Students in the Certificate of International Studies in Business (CISB) Program gain valuable leadership experience through service to the CISB program, the Foster School, and the community. They organize major events, serve on boards, run meetings, organize outreach, and bring international business speakers to campus.
The benefits? Putting business knowledge to work in managing others, monitoring budgets, running meetings, and problem-solving, all with the active support and involvement of faculty and staff. It’s learning by doing, and a host of CISB graduates will attest to its value.
CISB Executive Board
Collaborates with faculty and staff in setting policies and in planning events and activities to benefit the CISB program.
2022-2023 Executive Board
President – Andy Guan
VP Finances – Maansa Jayarama
VP Membership – Julia Makienemi
VP Marketing – Nicole Ursprunger
VP Activities – Catherine Davis
VP Alumni – Katelyn Shelby
CISB Track Board
Composed of track presidents, this board plans and organizes cross-track events, shares ideas and information, and coordinates plans with Executive Board.
2022-2023 Track Board
EMEA Track President – Stephanie Claeys
Chinese Track President- Qiana Barrett
Japanese/Korean Track Presidents- Minnie Thompson, Willa Eisel, Wendy Bui
Spanish Track Presidents- Allie Lee, Kara St. John
U.S. Track President- Perry Liu
Event Chairs
Responsible for running extracurricular events such as cultural nights, graduation celebration, and career activities in collaboration with faculty and staff.
Application Details
Apply for Executive and Track Board positions in spring preceding year of service. Apply for Event Chair positions in fall. A committee of staff, faculty and students interviews all applicants and makes the final selection. All board members are required to take part in a CISB leadership training program designed to give them the tools they need to succeed in their positions.