: The Case of User Support Forums"

    Jabr, W., Mookerjee, R., Mookerjee, V., & Tan, Y., (2014). Management Information Systems Quarterly, Vol 38(1), pp. 187-208.
  8. Modeling MGC Strategies under Extreme Negative UGC"

    Mu, J., Qi, J., Qu, Q., & Tan, Y., (2014). Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Vol 15(3), pp. 150-161.
  9. The synchronization club: classification of global economic groups by inequality"

    Cao, H., Li, Y., & Tan, Y., (2014). Applied Economics, Vol 46(21), pp. 2502-2510.
  10. Self-Organized Formation and Evolution of Peer-to-Peer Networks"

    Li, Y., De, P., & Tan, Y., (2013). INFORMS Journal on Computing, Vol 25(3), pp. 502-516.
  11. Social media research: A review"

    Sun, H., Tan, Y., & Wu, J., (2013). Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol 22(3), pp. 257-282.
  12. Do I Follow My Friends or the Crowd? Informational Cascades in Online Movie Ratings (forthcoming)"

    Hosanagar, K., Lee, Y., & Tan, Y.. Management Science.
  13. Network Dynamics: How Can We Find Patients Like Us? (forthcoming)"

    . Information Systems Research.

Michael R. Wagner

  1. Technical Note – Data-Driven Profit Estimation Error in the Newsvendor Model"

    A. Siegel and M. Wagner, (forthcoming). Operations Research.
  2. Crowdsourcing Last-Mile Deliveries"

    S. Fatehi, M. Wagner, (2022). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol 24(2), pp. 791-809.
  3. Profit Estimation Error in the Newsvendor Model under a Parametric Demand Distribution"

    Siegel, A. and Wagner, M., (2021). Management Science, Vol 67(8), pp. 4863-4879.
  4. Designing Practical Coordinating Contracts in Decentralized Projects"

    S. Chen, T. Klastorin and M. Wagner, (2021). Naval Research Logistics, Vol 68(2), pp. 183-198.
  5. Crowdvoting Judgment: An Analysis of Modern Peer Review"

    M. Wagner, (2020). Stochastic Systems, Vol 10(3), pp. 193-222.
  6. The Impact of 3D Printing on Manufacturer-Retailer Supply Chains"

    Arbabian, M. and Wagner, M., (2020). European Journal of Operational Research, pp. 538-552.
  7. Crowdfunding via Revenue-Sharing Contracts"

    S. Fatehi and M. Wagner, (2019). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol 21(4), pp. 538-552.
  8. Robust Inventory Management: An Optimal Control Approach"

    Wagner, M., (2018). Operations Research, Vol 66(2), pp. 426-447.
  9. Closed-Form Solutions for Robust Inventory Management"

    Mamani, H., Nassiri, S. & Wagner, M., (2017). Management Science, Vol 63(5), pp. 1625-1643.
  10. Incentive Contracts in Serial Stochastic Projects"

    T. Chen, T. Klastorin, & M. Wagner, (2015). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol 17(3), pp. 290-301.
  11. Production Cost Functions and Demand Variability Effects in Price-Only Contracts"

    D. Hochbaum & M. Wagner, (2015). IIE Transactions, Vol 47(2), pp. 190-202.
  12. Range Contracts: Risk Sharing and Beyond"

    D. Hochbaum & M. Wagner, (2015). European Journal of Operational Research, Vol 243(3), pp. 956-963.
  13. Robust Policies and Information Asymmetry in Supply Chains with a Price-Only Contract"

    M. Wagner, (2015). IIE Transactions, Vol 47(8), pp. 819-840.
  14. Optimizing Boat Resources at the U.S. Coast Guard: Deterministic and Stochastic Models"

    Radovilsky, Z., & Wagner, M., (2012). Operations Research, Vol 60(5), pp. 1035-1049.
  15. Online Lot-Sizing Problems with Ordering, Holding and Shortage Costs"

    Wagner, M., (2011). Operations Research Letters, Vol 39(2), pp. 144-149.
  16. Almost Sure Asymptotic Optimality for Online Routing and Machine Scheduling Problems"

    Jaillet P., & Wagner, M., (2010). Networks, Vol 55(1), pp. 2-12.
  17. Fully Distribution-Free Profit Maximization: The Inventory Management Case"

    Wagner, M., (2010). Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol 35(4), pp. 728-741.
  18. LP-Based Online Scheduling: From Single to Parallel Machines"

    Correa, J., & Wagner, M., (2009). Mathematical Programming, Vol 119(1), pp. 109-136.
  19. Risk Management in Uncapacitated Facility Location Models with Random Demands"

    Bhadury, J., Peng, S., & Wagner, M., (2009). Computers & Operations Research, Vol 36(4), pp. 1002-1011.
  20. Generalized Online Routing: New Competitive Ratios, Resource Augmentation and Asymptotic Analyses"

    Jaillet P., & Wagner, M., (2008). Operations Research, Vol 56(3), pp. 745-757.
  21. Stochastic 0-1 Linear Programming under Limited Distributional Information"

    Wagner, M., (2008). Operations Research Letters, Vol 36(2), pp. 150-156.
  22. Online Routing Problems: Value of Advanced Information as Improved Competitive Ratios"

    Jaillet P., & Wagner, M., (2006). Transportation Science, Vol 40(2), pp. 200-210.

Yingfei Wang

  1. Stochastic Multi-Armed Bandits with Strongly Reward-Dependent Delays"

    Yifu Tang, Yingfei Wang, and Zeyu Zheng, (2024). In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), pp. 3043-3051.
  2. Electronic Medical Records Assisted Digital Clinical Trial Design"

    Xinrui Ruan, Jingshen Wang, Yingfei Wang, and Waverly Wei, (2024). In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), pp. 2836-2844.
  3. Smart Testing with Vaccination: A Bandit- Algorithm for Active Sampling for Managing COVID-19"

    Yingfei Wang, Inbal Yahav, and Balaji Padmanabhan, (2023). Information Systems Research.
  4. No-Regret Learning in Two-Echelon Supply Chain with Unknown Demand Distribution"

    Mengxiao Zhang, Shi Chen, Haipeng Luo, and Yingfei Wang, (2023). International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), pp. 3270-3298.
  5. Spoiled for Choice? Personalized Recom- mendation for Healthcare Decisions: A Multiarmed Bandit Approach"

    Tongxin Zhou, Yingfei Wang, Lu (Lucy) Yan and Yong Tan, (2023). Information Systems Research.
  6. Turn Your Online Weight Management from Zero to Hero: A Multi-Dimensional Continuous-Time Evaluation"

    Tongxin Zhou, Lu (Lucy) Yan, Yingfei Wang and Yong Tan, (2022). Management Science, Vol 68(5), pp. 3507-3527.
  7. Finite-time Analysis for the Knowledge-Gradient Policy"

    Wang, Y. and Powell, W., (2018). SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol 56(2), pp. 1105-1129.
  8. Efficient Ordered Combinatorial Semi-Bandits for Whole-page Recommendation"

    Wang, Y., Ouyang, H., Wang, C., Chen, J., Asamov, T., and Chang, Y., (2017). AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
  9. Learning online trends for interactive query auto-completion"

    Wang, Y., Ouyang, H., Deng, H., Chang, Y., (2017). IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.
  10. The knowledge gradient for sequential decision making with stochastic binary feedbacks"

    Wang, Y., Wang, C., and Powell, W., (2016). Proceedings of the 33rd international conference on Machine learning.
  11. Learning online trends for interactive query auto-completion"

    Wang, Y., Ouyang, H., Deng, H., Chang, Y.. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.

Mingwen Yang

  1. Social trading, communication, and networks"

    Deng, J., Yang, M., Pelster, M., & Tan, Y., (forthcoming). Information Systems Research.
  2. Responding to Online Reviews in Competitive Markets: A Controlled Diffusion Approach"

    Yang, M., Zheng, Z., Mookerjee, V., & Chen, H., (2023). MIS Quarterly, Vol 47(1), pp. 161-194.
  3. How Much Is Financial Advice Worth? The Transparency-Revenue Tension in Social Trading"

    Yang, M., Zheng, Z., & Mookerjee, V., (2022). Management Science, Vol 68(7), pp. 5252-5268.
  4. The Race for Online Reputation: Implications for Firms, Platforms and Consumers"

    Yang, M., Zheng, Z., & Mookerjee, V., (2021). Information Systems Research, Vol 32(4), pp. 1262-1280.
  5. Cloud Deployment Model’s Role in Provider and Users Security Investment Incentives."

    Yang, M., Jacob, V., & Raghunathan, S., (2021). Production and Operations Management, pp. 419-437.
  6. Prescribing Response Strategies to Manage Customer Opinions: A Stochastic Differential Equation Approach"

    Yang, M., Zheng, Z., & Mookerjee, V., (2019). Information Systems Research, Vol 30(2), pp. 351-374.

Yong-Pin Zhou

  1. Impact of Queue Configuration on Service Time: Evidence from a Supermarket"

    Wang, J. & Zhou, Y.-P., (in press). Management Science.
  2. To Preannounce or Not: New Product Development in a Competitive Duopoly Market"

    Klastorin, K., Mamani, H., Zhou, Y.-P., (2016). Production and Operations Management, Vol 25(12), pp. 2051-2064.
  3. Parametric Forecasting and Stochastic Programming Models for Call-Center Workforce Scheduling"

    N. Gans, N. Korolev, A. McCord, H. Ristock, H. Shen, Y.-P. Zhou, (2015). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol 17(4), pp. 571-588.
  4. How does customer self-construal moderate CRM value creation chain?"

    J. Qi, Q. Qu, Y.-P. Zhou, (2014). Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol 13(5), pp. 295–304.
  5. A Single-Supplier, Multiple-Retailer Model with Single-Season, Multiple-Ordering Opportunities and Fixed Ordering Cost"

    Jain, A., Moinzadeh, K., & Zhou, Y.-P., (2012). Operations Research, Vol 60(5), pp. 1098-1110.
  6. Are customer satisfaction and customer loyalty drivers of customer lifetime value in mobile data services: a comparative cross-country study"

    W. Chen, J. Qi, Q. Qu, Y.-P. Zhou, (2012). Information Technology and Management, Vol 13(4), pp. 281-296.
  7. Consumer-Driven Demand and Operations Management Models: A Systematic Study of Information-Technology-Enabled Sales Mechanisms"

    S. Netessine, C.S. Tang, (2009).
  8. Incorporating Delay Mechanism in Ordering Policies in Multi-Echelon Distribution Systems"

    Moinzadeh, K. & Zhou, Y.-P., (2008). IIE Transactions, Vol 40(4).
  9. On the Sizing and Grouping of Peer-to-Peer Networks"

    Y.-M. Li, Y. Tan, Y.-P. Zhou, (2008). IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol 54(2).
  10. Incorporating Satisfaction into Customer Value Analysis: Optimal Investment in Life-Time Value"

    Ho, T., Park, Y., & Zhou, Y.-P., (2006). Marketing Science, Vol 25(3), pp. 260-277.
  11. On the Incomplete Results for the Heterogeneous Server Problem"

    Véricourt, F., & Zhou, Y.-P., (2006). Queueing Systems, Vol 52(3), pp. 189-191.
  12. A Routing Problem for Call Centers with Customer Callbacks after Service Failure"

    Véricourt, F., & Zhou, Y.-P., (2005). Operations Research, Vol 53(6), pp. 968-981.
  13. A Call-Routing Problem with Service-Level Constraints"

    Gans, N., & Zhou, Y.-P., (2003). Operations Research, Vol 51(2), pp. 255-271.
  14. Managing Learning and Turnover in Employee Staffing"

    Gans, N., & Zhou, Y.-P., (2002). Operations Research, Vol 50(6), pp. 991-1006.
  15. Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science"

    J. Ren, Y.-P. Zhou.
  16. Routing to Manage Resolution and Waiting Time in Call Centers with Heterogeneous Servers"

    with V. Mehrotra, K. Ross, and G. Ryder, (2012). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol 14(1).
  17. Call Center Outsourcing: Coordinating Staffing Level and Service Quality"

    with J. Ren, (2008). Management Science, Vol 54(2).
  18. Call Routing Schemes for Call-Center Outsourcing"

    with N. Gans, (2007). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol 9(1).
  19. Coordinated Replenishment and Shipping Strategies in Inventory/Distribution Systems"

    with M. Gurbuz and K. Moinzadeh, (2007). Management Science, Vol 52(2).