Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353226
Seattle, WA 98195-3226
Featured Research
Yong-Pin Zhou
- Professor of Operations Management Longbrake Endowed Professor of Operations Management
- PhD University of Pennsylvania (2000)
- MA University of Pennsylvania (1997)
- MA John Hopkins University (1995)
- BS Shanghai Jiao Tong University (1993)
Academic Expertise
- inventory management
- manufacturing management
- operations management
- operations research
- service management operations
- statistics
- supply chain management
Current Research
- Service Operations Management (call centers, quality-related issues, etc.)
- Supply Chain Management (supply chain design, cross-docking, etc.)
- Operations/Marketing interface issues (inventory, pricing, etc.)
- Operations/IT interface issues (capacity, incentive, etc.)
- Stochastic Models, Queueing Applications, Markov Decision Processes
- Human Resource Issues in Operations (turnover, learning)
Positions Held
- At the University of Washington since 2000
Selected Publications
- “Impact of Queue Configuration on Service Time: Evidence from a Supermarket“Journal Article:Wang, J. & Zhou, Y.-P., (in press). Management Science,
- “To Preannounce or Not: New Product Development in a Competitive Duopoly Market“Journal Article:Klastorin, K., Mamani, H., Zhou, Y.-P., (2016). Production and Operations Management, Vol. 25(12), pp. 2051-2064.
- “Parametric Forecasting and Stochastic Programming Models for Call-Center Workforce Scheduling“Journal Article:N. Gans, N. Korolev, A. McCord, H. Ristock, H. Shen, Y.-P. Zhou, (2015). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol. 17(4), pp. 571-588.
- “How does customer self-construal moderate CRM value creation chain?“Journal Article:J. Qi, Q. Qu, Y.-P. Zhou, (2014). Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol. 13(5), pp. 295–304.
- “Are customer satisfaction and customer loyalty drivers of customer lifetime value in mobile data services: a comparative cross-country study“Journal Article:W. Chen, J. Qi, Q. Qu, Y.-P. Zhou, (2012). Information Technology and Management, Vol. 13(4), pp. 281-296.
- “A Single-Supplier, Multiple-Retailer Model with Single-Season, Multiple-Ordering Opportunities and Fixed Ordering Cost“Journal Article:Jain, A., Moinzadeh, K., & Zhou, Y.-P., (2012). Operations Research, Vol. 60(5), pp. 1098-1110.
- “Routing to Manage Resolution and Waiting Time in Call Centers with Heterogeneous Servers“Journal Article:with V. Mehrotra, K. Ross, and G. Ryder, (2012). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol. 14(1),
- “Consumer-Driven Demand and Operations Management Models: A Systematic Study of Information-Technology-Enabled Sales Mechanisms“Book:S. Netessine, C.S. Tang, (2009). Strategic Consumer Response to Dynamic Pricing of Perishable Products. Springer
- “Call Center Outsourcing: Coordinating Staffing Level and Service Quality“Journal Article:with J. Ren, (2008). Management Science, Vol. 54(2),
- “Incorporating Delay Mechanism in Ordering Policies in Multi-Echelon Distribution Systems“Journal Article:Moinzadeh, K. & Zhou, Y.-P., (2008). IIE Transactions, Vol. 40(4),
- “On the Sizing and Grouping of Peer-to-Peer Networks“Journal Article:Y.-M. Li, Y. Tan, Y.-P. Zhou, (2008). IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 54(2),
- “Coordinated Replenishment and Shipping Strategies in Inventory/Distribution Systems“Journal Article:with M. Gurbuz and K. Moinzadeh, (2007). Management Science, Vol. 52(2),
- “Call Routing Schemes for Call-Center Outsourcing“Journal Article:with N. Gans, (2007). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol. 9(1),
- “On the Incomplete Results for the Heterogeneous Server Problem“Journal Article:Véricourt, F., & Zhou, Y.-P., (2006). Queueing Systems, Vol. 52(3), pp. 189-191.
- “Incorporating Satisfaction into Customer Value Analysis: Optimal Investment in Life-Time Value“Journal Article:Ho, T., Park, Y., & Zhou, Y.-P., (2006). Marketing Science, Vol. 25(3), pp. 260-277.
- “A Routing Problem for Call Centers with Customer Callbacks after Service Failure“Journal Article:Véricourt, F., & Zhou, Y.-P., (2005). Operations Research, Vol. 53(6), pp. 968-981.
- “A Call-Routing Problem with Service-Level Constraints“Journal Article:Gans, N., & Zhou, Y.-P., (2003). Operations Research, Vol. 51(2), pp. 255-271.
- “Managing Learning and Turnover in Employee Staffing“Journal Article:Gans, N., & Zhou, Y.-P., (2002). Operations Research, Vol. 50(6), pp. 991-1006.
Honors and Awards
- NSF Early Career Award - CAREER, 2007-2012
- Dean's Faculty Research Award, 2007
- Second place, INFORMS JFIG (Junior Faculty Interest Group) Paper Competition, 2006
- Junior Faculty Research Award, 2006
- Finalist in INFORMS George Nicholson Student Paper Competition, 1999
- Sloan Research Fellow at University of Pennsylvania, 1997-2000