Wei Xia
Ph.D. Student
Academic Department:
Area of Specialization: Management
Research Interests
- Inter-firm relationships; Social networks; Entrepreneurial family backgrounds; AI-driven industries; International Business.
- “When Do Collaborative First Moves Diminish Nationality-based Homophilic Preferences? An Examination of Chinese Venture Capital Investment Syndicates” Administrative Science Quarterly 2023, 68(2):355–394 (Dissertation Paper 1).
- “Domestic versus Foreign Listing: Does a CEO’s Educational Experience Matter?” Journal of Business Venturing 2020, 35(1):105906.
Working Papers
- “Exploring When and Why Chinese New Ventures Select Chinese Venture Capital Firms Over More Qualified U.S. Firms” (Job market paper; Dissertation paper 2; Under review)
- “The Influence of Status and Digital Transformation on Broker and Alter Motivations to Close a Triad” (Accepted for presentation at the 2024 AoM, OMT Division; Under review)
- “How a CEO’s Lack of Educational Attainment is Perceived by IPO Investors?” (Under review)
- “Who Can Help When Information is Needed: Differential Effects of Inward, Outward, and Reciprocal Ties in New Venture Funding” (Won CEIBS Cathay Cross-border Private Equity Research Grant; In preparation for submission)