Robert Chico
Ph.D. Student
Academic Department: Management & Organization
Area of Specialization: Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management
- BA, Knox College (2015)
- MBA, Aurora University (2020)
- MS, Arizona State University (2022)
Research Interests
- My research interests are on employee voice, gender and leadership, mentorship, and research methods.
- Chico, R. J., Thomas, S. R., Wagadia, T., & Aurora, S. R. (Conditionally accepted). Mentoring: An evidence-based approach to leader development. In D. Rosch, S. Allen, and D. Jenkins (Eds.), Moving the needle: Evidence-based strategies for developing leader capacity. Information Age Publishing.
- Trinh, M. P., Chico, R. J., Reed, R. M. (2023). How fun overcame fear: The gamification of a graduate-level statistics course. Journal of Management Education.
Working Papers
- Wu, I.-H., Keeler, K. R., Chico, R. J., Barnes, C. M. (Proposal Accepted). [Experience Sampling Method Review] (Writing manuscript; Journal of Applied Psychology)
- Aurora, S. R. & Chico, R. J. [Peer coaching and leadership development] (Data analysis; targeted for the Academy of Management Learning and Education).
- Chico, R. J., Lester, G. V., & Trinh, M. P. (Data Analysis & Writing). Teaching promotive and prohibitive voice behaviors using role-play: An experiential exercise. Target: Journal of Management Education