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Faculty Directory

Tayfun  Keskin
Office: 519

Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353226
Seattle, WA 98195

Tayfun Keskin

Associate Teaching Professor of Information Systems


PhD University of Texas, Austin (2010)
M.Sc. University of Texas, Austin (2009)
MBA Sabanci University (2004)
BSc Boğaziçi University (2001)

Academic Expertise

business analytics
cloud computing
economics of information systems
IT strategy

Current Research

cybersecurity, IT strategy, financial technology

Positions Held

UW Foster School since 2020
UTRGV, 2017-2020
UW Bothell, 2010-2017
UT Austin, 2004-2010

Selected Publications

  1. Strategic Pricing of Horizontally Differentiated Services with Switching Costs: A Pricing Model for Cloud Computing
    Journal Article:Keskin, T., (2015). International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 19(3), pp. 34-53.
  2. Adaptive Auction Mechanism Design and the Incorporation of Prior Knowledge
    Journal Article:Pardoe, D., Stone, P., Saar-Tsechansky, M., Keskin, T., & Tomak, K., (2010). INFORMS Journal on Computing, Vol. 22(3), pp. 353-370.
  3. Exploring the Trade-Off between Immediate Gratification and Delayed Network Externalities in the Consumption of Information Goods
    Journal Article:Tomak, K., & Keskin, T., (2008). European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 187(3), pp. 887-902.

Working Papers

Keskin, T. & Demirkan, H. Mitigating the Reduction in Team Performance: Retention of Transactive Memory.
Tanrisever, F., Keskin, T., & Wismans-Voorbraak, K-A. Crowdfunding for Financing Internet of Things Enabled Services.

Honors and Awards

Faculty of the Year, ISOM Department, Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington, 2023
McCombs Amplify Award, The University of Texas at Austin, 2022
Faculty of the Year, Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington, 2021
Flipped Classroom Blueprinting Award, UTRGV, 2020
HICSS Best Paper, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2013
Dean’s Fellowship, The University of Texas at Austin, 2004-2009

Current Professional Affiliations

Association for Information Systems
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
International Society of Service Innovation Professionals

Instructional Approach

Socratic, Hands-on, Case-based

Courses Taught

IS 300, Introduction to Information Systems
IS 451, Business Data Analytics
IS 460, Systems Analysis and Design
MSIS 512, Information Security
MSIS 524, Managing Information Technology Projects
MSIS 546, Information Systems Economics
BUS AN 511, Programming Essentials
BUS AN 579, Special Topics in Business Analytics: Social Media Analytics

Selected Presentations

“The Role of Machine Learning for Internet-of-Things Ecosystems,” HICSS workshop: AI in Network Infrastructure and Management Applications, Chairs: Ammar Rayes, Rich Plane (Cisco, CTO), Maui, HI, Jan 8, 2020
“Social Media Analytics,” Bilkent University, Faculty of Business Administration, Ankara, Turkey, June 1, 2018
“Business Models for the Internet of Things,” University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business, Vancouver, Canada, October 14, 2016
“Trusting the Internet of Things,” Discovery Summit: Privacy and Security Implications of IoT, San Jose State University, Santa Clara, CA, November 11-12, 2015