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Faculty Directory

Masha Shunko

Associate Professor of Operations Management


PhD Carnegie Mellon University (2011)
MS Carnegie Mellon University (2007)
BS Indiana University (2003)

Academic Expertise

operations management
operations research
service management operations
supply chain management

Current Research

Behavioral Operations – impact of queueing systems design on worker productivity and behavior
Flow control and coordination in queueing systems with multiple servers
Designing tax efficient supply chains

Positions Held

At the University of Washington since 2015
Assistant Professor of Management, Purdue University, Krannert School of Management, 2011-2015

Selected Publications

  1. Nudging Drivers to Safety: Evidence from a Field Experiment
    Journal Article:Choudhary V, Shunko M, Netessine S, and Koo S., (forthcoming). Management Science,
  2. Does feedback make you try less hard? A study of automotive telematics
    Journal Article:Choudhary, V., M. Shunko, S. Netessine, (forthcoming). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management,
  3. Constrained Load-Balancing Policies for Parallel Single-Server Queue Systems
    Journal Article:Do H., M. Shunko, (forthcoming). Management Science,
  4. Reactive Production with Preprocessing Restriction in Supply Chains with Forecast Updates
    Journal Article:Zheng, M., Shunko, M., Gavirneni, N., Shu, Y., Wu, K., (forthcoming). IIE Transactions,
  5. Impact of Behavioral Factors on Performance of Multi‐Server Queueing Systems
    Journal Article:Do H., M. Shunko, D. Novak, and M. Lucas, (2018). Production and Operations Management, Vol. 27(8), pp. 1391-1629.
  6. Product Portfolio Restructuring: Methodology and Application at Caterpillar
    Journal Article:Shunko M., A. Scheller-Wolf, T. Yunes, S. Tayur, S. Kekre, G. Fenu, (2018). Production and Operations Management, Vol. 27(1), pp. 100-120.
  7. Humans are not machines: The Behavioral Impact of Queueing Design on Service Time
    Journal Article:Shunko, M., Niederhoff, J. & Rosokha, Y., (2018). Management Science, Vol. 64(1), pp. 453-473.
  8. Supply Chain Strategies and International Tax Arbitrage
    Journal Article:Shunko, M., Do, H. & Tsay, A., (2017). Production & Operations Management, Vol. 26(2), pp. 231-251.
  9. Transfer Pricing and Sourcing Strategies for Multinational Firms
    Journal Article:Shunko, M., L. Debo, S. Gavirneni, (2014). Production and Operations Management, Vol. 23(12), pp. 2043-2057.
  10. Role of Transfer Prices in Global Supply Chains with Random Demands
    Journal Article:Shunko, M., S. Gavirneni, (2007). Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol. 3(1), pp. 99-117.

Working Papers

Mankad, S., M. Shunko, Q. Yu, Are all Outlets in a Service Network Equally Important? Measuring Outlets Influence Using Network Analysis
S. Nassiri, M. Shunko, and H. Mamani, Can Change of Facility Layout Impact Efficiency of a Healthcare Provider?
Yu, Q., S. Mankad, M. Shunko, The Unintended Operational Consequences of Minimum Wage


Microsoft, Mayo Clinic, Marion County Emergency Medical Services, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Caterpillar

Honors and Awards

2020 PACCAR Award for Teaching Excellence
2018 Professor of the Quarter (Spring 2018), Foster School of Business
2014 Salgo-Noren Outstanding Master's Teaching Award, Purdue University
2013 Salgo-Noren Outstanding Master's Teaching Award – 1st Runner up, Purdue University
2009, 1st prize in the POM SCM best student paper competition
2005-2008, William Larimer Mellon Fellowship, Carnegie Mellon University

Academic Service

Associate Editor: Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Decision Sciences
Senior Editor: Production and Operations Management
Reviewer: Management Science, Operations Research, M&SOM, Production and Operations Management, NSF

Courses Taught

Special topics in Supply Chain Management (electives in MBA, MSCM, and Hybrid MBA), Foster School of Business
Global Supply Chain Management (MBA Elective), Foster School of Business
Operations Management (MBA Core), Foster School of Business
Introduction to Operations Management, MBA Core, Purdue University
Supply Chain Management, MBA Elective, Purdue University
International Operations, MBA Elective, Purdue University
Healthcare Operations, MBA Elective, Purdue University