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Faculty Directory

Yingfei Wang
Office: 463
Phone: 206-543-5736

Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195

Yingfei Wang

Assistant Professor of Information Systems


PhD Princeton University (2017)
BS Peking University (2012)

Academic Expertise

big data
data analytics
machine learning
operations research

Current Research

Machine learning, recommendation systems, Bayesian optimization, dynamic pricing, e-commerce, online auctions, deep learning, natural language processing, and healthcare analytics

Selected Publications

  1. Stochastic Multi-Armed Bandits with Strongly Reward-Dependent Delays
    Journal Article:Yifu Tang, Yingfei Wang, and Zeyu Zheng, (2024). In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), pp. 3043-3051.
  2. Electronic Medical Records Assisted Digital Clinical Trial Design
    Journal Article:Xinrui Ruan, Jingshen Wang, Yingfei Wang, and Waverly Wei, (2024). In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), pp. 2836-2844.
  3. Smart Testing with Vaccination: A Bandit- Algorithm for Active Sampling for Managing COVID-19
    Journal Article:Yingfei Wang, Inbal Yahav, and Balaji Padmanabhan, (2023). Information Systems Research,
  4. No-Regret Learning in Two-Echelon Supply Chain with Unknown Demand Distribution
    Journal Article:Mengxiao Zhang, Shi Chen, Haipeng Luo, and Yingfei Wang, (2023). International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), pp. 3270-3298.
  5. Spoiled for Choice? Personalized Recom- mendation for Healthcare Decisions: A Multiarmed Bandit Approach
    Journal Article:Tongxin Zhou, Yingfei Wang, Lu (Lucy) Yan and Yong Tan, (2023). Information Systems Research,
  6. Turn Your Online Weight Management from Zero to Hero: A Multi-Dimensional Continuous-Time Evaluation
    Journal Article:Tongxin Zhou, Lu (Lucy) Yan, Yingfei Wang and Yong Tan, (2022). Management Science, Vol. 68(5), pp. 3507-3527.
  7. Finite-time Analysis for the Knowledge-Gradient Policy
    Journal Article:Wang, Y. and Powell, W., (2018). SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 56(2), pp. 1105-1129.
  8. Learning online trends for interactive query auto-completion
    Journal Article:Wang, Y., Ouyang, H., Deng, H., Chang, Y., (2017). IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
  9. Efficient Ordered Combinatorial Semi-Bandits for Whole-page Recommendation
    Journal Article:Wang, Y., Ouyang, H., Wang, C., Chen, J., Asamov, T., and Chang, Y., (2017). AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
  10. The knowledge gradient for sequential decision making with stochastic binary feedbacks
    Journal Article:Wang, Y., Wang, C., and Powell, W., (2016). Proceedings of the 33rd international conference on Machine learning,