- Bruce Avolio
- Christopher M. Barnes
- Warren Boeker
- Vernon Buck
- Xiao-Ping Chen
- Emily Cox Pahnke
- Alicia DeSantola
- Crystal Farh
- Ryan Fehr
- Christina Ting Fong
- Abhinav Gupta
- Andrew Hafenbrack
- Benjamin Hallen
- Mana Heshmati
- Charles Hill
- Vandra Huber
- Michael Johnson
- Thomas Jones
- Philip Kienast
- Suresh Kotha
- Jessica (Huisi) Li
- Terence Mitchell
- Richard L. Nolan
- Scott J. Reynolds
- Kira Schabram
- Lian Shao
- David G. Sirmon
- Kevin Steensma
- David Tan
- Elizabeth Umphress
- Ming zhu Wang
- Elijah Wee
Bruce Avolio
The role of CEO accounts and perceived integrity in analysts’ forecasts"Skarlicki, D., Rogo, R., Avolio, B.J., Lo, K., & Codie Ann DeHaas, (in press). Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes.
Walking Our Evidence-Based Talk: The Case of Leadership Development in Business Schools"Leroy, H.L., Anisman-Razin, M., Avolio, B., Bresman, H., Bunderson, S., Burris, E., Claeys, J., Detert, J., Dragoni, L., Giessner, S., Kniffin, K., Kolditz, T., Petriglieri, G., Pettit, N., Sitkin, S. B., Van Quaquebeke, N., & Vongswasdi, P., (forthcoming). Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, Vol 29(1), pp. 5-32.
Authentic leadership’s impact on follower psychological capital and performance through organizational identification and role clarity"Johnson, H.H., Bluhm, D., Hannah, S., Avolio, B.J., Lester, P., (2023). Human Performance, Vol 36(5), pp. 219-248.
Creating service academies to institutionalize a strategic leadership development focus"Avolio, B.J., & Drummey, K.C., (2023). Journal of Leadership Studies & Organizational Studies.
Do employees’ views matter in corporate governance? The relationship between employee approval and CEO dismissal"Wang, D., Shen, W., Zhu, Q., Avolio, B.J., & David A. Waldman, (2022). Strategic Management Journal, pp. 1-27.
Unpacking psychological ownership: How transactional and transformational leaders motivate ownership"Guarana, C., & Avolio, B.J., (2022). Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, pp. 96-114.
Take a ‘Selfie’: Examining How Leaders Emerge from Leader Self-awareness, Self-leadership, and Self-efficacy"Bracht, E. M., Keng-Highberger, F. T., Avolio, B. J., & Huang, Y., (2021). Frontiers in Psychology.
Behavioral Integrity: Examining the Effects of Trust Velocity and Psychological contract breach"Vogelgesang, G., Crossley, C., Avolio, B.J., & Simon, T., (2021). Journal of Business Ethics, Vol 172(1), pp. 175-190.
Team psychological safety and conflict trajectories’ effect on individual’s team identification and satisfaction"Johnson, H., & Avolio, B.J., (2019). Group & Organization Management, Vol 44(5), pp. 843-873.
Revisiting the development and validation of the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire: Analytical considerations"Avolio, B.J., Wernsing, T., & Gardner, W.L., (2018). Journal of Management, Vol 44(2), pp. 399-411.
E-leadership"Kahai, S., Avolio, B., & Sosik, J., (2017). In G. Hertel, D. Stone, R. Johnson, & J. Passmore (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of the Internet at Work. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell..
Leadership in applied psychology: Three waves of theory and research"Lord, R.G., Day, D.V., Zaccaro, S.J., Avolio, B.J., & Eagly, A., (2017). Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 102(3), pp. 434-451.
Candor and transparency: Aligning your leadership constellation"Avolio, B.J., (2016). People & Strategy, Vol 39(4), pp. 17-20.
An Integrative Process Model of Leadership: Examining Leadership Loci, Mechanisms and Event Cycles"Eberly, M.B., Johnson, M.D., Hernandez, M., & Avolio, B.J., (2013). American Psychologist, Vol 68(6), pp. 427-443.
Leadership Models, Methods and Applications: Progress and Remaining Blind Spots"Avolio, B., Sosik, J.J., Berson, Y., Borman, W., Ilgen, D., Klimoski, R., (2013). The Complete Handbook of Psychology.
The Loci and Mechanisms of Leadership: Exploring a More Comprehensive View of Leadership Theory"Hernandez, M., Eberly, M.B., Avolio, B.J., & Johnson, M.D., (2011). Leadership Quarterly, Vol 22(6), pp. 1165-1185.
Psychological Capital and Employee Performance Over Time: A Latent Growth Modeling Approach"Avolio, B., Peterson, S.J., Luthans, F., Walumbwa, F., & Zhang, Z., (2011). Personnel Psychology, pp. 427-450.
Embedding Ethical Leadership Within and Across Organizational Levels"Avolio, B., Schaubroeck, J.M., Hannah, S.T., Kozlowski, S.W.J., Lord, R.G., Trevino, L.K., Peng, A.C., & Dimotakas, N., (2012). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 55(5), pp. 1053-1078.
Leader Self and Means Efficacy: A Multi-Component Approach"Avolio, B., Hannah, S.T., Chan, A., & Walumbwa, F., (2012). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, pp. 143-161.
Authentic Leadership and Effects on Follower Moral Courage, Psychological Capital, and Performance"Avolio, B., Hannah, S.T., & Walumbwa, F.O., (2011). Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol 21(4), pp. 555-557.
Building Moral Capacity: Toward a Holistic Development Model"Avolio, B., Hannah, S.T., & May, D.R., (2011). Academy of Management Review, pp. 663-685.
Leader Character, Ethos and Virtue: Individual and Collective Considerations"Avolio, B., & Hannah, S.T., (2011). The Leadership Quarterly, pp. 989-994.
Leadership and Management Research in Africa: A Synthesis and Suggestions for Future Research"Avolio, B., Walumbwa, F.O., & Aryee, S., (2011). Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, pp. 425-439.
Mentoring Impact on Leader Efficacy Development: A Field Experiment"Avolio, B., Lester, P.O., Hannah, S.T., Harmes, P.D., & Lester, G., (2011). Academy of Management Learning and Education Journal, pp. 402-429.
The Locus of Leadership"Avolio, B., & Hannah, S.T., (2011). The Leadership Quarterly, pp. 979-983.
An Investigation of the Relationships between Leader and Follower Psychological Capital, Service Climate and Job Performance"Avolio, B., Walumbwa, F.O., Peterson, S.J., & Hartnell, C.A., (2010). Personnel Psychology, pp. 977-1003.
The Genetic Basis of Entrepreneurship: Effects of Gender and Parents"Avolio, B., Zhang, Z., Zyphur, M., Narayanan, J., Chaturvedi, S., Lichtenstein, P., & Larsson, G., (2009). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, pp. 93-107.
Christopher M. Barnes
The Role of Human Managers within Algorithmic Performance Management Systems: A Process Model of Employee Trust in Managers through Reflexivity"Leavitt, K., Barnes, C. M., & Shapiro, D., (in press). Academy of Management Review.
Domain switch theory: Toward a deeper temporal understanding of transitions between work and family domains."Kauer, E., Barnes, C. M., Butts, M., & Gabriel, A., (in press). Academy of Management Review.
A breath of toxic air: Air pollution, abusive supervision, and laissez-faire leadership"Khan, U. A., Patel, C., & Barnes, C. M., (2024). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 157-168.
Leading for human sustainability: An extension of restricted employee sustainability theory"Barnes, C. M., & Wagner, D. T., (2023). Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol 43(100197).
Toward a circadian theory of paradoxical leadership"Volk, S., Waldman, D. A., & Barnes, C. M., (2023). Academy of Management Review, pp. 611-638.
Using wearable technology (closed loop acoustic stimulation) to improve sleep quality and work outcomes"Barnes, C. M., Guarana, C., Lee, J., & Kaur, E., (2023). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 1391-1407.
Human sustainability and work: A meta-synthesis and new theoretical framework"Barnes, C. M., Wagner, D. T., Schabram, K., & Boncoeur, O. D., (2023). Journal of Management, pp. 1965-1996.
The circadian leader: A review and integration of chronobiology and leadership"Volk, S., Lowe, K., & Barnes, C. M., (2023). Journal of Organizational Behavior, pp. 180-201.
Cannabis use does not increase actual creativity but biases evaluations of creativity"Heng, Y. T., Barnes, C. M., & Yam K. C., (2023). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 635-646.
More inspirational at some times than others: A chronotype circadian model of charismatic leadership"Guarana, C. L., Barnes, C. M., Ryu, J. W., & Crawley, R., (2022). Leadership Quarterly, Vol 32(101509).
Ghost in the machine: On organizational theory in the age of machine learning"Leavitt, K., Schabram, K., Hariharan, P., & Barnes, C. M., (2021). Academy of Management Review, pp. 750-777.
Sleep and social relationships: A systematic review"Gordon, A., Carrillo, B., & Barnes, C. M., (2021). Sleep Medicine Reviews, Vol 57(10148).
The effects of blue light filtration on sleep and work outcomes"Guarana, C. L., Barnes, C. M., & Ong, W. J., (2021). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 784-796.
Guiding principles for determining work shift duration and addressing the effects of work shift duration on performance, safety, and health"Gurubhagavatula, I, Barger, L., Barnes, C. M., Basner, M., Boivin, D. B., Dawson, D. Drake, C. L., Flynn-Evans, E. E., Mysliwiec, V., Patterson, P. D., Reid, K. J., Samuels, C., Shattuck, N. L. Kazmi, U., Carandang, G., Heald, J. L., Van Dongen, H. P. A., (2021). Sleep, pp. 1-24.
High profile football matches in Europe are associated with traffic accidents in Asia"Yam, K. C., Jackson, J. C., Lau, T. C., Xin, Q., Barnes, C. M., & Chong, J. K., (2020). British Medical Journal, Vol 371(m4465).
Sleep loss and the socio-emotional brain."Simon, E. B., Vallat, R., Barnes, C. M., & Walker, M., (2020). Trends in Cognitive Science., pp. 435-450.
The rise of COVID-19 cases is associated with support for political leaders"Yam, K. C., Jackson, J. C., Barnes, C. M., Lau, T. C., Xin, Q., & Lee, H. Y., (2020). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol 117(25429-25433).
Healthy sleep is good for business: A review of the literature on sleep and employee outcomes"Barnes, C. M., & Watson, N. F., (2019). Sleep Medicine Reviews, pp. 112-118.
Resetting the clock on dynamic leader behaviors: A conceptual integration and agenda for future research"McClean, S., Barnes, C. M., Courtright, S. H., & Johnson, R. E., (2019). Academy of Management Annals, pp. 479-508.
Sleepwalking into bad opportunities: Sleep and entrepreneur opportunity evaluation"Gish, J., Wagner, D. T., Gregoire, D., & Barnes, C. M., (2019). Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 34(10593).
Why so serious? A laboratory and field investigation of the link between morality and humor"Yam, K. C., Barnes, C. M., Leavitt, K., Wei, W, Lau, T. C., & Uhlmann, E., (2019). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, pp. 758-772.
Bad behavior keeps you up at night: Counterproductive work behaviors, rumination, and insomnia"Yuan, Z., Barnes, C. M., & Li, Y., (2018). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 383-398.
Sleep well, lead better"Barnes, C. M., (2018). Harvard Business Review, pp. 140-143.
Helping employees sleep well: Effects of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia on work outcomes"Barnes, C. M., Miller, J. A., & Bostock, S., (2017). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 104-113.
Lack of sleep and the development of leader-follower relationships over time"Guarana, C. L., & Barnes, C. M., (2017). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, pp. 57-73.
Sabotaging the Benefits of Our Own Human Capital: Work Unit Characteristics and Sleep"Barnes, C. M., Jiang, K., & Lepak, D, (2016). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 209-221.
Too tired to inspire or be inspired: Sleep deprivation and charismatic leadership"Barnes, C. M., Guarana, C. L., Nauman, S., & Kong, D. T., (2016). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 1191-1199.
Prioritizing sleep health: Public health policy recommendations. Perspectives on Psychological Science"Barnes, C. M. & Drake, C. L., (2015). Perspectives on Psychological Science,, pp. 733-737.
Sleep and moral awareness"Barnes, C. M., Gunia, B., & Wagner, D. T., (2015). Journal of Sleep Research, pp. 181-188.
You wouldn’t like me when I’m sleepy: Leader sleep, daily abusive supervision, and work unit engagement"Barnes, C. M., Bhave, D., Christian, M., & Lucianetti, L., (2015). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 58(5), pp. 1419-1437.
Borrowing from sleep to pay work and family: Expanding time-based conflict to the broader non-work domain"Barnes, C. M., Wagner, D. T., & Ghumman, S., (2012). Personnel Psychology, pp. 789-819.
Sleep deprivation and teams: Burning the midnight oil or playing with fire?"Barnes, C. M. & Hollenbeck, J. R., (2009). Academy of Management Review, pp. 56-66..
Beginning the workday yet already depleted? Consequences of late-night smartphone use and sleep"Lanaj, K., Johnson, R., & Barnes, C. M., (2014). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, pp. 11-23.
Morning employees are perceived as better employees: Employees’ start times influence supervisor performance ratings"Yam, K. C., Fehr, R., & Barnes, C. M., (2014). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 1288-1299.
The morality of larks and owls: Unethical behavior depends on chronotype as well as time-of-day"Gunia, B., Barnes, C. M., & Sah, S., (2014). Psychological Science, pp. 2272-2274.
Lost sleep and cyberloafing: Evidence from the laboratory and a Daylight Saving Time quasi-experiment"Wagner, D. T., Barnes, C. M., Lim, V., & Ferris, D. L., (2012). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 1068-1076.
Lack of sleep and unethical behavior"Barnes, C. M., Schaubroeck, J. M., Huth, M., & Ghumman, S., (2011). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, pp. 169-180.
Changing to daylight saving time cuts into sleep and increases workplace injuries"Barnes, C. M. & Wagner, D. T., (2009). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 1305-1317.
Warren Boeker
When opportunity meets ability: The moderating effects of prolific inventors on novel drug innovation following product development failure in biotechnology"Daniel Tzabbar, Amrita Lahiri, Donghwi Josh Seo, Warren Boeker, (2023). Strategic Management Journal, Vol 40(10).
Corporate Directors as Heterogeneous Network Pipes: How Director Political Ideology Affects the Interorganizational Diffusion of Governance Practices"Gupta, A., Wowak, A., and Boeker, W., (2022). Strategic Management Journal, Vol 43(8), pp. 1469-1498.
Political ideology of the board and CEO dismissal following firm misconduct"Boeker, W., Park, U.D., and Gomulya, D., (2020). Strategic Management Journal, Vol 41(1), pp. 108-123.
The Spawning of Ecosystems: How Cohort Effects Benefit New Ventures"Boeker, W., Howard, M., Andrus, J., (2019). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 62(4), pp. 1163-1193.
The Role of Facial Appearance on CEO Selection after Firm Misconduct"Boeker, W., Gomulya, D., Wong, E., & Ormiston, M., (2017). Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 102(4), pp. 617-635.
Reassessing board member affiliations: CEO replacement following financial misconduct"David Gomulya, (2016). Strategic Management Journal, Vol 37(9), pp. 1898-1918.
Understanding Network Formation in Strategy Research: Exponential Random Graph Models"Kim, J. Y., Howard, M., Pahnke, E. C., & Boeker, W., (2015). Strategic Management Journal, Vol 37(1), pp. 22-44.
How Firms Respond to Financial Restatement: CEO Successors and External Reactions"Gomulya, D and Boeker, W, (2014). Academy of Management Journal, pp. 1759-1785.
Collaboration and informal hierarchy in innovation teams: Product introductions in entrepreneurial ventures"Lahiri, A., Pahnke, E., Howard M., Boeker, W.. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
The Spawning of Ecosystems: How Cohort Effects Benefit New Ventures"Howard, H., Andrus J., Boeker, W.. Academy of Management Journal.
Vernon Buck
Dealing with Job Stress: Issues for the ‘80’s"Buck, V.E., (1980). Revue Economique et Sociale.
The Evaluation of Continuing Education for Professionals: A Systems View"Le Breton , P.P., (1979).
Working Under Pressure"Buck, V.E., (1972).
Xiao-Ping Chen
The fire to inspire: How CEO passion affects employee job creativity"Gong, Q., Liu, D., Chen, X. P., Chen, G. Q., & Jiang, C.Y., (in press). Journal of Management Studies.
Middle power play: How Machiavellian middle managers use Guanxi and Abusive Supervision to gain power"Keng-Highberger, F., Feng, Z. Y., Yam, K. C., Chen, X. P., & Li, H., (in press). Journal of Organizational Behavior.
Virtual Leadership in the Age of Social Distancing: A longitudinal field experiment on work team creative performance."Wang, L., Chen, X. P., Yin, J., (in press). Asia Pacific Journal of Management.
Strategies and psychological mechanisms for cooperation induction in social dilemmas: A review and future directions"Chen, X.P., (forthcoming). Oxford Research Encyclopedia..
What Isn’t Being Said? Culture and Communication at Work"Adair, W., Buchan, N., Chen, X. P., & Liu, L. A., (2024).
Indirect cronyism and its underlying exchange logic: How managers’ particularism orientation and the third person’s hierarchical power strengthen its existence."Chen, X. P., & Ren, H., (2023). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol 175(March), pp. 104234.
Achieving mutual understanding without saying a word: The conceptualization of Moqi and its nomological network."Chen, X. P. & Cole, B. M., (2023). Management and Organization Review, Vol 19(1), pp. 3-31.
Wolves with sheep’s clothing: how and when Machiavellian leaders use strategic abuse."Feng, Z. Y., Keng-Highberger, F., Yam, K. C., Chen, X. P., & Li, H., (2023). Journal of Business Ethics, pp. 255–280.
Authoritarian leadership, benevolent leadership, and employee work-family conflict: An emotion regulation perspective."Yao, L., & Chen, X. P., & Wei, H., (2022). Asia Pacific Journal of Management.
Effective Strategies and Psychological Mechanisms for Cooperation Induction in Social Dilemmas: A Review and Future Research"Chen, X.-P., (2022). Oxford University Press.
A Journey toward Influential Scholarship: Insights from Leading Management Scholars"Chen, X. P., & Steensma, H. K., (2021).
Social Mindfulness Across the Globe"Van Dosum, N., van Lange, P., …. Chen, X. P., + 60 co-authors, (2021). Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, Vol 118(35), pp. 1-9.
What’s wrong with treating subordinates differently? The Basis of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Differentiation Matters."Chen, X.P., He, W., & Weng, L-C., (2018). Journal of Management, pp. 946-971.
Leadership of Chinese Private Enterprises: Insights from Interviews."Tsui, A. S., Zhang, Y. Y., & Chen, X. P., (2017).
Catch fire and spread it: A glimpse into entrepreneurial passion in crowdfunding campaign."Li, J., Chen, X. P., Kotha, S., & Fisher, G., (2017). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 1075-1090.
Help yourself by helping others: The Joint Impact of Individual Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Team Cohesiveness on Individual Objective Task Performance Change."Liu, D., Chen, X. P., & Holley, E., (2017). Personnel Psychology, pp. 809-842.
Unlocking expatriates’ job creativity: The role of cultural learning and metacognitive and motivational cultural intelligence"Xu, X.J., & Chen, X. P., (2017). Management and Organization Review, pp. 767-794.
A model of communication context and measure of context dependence"Adair, W., Buchan, N., Chen, X. P., & Liu, D (equal authorship), (2016). Academy of Management Discovery, Vol 2(2), pp. 198-217.
I will speak up if my voice is socially desirable: A moderated mediating process of promotive versus prohibitive voice"Wei, X., Zhang, Z. X., & Chen, X. P., (2015). Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 100(5), pp. 1641-1652.
West Meets East: New Theories and Concepts"Barkema, H., Chen, X. P., George, G., Luo, Y. D., Tsui, A. S., (2015). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 58(2), pp. 460-479.
Interpersonal Identification-Based Versus Collective Identification-Based Group Identity: Nomological network"Zhang, S., Chen, G. Q., Chen, X. P., Liu, D., & Johnson, M., (2014). Journal of Management, Vol 40(6), pp. 1700-1731.
A multilevel investigation of motivational cultural intelligence, organizational diversity climate, and cultural sales: Evidence from the U.S. real estate firms"Bradford, W., Chen, X., Liu, D., & Portnoy, R., (2012). Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 97(1), pp. 93-106.
Cooperative and competitive orientations in China: Scale development and validation"Chen, X. P., Xie, X. F., & Chang, S. Q., (2011). Management and Organization Review, Vol 7(2), pp. 353-379.
A critical analysis of guanxi and its negative externalities in Chinese organizations"Chen, C. C., & Chen, X. P., (2009). Asia Pacific Journal of Management, pp. 37-53.
Cross-national differences in cooperative decision making in mixed-motive business contexts: The mediating and moderating effects of vertical and horizontal individualism"Chen, X. P., & Li, S., (2005). Journal of International Business Studies, pp. 622-636.
On the intricacies of Chinese guanxi: A process model of guanxi development"Chen, X. P., & Chen, C. C., (2004). Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Vol 21(3), pp. 305-324.
Achieving cooperation in multi-partner strategic alliances: A social dilemma approach to partnership management"Zeng, M. & Chen, X.P., (2003), Vol 28(4), pp. 587-605.
Tolerance of free riding: The effects of defection size, defection pattern and social orientation"Chen, X. P., & Bachrach, D. G., (2003). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, pp. 139-147.
Individual-collective primacy and ingroup favoritism: Enhancement and protection effects"Chen, Y-R., Brockner, J., & Chen, X. P., (2002). Journal of Experimental and Social Psychology, Vol 38(5), pp. 482-491.
Participative decision making and employee performance: The moderating effects of allocentrism and efficacy"Lam, S. K., Chen, X. P., & Schaubroeck, J., (2002). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 45(5), pp. 905-915.
Social norms and cooperation in social dilemmas: The effects of context and feedback"Pillutla, M. & Chen, X. P., (1999). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol 78(2), pp. 81-103.
What price fairness? A bargaining study"Zwick, R., & Chen, X. P., (1999). Management Science, Vol 45(6), pp. 804-823.
Achieving cooperation in multi-partner strategic alliances: A social dilemma approach to partnership management"Zeng, M. & Chen, X.P., Vol 28(4), pp. 587-605.
Unintended consequences of cooperation inducing and maintaining mechanisms in public goods dilemmas: Sanctions and moral appeal"Chen, X. P., Pillutla, M., & Yao, X.. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Vol 12(2), pp. 241-255.
West Meets East: New Theories and Concepts"Barkema, H., Chen, X. P., George, G., Luo, Y. D., Tsui, A.. Academy of Management Journal, Vol 58(2), pp. 460-479.
Affective trust in Chinese leaders: Linking paternalistic leadership to employee performance"Chen, X. P., Eberly, M., Chiang, T-J., Farh, J. L., & Cheng, (2014). Journal of Management, Vol 40(3), pp. 796-819.
Guanxi and Social Network Research: Review and Future Directions"Chen, C. C., Chen, X. P., & Huang, S. S., (2013). Management and Organization Review, Vol 9(1), pp. 167-207.
From Autonomy to Creativity: A Multilevel Investigation of the Mediating Role of Harmonious Passion"Liu, D., Chen, X.P., Yao, X., (2011). Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 96(2), pp. 294-309.
Passion and Preparedness in Entrepreneurs’ Business Plan Presentations: A Persuasion Analysis of Venture Capitalists’ Funding Decisions"Chen, X.P., Yao, X., & Kotha, S., (2009). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 52(1), pp. 199-214.
To Whom do Positive Norm and Negative Norm of Reciprocity Apply?"Chen, Y.R., Chen, X.P., & Portnoy, R., (2009). Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol 45(1), pp. 24–34.
Emily Cox Pahnke
Dynamic Silos: Increased Modularity in Intra-organizational Communication Networks During the Covid-19 Pandemic"Zuzul, T., Pahnke, E. C., Larson, J., Bourke, P., Caurvina, N., Shah, N. P., ... & Priebe, C. E., (2024). Management Science.
Resource interdependence and successful exit: A configurational perspective on young technology firms"Pahnke, E. C., Sirmon, D. G., Rhymer, J., & Campbell, J. T., (2023). Forthcoming at Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
The Past Is Prologue? Venture-Capital Syndicates’ Collaborative Experience and Start-Up Exits"Wang, Dan, Emily Cox Pahnke, and Rory McDonald, (2022). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 65(2), pp. 371-402.
Assessment of the SBIR and STTR Programs at the National Institutes of Health", (2022). National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Collaboration And Informal Hierarchy In Innovation Teams: Product Introductions In Entrepreneurial Ventures"Lahiri, A., Pahnke, E., Howard, M., Boeker W., (2019). Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol 13(3), pp. 326-358.
Entrepreneurial beacons: The Yale endowment, run‐ups, and the growth of venture capital"Bermiss, Y., Hallen, B., McDonald, R., and Pahnke, E. (All authors contributed equally and are listed alphabetically), (2017). Strategic Management Journal, pp. 545-565.
When Do Entrepreneurs Accurately Evaluate Venture Capital Firm’s Track Records? A Bounded Rationality Perspective"Hallen, B. & Pahnke, E.C., (2016). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 59(5), pp. 1535-1560.
Understanding Network Formation in Strategy Research: Exponential Random Graph Models"Kim, J. Y., Howard, M., Pahnke, E. C., & Boeker, W., (2015). Strategic Management Journal, Vol 37(1), pp. 22-44.
Exposed: Venture Capital, Competitor Ties, and Entrepreneurial Innovation"Pahnke, E., McDonald, R., Wang, D., Hallen, B., (2015). Academy of Management Journal.
Parting the Ivory curtain: Understanding How Universities Support a Diverse Set of Startups"Shah, S.K., & Pahnke, E.C., (2014). The Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol 39(5), pp. 780-792.
Alicia DeSantola
Windows versus Waves of Opportunity: How Reputation Alters Venture Capital Firms’ Resource Mobilization"DeSantola, A., Zhelyazkov, P.I., & Hallen, B.L., (2023). Strategic Management Journal.
External Interfaces or Internal Processes? Market Positioning and Divergent Professionalization Paths in Young Ventures."DeSantola, A., Gulati, R., & Zhelyazkov, P., (2023). Organization Science, Vol 34(1), pp. 1-23.
Book Review. Tom Eisenmann: Why Startups Fail: A New Roadmap for Entrepreneurial Success."DeSantola, A., (2022). Administrative Science Quarterly., Vol 67(2), pp. NP18-NP20..
Scaling Considerations for the Social Franchising Model."DeSantola, A., (2021). Journal of Organization Design., Vol 10(3), pp. 99-102.
New Venture Milestones and the First Female Board Member."DeSantola, A., Ramarajan, L., & Battilana, J., (2017). Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
Scaling: Organizing and Growth in Entrepreneurial Ventures."DeSantola, A. & Gulati, R., (2017). Academy of Management Annals, Vol 11(2), pp. 640-668.
Start-Ups That Last: How to Scale Your Business."Gulati, R. & DeSantola, A., (2016). Harvard Business Review, Vol 94(3), pp. 54-61.
Crystal Farh
Do intelligent leaders differentiate exchange relationships intelligently? A functional leadership approach to LMX differentiation"Matta, F., *Frank, E., Farh, C. I. C., & Lee, S. M., (in press). Journal of Applied Psychology.
Towards a contextualized view of voice quality, its dimensions, and its dynamics across newcomer socialization"Farh, C. I. C., Li, J. J., & Lee, T. W., (in press). Academy of Management Review.
Out of sight and out of mind? Networking strategies for enhancing inclusion in multinational organizations"Farh, C. I., Liao, H., Shapiro, D. L., Shin, J., & Guan, O. Z., (2021). Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 106(4), pp. 582-598.
Token Female Voice Enactment in Traditionally Male-Dominated Teams: Facilitating Conditions and Consequences for Performance"Farh, C. I., Oh, J. K., Yu, A., Lee, S. M., & King, D. D., (2020). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 63(3), pp. 832-856.
Dynamic leadership emergence: Differential impact of members’ and peers’ contributions in the idea generation and idea enactment phases of innovation project teams"Lee, S. M., & Farh, C. I., (2019). Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 104(3), pp. 411-432.
Leadership and Member Voice in Action Teams: Test of a Dynamic Phase Model"Farh, C.I.C. & Chen, G., (2018). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 97-110.
An Emotional Process Theory of How Subordinates Appraise, Experience, and Respond to Abusive Supervision Over Time"Oh, K., & Farh, C.I.C, (2017). Academy of Management Review, Vol 42(2), pp. 207-232.
Resource-based Contingencies of when Team-member Exchange Helps Member Performance in Teams"Farh, C.I.C., Lanaj, K., & Ilies, R., (2017). Academy of Management Journal, pp. 1117-1137.
Beyond the Individual Victim: Multilevel Consequences of Abusive Supervision in Teams"Farh, C. I. C., & Chen, Z. J., (2014). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 1074-1095.
Emotional Intelligence, Teamwork Effectiveness, and Performance: The Moderating Role of Job Context"Farh, C. I. C., Seo, M., & Tesluk, P., (2012). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 890-900.
Psychological Antecedents of Promotive and Prohibitive Voice Behavior: A Two-Wave Longitudinal Examination"Liang, J., Farh, C. I. C., & Farh, J. L., (2012). Academy of Management Journal, pp. 71-92.
Networking Abroad: A Process Model of How Expatriates Form Support Ties to Facilitate Adjustment"Farh, C. I. C., Bartol, K. M., Shapiro, D. L., & Shin, J., (2010). Academy of Management Review, pp. 434-454.
Task Conflict and Team Creativity: A Question of How Much and When."Farh, J. L., Lee, C., & Farh, C. I. C., (2010). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 1173-1180.
When Does Cross-Cultural Motivation Enhance Expatriate Effectiveness? A Multilevel Investigation of the Moderating Roles of Subsidiary Support and Cultural Distance."Chen, G., Kirkman, B. L., Kim, K., Farh, C. I. C., & Tangirala, S., (2010). Academy of Management Journal, pp. 110-1130.
Ryan Fehr
How do leaders react when treated unfairly? Leader narcissism and self-interested behavior in response to unfair treatment."Liu, H., Chiang, J. T., Fehr, R., Xu, M., & Wang, S., (in press). Journal of Applied Psychology..
The grateful workplace: A multilevel model of gratitude in organizations"Fehr, R., Fulmer, A., Awtrey, E., & Miller, J, (in press). Academy of Management Review.
Leaders and the punishment of misconduct: Examining the roles of leader moral identity and cognitive load"Chiang, J., Liu, H., Fehr, R., Wang, Z., Huang, Q., (2023). Journal of Applied Psychology.
Feeling anxious and abusing low performers: A multilevel model of high performance work systems and abusive supervision"Meng, X., Wei, H., Fehr, R., Zhao, S., (2022). Journal of Organizational Behavior.
Rewarding morality: How corporate social responsibility shapes top management team compensation votes"Fehr, R., Gupta, A., Guarana, C., (2022). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
When you try your best to help but don’t succeed: How self-compassionate reflection influences reactions to interpersonal helping failures"Heng, Y. T., Fehr, R., (2022). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
When your boss is a robot: Workers are more spiteful to robot supervisors that seem more human"Yam, K. C., Goh, E.-Y., Fehr, R., Lee, R., Soh, H., Gray, K., (2022). Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
How do employees react to leaders’ unethical behavior? The role of moral disengagement."Fehr, R., Fulmer, C.A., & Keng-Highberger, F.T., (2020). Personnel Psychology.
The role of moral decoupling in the causes and consequences of unethical pro-organizational behavior"Fehr, R., Welsh, D., Yam, K.C., Baer, M., Wei, W., & Vaulont, M., (2019). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, pp. 27-40.
Polluted work: A self-control perspective on air pollution appraisals, organizational citizenship, and counterproductive work behavior"Fehr, R., Yam, K.C., He, W., Chiang, J.T., & Wei, W., (2017). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, pp. 98-110.
Moralized Leadership: The Construction and Consequences of Ethical Leader Perceptions"Fehr, R., Yam, K.C., & Dang, C., (2015). Academy of Management Review.
Morning Employees are Better Employees: Employees’ Start Times Influence Supervisor Performance Ratings"Yam, K. C., Fehr, R., & Barnes, C., (2014). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 1288-1299.
The forgiving organization: A multilevel model of forgiveness at work"Fehr, R., & Gelfand, M.J., (2012). Academy of Management Review, Vol 37(4), pp. 664-688.
The road to forgiveness: A meta-analytic synthesis of its situational and dispositional correlates"Fehr, R., Gelfand, M.J., & Nag, M., (2010). Psychological Bulletin, pp. 894-914.
When apologies work: How matching apology components to victims’ self-construals facilitates forgiveness"Fehr, R., & Gelfand, M.J., (2010). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol 113(1), pp. 37–50.
Christina Ting Fong
Overcoming the self-promotion dilemma: Interpersonal attraction and extra help as a consequence of who sings one’s praises"Pfeffer, J., Fong, C.T., Cialdini, R.B., & Portnoy, R.R., (2006). Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, pp. 1016-1030.
The effects of emotional ambivalence on creativity"Fong, C.T., (2006). Academy of Management Journal, pp. 1016-1030.
Using the concept of self-enhancement to build an integrated model of power and influence"Pfeffer, J., & Fong, C.T., (2005). Organization Science, pp. 372-388.
Assessing business schools: A reply to Connolly (forthcoming)"Pfeffer, J., & Fong, C.T., (2003). Academy of Management: Learning and Education.
Dueling experiences and dual ambivalences: Emotional and motivational ambivalence of women in high status positions"Fong, C.T., & Tiedens, L.Z., (2002). Motivation and Emotion, Vol 26(1), pp. 105-121.
The end of business schools? Less success than meets the eye"Pfeffer, J., & Fong, C.T., (2002). Academy of Management Learning & Education, Vol 1(1), pp. 78-96.
“I’m innocent!”: Effects of training on judgments of truth and deception in the interrogation room"Kassin, S.M., & Fong, C.T., (1999). Law and Human Behavior, Vol 23(5), pp. 499-516.
Automatic activation of stereotypes: The role of self-image threat"Spencer, S., Fein, S., Wolfe, C., Fong, C.T., & Duinn, M., (1999). Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, pp. 1139-1152.
The Social Life of Emotions"Tiedens, L.Z., Sutton, R.I., & Leach, C.V., pp. 164-186.
Abhinav Gupta
Corporate Directors as Heterogeneous Network Pipes: How Director Political Ideology Affects the Interorganizational Diffusion of Governance Practices"Gupta, A., Wowak, A., and Boeker, W., (forthcoming). Strategic Management Journal.
Upper Echelons and Intra-Organizational Learning: How Executive Narcissism Affects Knowledge Transfer among Business Units"Liu, X., Zhang, L., Gupta, A., Zheng, X., and Wu, C., (forthcoming). Strategic Management Journal.
The Distinct Effects of Wealth- and CSR-oriented Shareholder Unrest on CEO Career Outcomes: A New Lens on Settling Up and Executive Job Demands"Lee, M. K., Gupta, A., and Hambrick, D. C., (2022). Academy of Management Journal.
Out of Character: CEO Political Ideology, Peer Influence, and Adoption of CSR Executive Position by Fortune 500 firms"Gupta, A., Fung, A., and Murphy, C., (2021). Strategic Management Journal.
Rewarding Morality: How Corporate Social Responsibility Shapes Top Management Team Compensation Votes"Fehr, R., Gupta, A., Guarana, C., (2021). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
Business Disruption From the Inside Out: A playbook for Employee Activists and advice for Corporate Leaders"Briscoe, F., and Gupta, A., (2021). Stanford Social Innovation Review.
Organizational Political Ideology and Corporate Openness to Social Activism"Gupta, A., and Briscoe, F., (2020). Administrative Science Quarterly.
Dispositional Sources of Managerial Discretion: CEO Ideology, CEO Personality, and Firm Strategies"Gupta, A., Nadkarni, S., and Mariam, M., (2019). Administrative Science Quarterly.
Placing Their Bets: The Influence of Strategic Investment on CEO Pay-for-Performance"Shi, W., Connelly, B. L., Mackey, J. D., and Gupta, A., (2019). Strategic Management Journal.
Evenhandedness in Resource Allocation: Its Relationship with CEO Ideology, Organizational Discretion, and Firm Performance"Gupta, A., Briscoe, F., and Hambrick, D. C., (2018). Academy of Management Journal.
Follow the Leader (or not): The influence of Peer CEOs’ Characteristics on interorganizational imitation"Gupta, A., and Misangyi, V., (2018). Strategic Management Journal.
Red, Blue and Purple Firms: Organizational Political Ideology and Corporate Social Responsibility"Gupta, A., Briscoe, F., and Hambrick, D. C., (2017). Strategic Management Journal.
The Elephant (or Donkey) in the Boardroom: How Board Political Ideology Affects CEO Pay"Gupta, A., Wowak, A., (2017). Administrative Science Quarterly.
Social Activism In and Around Organizations"Briscoe, F., and Gupta, A., (2016). Academy of Management Annals.
Social Activism and Practice Diffusion: How Activist Tactics Affect Non-targeted Organizations"Briscoe, F., Gupta, A., and Anner, M., (2015). Administrative Science Quarterly.
Structural Interdependence within Top Management Teams: A key moderator of Upper Echelon Predictions"Hambrick, D. C., Humphrey, S. and Gupta, A., (2015). Strategic Management Journal.
Andrew Hafenbrack
On whether to meditate before a negotiation: Mindfulness slightly impairs value claiming in negotiation"Hafenbrack, A.C., Barsade, S.G., Kinias, Z., & Falcão, H, (in press). Negotiation and Conflict Management Research.
Following community norms or an internal compass? The role of prospective leaders’ social category membership in the differential effects of authentic and ethical leadership on stereotype threat"Lagowska, U. G., Sobral, F. J. B. A., Jacob, J., Hafenbrack, A. C. & Goldszmidt, R., (2023). Journal of Applied Psychology.
When Mindfulness Does — and Doesn’t — Help at Work"Cameron, L., & Hafenbrack, A., (2022). Harvard Business Review.
Better to Be Optimistic, Mindful, or Both? The Interaction between Optimism, Mindfulness, and Task Engagement"Bunjak, A., Hafenbrack, A. C., Černe, M., & Arendt, J. F. W., (2022). Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Vol 95(3), pp. 595-623.
Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Guilt and Prosocial Reparation"Hafenbrack, A. C., LaPalme, M. L., & Solal, I., (2022). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 123(1), pp. 28–54.
An unintended consequence of mindfulness"Hafenbrack, A. C., (2022). The Washington Post.
Helping people by being in the present: Mindfulness increases prosocial behavior"Hafenbrack, A.C., Cameron, L. D., Spreitzer, G. M., Zhang, C., Noval, L. J., & Shaffakat, S., (2020). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, pp. 21-38.
Mindfulness is demotivating"Berinato, S., & Hafenbrack, A., (2019). Harvard Business Review, pp. 32-33.
Hey boss, you don’t want your employees to meditate"Vohs, K. D. & Hafenbrack, A. C., (2018). The New York Times.
Mindfulness meditation impairs task motivation but not performance"Hafenbrack, A. C. & Vohs, K. D, (2018). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, pp. 1-15.
“Going out” of the box: Close intercultural friendships and romantic relationships spark creativity, workplace innovation, and entrepreneurship"Lu, J. G., Hafenbrack, A. C., Eastwick, P. W., Wang, D. J., Maddux, W. W., & Galinsky, A. D., (2017). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 1091-1108.
Mindfulness meditation as an on-the-spot workplace intervention"Hafenbrack, A. C., (2017). Journal of Business Research, pp. 118-129.
Debiasing the mind through meditation: Mindfulness and the sunk-cost bias"Hafenbrack, A. C., Kinias, Z., & Barsade, S. G., (2014). Psychological Science, pp. 369-376.
Expanding opportunities by opening your mind: Multicultural engagement predicts job market success through longitudinal increases in integrative complexity"Maddux, W. W., Bivolaru, E., Hafenbrack, A. C., Tadmor, C. T., & Galinsky, A. D., (2014). Social Psychological and Personality Science, pp. 608-615.
Standing out as a signal to selfishness: Culture and devaluation of non-normative characteristics"Kinias, Z., Kim, H. S., Hafenbrack, A. C., & Lee, J. J., (2014). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, pp. 190-203.
Meditate for more profitable decisions"Kinias, Z., Hafenbrack, A., & Williams, J., (2013). Forbes.
Benjamin Hallen
Are Seed Accelerators Status Springboards for Startups? Or Sand Traps?"Hallen, Benjamin, Susan Cohen, and Sung Ho Park, (forthcoming). Strategic Management Journal.
Entrepreneurial Network Evolution: Explicating the Structural Localism and Agentic Network Change Distinction"Hallen, Benjamin, Jason Davis, and Alex Murray, (2020). Academy of Management Annals, Vol 14(2), pp. 1-36.
Do Accelerators Work? If So, How?"Hallen, Benjamin, Susan Cohen, and Christopher Bingham, (2020). Organization Science, Vol 31(2), pp. 378-414.
The Role of Accelerators in Mitigating Bounded Rationality in New Ventures"Cohen, S., Bingham, C., Hallen, B., (2019). Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol 64(4), pp. 810-854.
Entrepreneurial beacons: The Yale endowment, run‐ups, and the growth of venture capital"Bermiss, Y., Hallen, B., McDonald, R., and Pahnke, E. (All authors contributed equally and are listed alphabetically), (2017). Strategic Management Journal, pp. 545-565.
The Conditional Importance of Prior Ties: A Group-Level Analysis of Venture Capital Syndication"Zhang, L., Gupta, A.K., and Hallen, B.L., (2017). Academy of Management Journal.
When Do Entrepreneurs Accurately Evaluate Venture Capital Firm’s Track Records? A Bounded Rationality Perspective"Hallen, B. & Pahnke, E.C., (2016). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 59(5), pp. 1535-1560.
Exposed: Venture Capital, Competitor Ties, and Entrepreneurial Innovation"Pahnke, E., McDonald, R., Wang, D., Hallen, B., (2015). Academy of Management Journal.
How do Social Defenses Work? A Resource Dependence Lens on Technology Ventures, Venture Capitalists, and Corporate Relationships"Hallen, B.L., Katila, R., & Rosenberger, J.D., (2014). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 57(4), pp. 1078-1101.
Catalyzing Strategies and Efficient Tie Formation: How Entrepreneurs Obtain Venture Capital Ties"Hallen, B.L., & Eisenhardt, K.M., (2012). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 55(1), pp. 35-70.
The Causes and Consequences of the Initial Network Positions of New Organizations: From Whom do Entrepreneurs Receive Investments"Hallen, B.J., (2008). Administrative Science Quarterly, pp. 685–718.
The Liability of Leakage: How Indirect Ties to Competitors Impact Innovation in Entrepreneurial Firms (forthcoming)"Pahnke, E.C., McDonald, R., Hallen, B., & Wang, D.. Academy of Management Journal.
Mana Heshmati
External representations in strategic decision making: Understanding strategy’s reliance on visuals."Csaszar, F. A., Rosenkranz, N., and Heshmati, M., (forthcoming). Strategic Management Journal.
Learning Strategic Representations: Exploring the Effects of Taking a Strategy Course"Heshmati, M. & Csaszar, F. A., (2024). Organization Science, Vol 35(2), pp. 1383-1399.
Charles Hill
International Business: Competing in the Global Market Place"Hill, C.W.L., (2005).
Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach"Hill, C.W.L, & Jones, G.R., (2004).
The Performance of Incumbent Firms in the Face of Radical Technological Change"Hill, C.W.L., & Rothaermel, F.T., (2003). Academy of Management Review, Vol 28(2), pp. 257-274.
Tacit Knowledge as a Source of Competitive Advantage in the NBA"Berman, S.L., Down, J., & Hill, C.W.L., (2002). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 45(1), pp. 13-32.
Stakeholder Agency Theory"Hill, C.W., & Jones, T.M., (1992). Journal of Management Studies, Vol 29(2), pp. 131-154.
Vandra Huber
Work Status, Job Type and the Role of Fit in Managers’ Hiring Decisions: A Contingency Perspective"Sekiguchi, T., & Huber, V., (2003). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol 116(2), pp. 203-216.
Handbook of Human Resource Management"Poole, M., & Warner, M., (1998), pp. 596-607.
Handbook of Human Resource Management"Poole, M., & Warner, M., (1998), pp. 872-882.
Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management"Ferris, J., (1994), pp. 223-271.
Lowering Floors and Raising Ceilings: A Longitudinal Assessment of the Effects of an Earnings at Risk Pay Plan on Pay Satisfaction"Brown, K., & Huber, V.L., (1992). Personnel Psychology, Vol 45(2), pp. 279-312.
Comparison of the Effects of Specific and General Performance Standards on Performance Appraisal Decisions"Huber, V., (1989). Decision Sciences Journal, Vol 20(3), pp. 545–55.
Michael Johnson
Towards a Configural Theory of Job Demands and Resources"Ong, W. J., & Johnson, M.D., (2023). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 66(1), pp. 195-221.
Verdicts, Elections, and Counterterrorism: When Groups Take Unofficial Votes"Johnson, M.D., Awtrey, E., & Ong, W.J., (2023). Academy of Management Discoveries, Vol 9(4), pp. 429-439.
Stock Market Responses to Unethical Behavior in Organizations: An Organizational Context Model"Baker, B., Pitesa, M., Derfler-Rozin, R., & Johnson, M.D., (2019). Organization Science, pp. 319-336.
It’s Not Me, It’s Not You, It’s Us! An Empirical Examination of Relational Attributions"Eberly, M.B., Holley, E.C., Johnson, M.D., & Mitchell, T.R., (2017). Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 102(5), pp. 711-731.
Outcomes of absence control initiatives: A quasi-experimental investigation into the effects of policy and perceptions"Johnson, M.D., Holley, E.C., Morgeson, F.P., Labonar, D., & Stetzer, A., (2014). Journal of Management, pp. 1075-1097.
Expressed Humility in Organizations: Implications for Performance, Teams, and Leadership"Owens, B.P., Johnson, M.D., & Mitchell, T.R., (2013). Organization Science, Vol 24(5), pp. 1517-1538.
Alternative Reference Points and Outcome Evaluation: The Influence of Affect"Johnson, M.D., Ilies, R., & Boles, T.L., (2012). Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 97(1), pp. 33-45.
Cognitive and Affective Identification: Exploring the Links Between Different Forms of Social Identification and Personality with Work Attitudes and Behavior"Johnson, M.D., Morgeson, F.P., & Hekman, D.R., (2012). Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol 33(8), pp. 1142–1167.
Beyond Internal and External: A Dyadic Theory of Relational Attributions"Eberly, M.B., Holley, E.C., Johnson, M.D., & Mitchell, T.R., (2011). Academy of Management Review, Vol 36(4), pp. 731–753.
How Different Team Downsizing Approaches Influence Team-Level Adaptation and Performance"DeRue, D.S., Hollenbeck, J.R., Johnson, M.D., Ilgen, D.R., & Jundt, D.K., (2008). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 51(1), pp. 82–196.
Cutthroat Cooperation: Asymmetrical Adaptation to Changes in Team Reward Structures"Johnson, M.D., Hollenbeck, J.R., Humphrey, S.E., Ilgen, D.R., Jundt, D., & Meyer, C.J., (2006). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 49(1), pp. 103–119.
Multiple Professional Identities: Examining Differences in Identification Across Work-Related Targets"Johnson, M.D., Morgeson, F.P., Ilgen, D.R., Meyer, C.J., & Lloyd, J.W., (2006). Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 91(2), pp. 498–506.
Thomas Jones
Convergent Stakeholder Theory"Jones, T.M., & Wicks, A.C., (1999). Academy of Management Review, Vol 24(2), pp. 206-221.
Does Stakeholder Orientation Matter? The Relationship Between Stakeholder Management Models and Firm Financial Performance"Berman, S.L., Wicks, A.C., Kotha, S., & Jones, T.M., (1999). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 42(5), pp. 488-506.
The Structure of Optimal Trust: Moral and Strategic Implications"Wicks, A.C., Berman, S.L., & Jones, T.M., (1999). Academy of Management Review, Vol 24(1), pp. 99-116.
Moral Hazards on the Road to the ‘Virtual’ Corporation"Jones, T.M., & Bowie, N.E., (1998). Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol 8(2), pp. 273-292.
The Link Between Ethical Judgment and Action in Organizations: A Moral Approbation Approach"Jones, T.M., & Ryan, L.V., (1997). Organization Science, Vol 8(6), pp. 663-680.
An Agent Morality View of Business Policy"Quinn, D.P., & Jones, T.M., (1995). Academy of Management Review, Vol 20(1), pp. 22-42.
Instrumental Stakeholder Theory: A Synthesis of Ethics and Economics"Jones, T.M., (1995). Academy of Management Review, Vol 20(2), pp. 404-437.
Moral Commitment and the Ethical Attorney"Gautschi, F.H., & Jones, T.M., (1992). Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol 42(4), pp. 391-404.
Stakeholder Agency Theory"Hill, C.W., & Jones, T.M., (1992). Journal of Management Studies, Vol 29(2), pp. 131-154.
Ethical Decision Making by Individuals in Organizations: An Issue Contingent Model"Jones, T.M., (1991). Academy of Management Review, Vol 16(2), pp. 366-395.
Philip Kienast
Theory and Research in Conflict Management"Rahim, M.A., (1990), pp. 77-85.
The Effects of Lottery Incentive Programs on Performance"Evans, K.M., Kienast, P., & Mitchekk, T.R., (1988). Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, Vol 9(2), pp. 113-135.
The Practice of Collective Bargaining"Beal, E., Wickersham, E., & Kienast, P.K., (1986).
Employing Conjoint Analysis in Making Compensation Decisions"Kienast, P., MacLachlan, D., McAlister, L., & Sampson, D., (1983). Personnel Psychology, Vol 36(2), pp. 301–313.
Suresh Kotha
Learning from Startups: Corporate Venture Capital and Exploratory Knowledge Creation"Wadhwa, A., Phelps, C. C. & Kotha, S., (forthcoming). Journal of Business Venturing.
Time to Unicorn Status: An Exploratory Examination of New Ventures with Extreme Valuations"Kotha, S., Shin, J., & Fisher, G., (2022). Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, pp. 460-490.
Community-based resource mobilization: How entrepreneurs acquire resources from distributed non-professionals via Crowdfunding"Murray, A., Kotha, S., & Fisher, G., (2020). Organization Science, Vol 31(4), pp. 960-989.
Catching fire and spreading it: A glimpse into displayed entrepreneurial passion in crowdfunding campaigns"Li, J., Chen X., Kotha S., & Fisher G., (2017). Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 102(7), pp. 1075-1090.
Changing with the Times: An Integrated View of Legitimacy, Institutional Logics, and New Venture Cycles"Fisher, G., Kotha, S., & Lahiri, A., (2016). The Academy of Management Review, Vol 41(3), pp. 383-409. Winner of 2022 Helena Yli-Renko Research Impact Award from the Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies at the University of Southern California (an award presented in conjunction with the Academy of Management’s Entrepreneurship Division).
Does Signaling Still Matter? Replication Study on Firm’s Signaling Efforts on Wealth Retention during the IPO Process"Park, D., Borah, A. & Kotha S., (2016). Strategic Management Journal, Vol 37(11), pp. 2362-2377.
Search And Integration In External Venturing: An Inductive Examination Of Corporate Venture Capital Units"Basu, S., Phelps, C. C., & Kotha, S., (2016). Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol 37(11), pp. 2362-2377 (Lead Article).
Corporate Venture Capital Portfolios and Firm Innovation"Wadhwa, A., Phelps, C. C., & Kotha S., (2016). Journal of Business Venturing, pp. 95-112.
Signaling Revisited: The Use of Signals in the Market for IPOs"Park, D., Borah, A., & Kotha, S., (2016). Strategic Management Journal, Vol 37(11), pp. 2362-2377.
Managing a Global Partnership Model: Lessons from Boeing 787 ‘Dreamliner’ Program"Kotha, S., & Srikanth, K., (2013). Global Strategy Journal, pp. 41-66. Winner of the Global Journal 2021 Best Paper Prize.
Technology entrepreneurship"Beckman, C.M., Eisenhardt, K., Kotha, S., Meyer, A., & Rajagopalan. N., (2012). Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol 6(2), pp. 89–93.
Towards Understanding Who Makes Corporate Venture Capital Investments and Why"Basu, S., Phelps, C.C., & Kotha, S., (2011). Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 26(2), pp. 153-171.
Spillover, Spill-ins, and Strategic Entrepreneurship: America’s First Commercial Jet Airplane and Boeing’s Ascendancy in Commercial Aviation"Kotha, S., (2010). Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol 4(4), pp. 284–306.
Passion and Preparedness in Entrepreneurs’ Business Plan Presentations: A Persuasion Analysis of Venture Capitalists’ Funding Decisions"Chen, X.P., Yao, X., & Kotha, S., (2009). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 52(1), pp. 199-214.
Standing Out: How New Firms in Emerging Markets Build Media Reputation"Rindova, V.P., Petkova, A.P., & Kotha, S., (2007). Strategic Organization, Vol 5(1), pp. 31-70.
Knowledge Creation through External Venturing: Evidence from the Telecommunication Equipment Manufacturing Industry"Wadhwa, A., & Kotha, S., (2006). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 49(4), pp. 819-835.
Technological Sophistication versus Cultural Similarity: An Empirical Analysis of Country Factors Influencing Location Decision in The Internationalization of Internet Firms"Rothaermel, F., Kotha, S., & Steensma, H.K., (2006). Journal of Management, pp. 56-82.
Jessica (Huisi) Li
How virtue, competence, and dominance conjointly shape status attainment at work: Integrating person-centered and variable-centered approaches"Bai, F., Lin, J., Yan, J., & Li, H., (2024). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
The impact of sufferers’ wealth status on pain perceptions: Its development and relation to allocation of healthcare resources"Shu, Y, Li, H., Ma, S., & Bian, L., (2023). Developmental Science.
Do Low-Power Individuals Really Compete Less? An Investigation of Covert Competition"Zhong, Y & Li, H., (2023). Organization Science.
My Boss is Younger, Less Educated, and Shorter Tenured: When and Why Status (In)congruence Influences Promotion System Justification"Li, H., Wang, X., Williams, M, Chen., Y.-R., & Brockner, J., (2023). Journal of Applied Psychology.
Powerlessness also Corrupts: Lower Power Increases Self-Promotional Lying"Li, H., Chen, Y.-R., & Hildreth, J. A., (2022). Organization Science.
A Tale of Two Hierarchies: Power Hierarchy and Status Hierarchy Interact to Impact Team Performance"Hays, N., Li, H., Yang, X., Oh, J. K., Yu, A., Chen, Y.-R., Hollenbeck, J. R, & Jamieson, B. B., (2021). Organization Science.
Converging Tides Lift All Boats: Consensus in Evaluation Criteria Boosts Investments in Firms in Nascent Technology Sectors"Shen, X., Li, H., & Tolbert, P. S., (2021). Organization Science.
Initial and Longer-Term Change in Unit-Level Turnover Following Leader Succession: Contingent Effects of Outgoing and Incoming Leader Characteristics"Li, H., Hausknecht, J. P., & Dragoni, L., (2020). Organization Science.
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Talk and Let Talk: Effects of Language Proficiency on Speaking Up and Competence Recognition in Multinational Teams"Li, H., Yuan, Y. C., Bazarova, N., & Bell, B. S., (2018). Group & Organization Management, pp. 1-37.
Where is Context? Advancing Status Research with a Contextual Value Perspective"Li, H., Chen, Y.-R., & Blader, S. L., (2016). Research in Organizational Behavior, pp. 185-198.
Big Data in Turnover and Retention. In Tonidandel, King, & Cortina (Eds.)"Hausknecht, J. P., & Li, H., (2015). Big Data at Work: The Data Science Revolution and Organizational Psychology, pp. 250-271.
Terence Mitchell
The effects of proximal withdrawal states on job attitudes, job search, intention to leave and voluntary employee turnover"Li, J.I., Lee, T.W., Mitchell, T.R., Hom, P.W & Griffeth, R.G., (2016). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 1436-1456.
The Need to Consider Time, Level, and Trends: A Turnover Perspective"Mitchell, T.R., Burch, T.C., & Lee, T.W., (2014). Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol 35(2), pp. 296–300.
A Demonstration of the Importance of Temporal Considerations in the Prediction of Newcomer Turnover"Holtom, B.C., Tidd, S.T., Mitchell, T.R., & Lee, T.W., (2013). Human Relations, pp. 1337-1352.
Expressed Humility in Organizations: Implications for Performance, Teams, and Leadership"Owens, B.P., Johnson, M.D., & Mitchell, T.R., (2013). Organization Science, Vol 24(5), pp. 1517-1538.
Hometown Proximity, Coaching Change, and the Success of College Basketball Recruits"Barden, J.Q., Bluhm, D.J., Mitchell, T.R., & Lee, T.W., (2013). Journal of Sports Management, pp. 230-246.
Some Reservations About a SEU Model Predicting Employee Turnover"Mitchell, T.R., & Lee, T.W., (2013). Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, pp. 181-187.
The Story of Why We Stay: A Review of Job Embeddedness"Lee, T.W., Burch, T.C., & Mitchell, T.R., (2013). Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, pp. 199-216.
Further Clarification on the Hom, Mitchell, Lee, and Griffeth (2012) Model: Reply to Bergman, Payne, & Boswell (2012) and Maertz (2012)"Lee, T.W., & Griffeth, R., Mitchell, T.R., & Horn, P.W., (2012). Psychological Bulletin, pp. 871-875.
Redefining Employee Turnover: Focusing on Proximal Psychological States and an Expanded Criterion"Hom, P.W., Mitchell, T.R., Lee, T.W., & Griffeth, R.W., (2012). Psychological Bulletin, pp. 831-858.
When and How is Job Embeddedness Predictive of Turnover? A Meta-Analytic Investigation"Jiang, K., Liu, D., McKay, P.F., Lee, T.W., & Mitchell, T.R., (2012). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 1077-1096.
When Employees Are Out of Step with Coworkers: How Job Satisfaction Trajectories and Dispersion Influence Individual- and Unit-Level Voluntary Turnover"Dong, L., Mitchell, T.R., Lee, T.W., Holtom, B.C., & Hinkin, T.R., (2012). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 55(6), pp. 1360-1380.
Beyond Internal and External: A Dyadic Theory of Relational Attributions"Eberly, M.B., Holley, E.C., Johnson, M.D., & Mitchell, T.R., (2011). Academy of Management Review, Vol 36(4), pp. 731–753.
Working in Research Teams: Lessons from Personal Experiences"Lee, T.W., & Mitchell, T.R., (2011). Management and Organization Review, pp. 461-469.
The Buffering Effects of Job Embeddedness on Negative Shocks"Burton, J.P., Holtom, B.C., Sablynski, C.J., & Mitchell, T.R., & Lee, T.W., (2010). Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol 76(1), pp. 42-51.
Turnover Contagion: How Coworkers’ Job Embeddedness and Coworkers’ Job Search Behaviors Influence Quitting"Felps, W., Mitchell, T.R., Hekman, D., Lee, T.W., Holtom, B.C., & Harman, W.S., (2009). Academy of Management Journal, pp. 545-561.
Industrial Psychology: Linking Theory and Practice"Cooper, C.L., & Locke, E.A., (2000).
Disclosure of Contingent Environmental Liabilities: Some Unintended Consequences"Kennedy, J., Mitchell, T., and Sefcik, S., (1998). Journal of Accounting Research, Vol 36(2), pp. 257-277.
Predicting Self Efficacy and Performance During Skills Acquisition"Mitchell, T.R., Hooper, H., Daniels, D., Reynolds, J., & James, L.R., (1994). Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 79(4), pp. 506-517.
The Effects of Lottery Incentive Programs on Performance"Evans, K.M., Kienast, P., & Mitchekk, T.R., (1988). Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, Vol 9(2), pp. 113-135.
Richard L. Nolan
A “Novel” Approach to the Design of an IS Management Course"Austin, R.D., Nolan, R.L., & O'Donnell, S., (2009). Communications of the Association for Information Systems.
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Bridging the Gap Between Stewards and Creators"Austin, R.D., & Nolan, R.L., (2007). MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol 48(2), pp. 29-36.
Creative Destruction: A Six Stage Process for Business Transformation"Nolan, R.L., & Croson, D.C., (1995).
Scott J. Reynolds
Mindful but forgetful: The negative effect of trait mindfulness on memories of immoral behavior"Reynolds, S. J., Eliseo, M., Watkins, T. & Miriam, M., (in press). Business & Society Review.
For the sake of the ingroup: The double-edged effects of collectivism on workplace unethical behavior"Chen, C., Sheldon, O., Chen, M., & Reynolds, S. J., (in press). Business Ethics Quarterly.
The unintended consequences of empowering leadership: Increased deviance for some followers"Yam, K. C., Reynolds, S. J., Zhang, P. C. & Su, R. K., (2022). Journal of Business Ethics, Vol 181(3), pp. 683-700.
Threat of racial and economic inequality increases preference for algorithm decision-making"Bigman, Y. E., Yam, K. C., Marciano, D., Reynolds, S. J. & Gray, K., (2021). Computers in Human Behavior, Vol 122(106859).
Overcoming the psychological barriers of CSR"Reynolds, S. J., (2021). Organizational Dynamics, Vol 50(2), pp. 1-7.
The study of behavioral ethics within organizations"Mitchell, M. S., Reynolds, S. J. & Treviño, L. K., (2020). Personnel Psychology, Vol 73(1), pp. 5-17.
The dark side: Giving context and meaning to a growing genre of ethics-related research."Reynolds, S. J. & Bae, E., (2019). Business and Society 360, pp. 239-258.
Turning good soldiers into bad apples: Examining when and why citizenship behavior leads to deviance"Yam, K. C., Klotz, A. C., He, W., & Reynolds, S., (2017). Academy of Management Journal, pp. 1-24.
Navigating theories of moral cognition and interpersonal relationships to understand moral decisions (forthcoming)"Albert, L., Turan, B. & Reynolds, S.J.. Journal of Business Ethics.
Kira Schabram
Manipulation in organizational research: On executing and interpreting designs from treatments to primes."Schabram, K., Myers, C., & Hardin, A., (in press). Organization Research Methods.
All creatures great and small: A review and typology of employee-animal interactions"Quan, S. X., Lam, C., Schabram, K., Yam, K.C., (2024). Journal of Management, Vol 50(1), pp. 380-411.
Recover, explore, practice: The transformative potential of sabbaticals."Schabram, K., Bloom, M. & Didonna, D.J., (2023). Academy of Management Discoveries, Vol 9(4), pp. 441-468.
The machine hums! Addressing ontological and normative concerns regarding machine learning applications in organizational scholarship"Leavitt, K., Schabram, K., Hariharan, P., & Barnes, C., (2023). Academy of Management Review.
The dynamics of work orientations: An updated typology and agenda for the study of jobs, careers, and callings "Schabram, K., Nielsen, J., & Thompson, J, (2023). Academy of Management Annals, Vol 17(2), pp. 405-438.
Human sustainability at work: A meta-synthesis and new theoretical framework"Barnes, C., Wagner, D., Schabram, K., & Boncoeur, D., (2022). Journal of Management, Vol 49(6), pp. 1965-1996.
How other and self-compassion reduces burnout through resource replenishment"Schabram, K., Heng, Y-T, (2022). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 65(2), pp. 453-478.
Ghost in the machine: On organizational theory in the age of machine learning"Leavitt, K., Schabram, K., Hariharan, P., & Barnes, C. M., (2021). Academy of Management Review, pp. 750-777.
Honor among thieves: The interaction of team and member deviance on trust in the team"Schabram K., Robinson S.L. & Cruz K.S., (2018). Journal of Applied Psychology.
Negotiating the challenges of a calling: Emotion and enacted sensemaking in animal shelter work"Schabram, K. & Maitlis, S., (2017). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 60(2), pp. 584-609.
Lian Shao
The Effect of Culture on the Curvilinear Relationship between Performance and Turnover"Sturman, M.C., Shao, L., & Katz, J.H., (2012). Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 97(1), pp. 46-62.
The Role of Personality and General Mental Ability in Predicting Performance for New and Experienced Employees"Tracey, J.B., Sturman, M.C., Shao, L., & Tews, M.J. & Enz, C., (2010). The Cornell Handbook of Applied Hospitality Strategy, pp. 415-428.
A Cross Cultural Test of the “Five-Factor Model of Personality and Transformational Leadership"Shao, L., & Webber, S., (2006). Journal of Business Research, Vol 59(8), pp. 936-944.
David G. Sirmon
Craft and Strategic Entrepreneurship: Exploring and exploiting materiality, authenticity and tradition in craft-based ventures"Ganzin M, Chirico F, Kroezen JJ, Dacin MT, Sirmon DG, Suddaby R., (forthcoming). Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
Orchestrating resources with suppliers for product innovation"Chirico F, Naldi L, Hitt MA, Sieger P, Sirmon DG, Xu K., (2024). Journal of Product Innovation Management, pp. 735-767.
Resource Interdependence and Successful Exit: A Configurational Perspective on Young Technology Firms"Pahnke EC, Sirmon DG, Rhymer J, Campbell JT., (2023). Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, pp. 507-534.
Leveraging resources for innovation: The role of synchronization"Carnes, C. M., Hitt, M. A., Sirmon, D., Chirico, F., Huh, D. W., (2022). Journal of Product Innovation Management, pp. 160-176.
From Seats at the Table to Voices in the Discussion: Antecedents of Underrepresented Director Participation in Board Meetings"Tuggle, C. S., Sirmon, D., Borgholthaus, C. J., Bierman, L., Bass, A. E., (2022). Journal of Management Studies, pp. 1253-1283.
Institutions, industries and entrepreneurial versus advantage-based strategies: How complex, nested environments affect strategic choice"Hitt MA, Sirmon DG, Li Y, Ghobadian A, Arregle JL, Xu K., (2021). Journal of Management and Governance, pp. 147-188.
Humans and technology: Forms of conjoined agency in organizations"Murray A, Rhymer J, Sirmon DG, (2021). Academy of Management Review, pp. 552-571.
The evolution of Resource-Based inquiry: A review and meta-analytic integration of the strategic resources-action-performance pathway"D'Oria, L, Crook, T.R. Ketchen, D.J. Jr., Sirmon, D.G., Wright M., (2021). Journal of Management, pp. 1383-1429.
How Competitive Action Mediates The Resource Slack – Performance Relationship: A Meta-Analytic Approach"Carnes, C.M., XU, K., Sirmon, D.G., Karadag, R., (2019). Journal of Management Studies, pp. 57-90.
Pre-exit bundling, losing professionals, and firm performance"Brymer, R., & Sirmon, D.G., (2018). Journal of Management Studies, pp. 146-173.
Reflections on Scientific Misconduct in Management: Unfortunate Incidents or a Normative Crisis?"Honig, B., Lampel, J., Baum, J.A.C., Glynn, M.A. Jing, R., Lounsbury, L., Schüßler, E., Sirmon, D.G., Tsui, A.S., Walsh, J.P., van WITTELOOSTUIJN, (2018). Academy of Management Perspectives, pp. 412-442.
Living and dying: Synthesizing the literature on firm survival across stages of development"Harrison, J., Josefy, M., Sirmon, D.G., & Carnes, C.M., (2017). Academy of Management Annals, pp. 770-799.
The mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation: A meta-analysis of resource orchestration and cultural contingencies"Miao, C., Coombs, J.E., Qian, S., Sirmon, D.G., (2017). Journal of Business Research, pp. 68-80.
Fuzzy logic and the market: A configurational approach to investor perceptions of acquisition announcements"Campbell, J.T., Sirmon, D.G., & Schijven, M., (2016). Academy of Management Journal, pp. 163-187.
Utilizing the firm’s resources: How TMT heterogeneity and resulting faultlines affect TMT tasks"Ndofor, H.A., Sirmon, D.G., & He., X., (2015). Strategic Management Journal, pp. 1656-1674.
Socioemotional wealth as a mixed gamble: Revisiting family firm R&D investment with the behavior agency model"Gomez-Mejia, L., Campbell, J.T., Martin, G., Hoskisson, R.E., Makri, M., & Sirmon, D.G., (2014). Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, pp. 1351-1374.
Organizational decline and turnaround: A review and agenda for future research"Trahms, C., Ndofor, H., Sirmon, D.G., (2013). Journal of Management, Vol 39(5), pp. 1277-1307.
Shareholder Influence over Director Nomination via Proxy Access: Implications for Agency Conflict and Stakeholder Value"Campbell, J.T., Campbell, T.C., Sirmon, D.G., Bierman, L., & Tuggle, C.S., (2012). Strategic Management Journal, Vol 33(12), pp. 1431–1451.
Entrepreneurial orientation, generational involvement and participative strategy: A configurational approach to entrepreneurship in family firms"Chirico, F., Sirmon, D.G., Sciascia, S., & Mazzola, P., (2011). Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol 5(4), pp. 307–326.
Contingencies within dynamic managerial capabilities: Interdependent effects of resource investment and deployment on firm performance"Sirmon, D.G.,Hitt, M.A., (2009). Strategic Management Journal, Vol 30(13), pp. 1375-1394.
You say illegal, I say legitimate: Entrepreneurship in the informal economy"Webb, J.W., Tihanyi, L., Ireland, R.D., & Sirmon, D.G., (2009). Academy of Management Review, Vol 34(3), pp. 492-510.
Resource management in dyadic competitive rivalry: The effects of resource bundling and deployment"Sirmon, D.G., Gove, S., & Hitt, M.A., (2008). Academy of Management Journal, Vol 51(5), pp. 919-935.
The role of family influence in firms’ strategic response to competitive threat"Sirmon, D.G., Arregle, J-L., Hitt, M.A., & Webb, J.W., (2008). Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Vol 32(6), pp. 979-998.
Creating value in the face of declining performance: Firm strategies and organizational recovery"Morrow, J.L., Sirmon, D.G., Hitt, M.A., & Holcomb, T.R., (2007). Strategic Management Journal, Vol 28(3), pp. 271-283.
Managing firm resources in dynamic environments to create value: Looking inside the black box"Sirmon, D.G., Hitt, M.A., & Ireland, R.D., (2007). Academy of Management Review, Vol 32(1), pp. 273-292.
The development of organizational social capital: Attributes of family firms"Arregle, J-L., Hitt, M.A., Sirmon, D.G., & Very, P., (2007). Journal of Management Studies, Vol 44(1), pp. 73-95.
A model of cultural differences and international alliance performance"Sirmon, D.G., & Lane, P.J., (2004). Journal of International Business Studies, Vol 35(4), pp. 306-319.
Managing resources: Linking unique resources, management and wealth creation in family firms"Sirmon, D.G., Hitt, M.A., (2003). Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol 27(4), pp. 339-358.
Strategic entrepreneurship: The construct and its dimensions"Ireland, R.D., Hitt, M.A., & Sirmon, D.G., (2003). Journal of Management, Vol 29(6), pp. 963-989.
Firm Resources, Competitive Actions and Performance: Investigating a Mediated Model with Evidence from the In-Vitro Diagnostics Industry"Ndofor, H.A., Sirmon, D.G., & He, X., (2011). Strategic Management Journal, Vol 32(6), pp. 640–657.
Franchising and the Family Firm: Creating Unique Sources of Advantage"Chirico, F., Ireland, R.D., & Sirmon, D.G., (2011). Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Vol 35(3), pp. 483-501.
Resource Orchestration to Create Competitive Advantage: Breadth, Depth and Life Cycle Effects"Sirmon, D.G., Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D., & Gilbert, B.A., (2011). Journal of Management, Vol 37(5), pp. 1390-1412.
The Current State of Strategic Entrepreneurship and Future Opportunities"Hitt, M.A., Sirmon, D.G., Ireland, R.D., & Trahms, C., (2011). Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol 25(2), pp. 57-75.
Commanding Board of Director Attention: Investigating How Organizational Performance and CEO Duality Affect Board Members Attention to Monitoring"Tuggle, C.S., Sirmon, D.G., Reutzel, C., & Bierman, L., (2010). Strategic Management Journal, Vol 31(9), pp. 946-968.
Competition and Knowledge Creation in Management: Investigating Changes in Scholarship from 1988 to 2007"Certo, S.T., Sirmon, D.G., & Brymer, R., (2010). Academy of Management Learning and Education, Vol 9(4), pp. 591-606.
The Case for Random Coefficients Modeling in Entrepreneurship Research: An Illustration of Growth Strategies and Post-IPO Performance"Holcomd, T.R, Combs, J.G., Sirmon, D.G., & Sexton, J., (2010). Organizational Research Methods, Vol 13(2), pp. 348-389.
The Dynamic Interplay of Capability Strengths and Weaknesses: Investigating the Bases of Temporary Competitive Advantage"Sirmon, D.G., Hitt, M.A., Arregle, J.L., & Campbell, J.T., (2010). Strategic Management Journal, Vol 31(13), pp. 1386-1409.
Entrepreneurial Orientation, Generational Involvement and Participative Strategy: A Configurational Approach to Entrepreneurship in Family Firms (forthcoming)"Chirico, F., Sirmon, D., Sciascia, S., & Mazzola, P.. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
Kevin Steensma
When do collaborative first moves diminish nationality-based homophilic preferences? An examination of Chinese venture capital investment syndicates"Xia, W., Steensma, H.K., Bai, X., (2023). Administrative Science Quarterly.
The influence of patent assertion entities on inventor behavior"Chari, M., Steensma, H.K., Connaughton, C., Heidl, R., (2022). Strategic Management Journal.
Clustering and connectedness: How inventor network configurations within incumbent firms influence their assimilation and absorption of new venture technologies"Kim, J., Steensma, H.K., Heidl, R., (2021). Academy of Management Journal, pp. 1527-1552.
Previous and prospective career mobility, client capture, and compromised professional judgment: The withholding of known relevant prior art by patent lawyers on behalf of their clients"Chari, M., Steensma, H.K., Connaughton, C., (2020). Organization Science, pp. 489-507.
Technological links, social ties, incumbent firm opportunistic propensity and the formation of CVC deals"Kim, J., Steensma, H.K., Park, H.D., (2019). Journal of Management, pp. 1595-1622.
Spin-outs and spillback: How incumbent firms learn from those that have learned from them"Kim, J., Steensma, H.K., (2017). Strategic Management Journal.
A Comparative Analysis of Patent Assertion Entities in Markets for Intellectual Property Rights"Steensma, H.K., Chari, M., & Heidi, R.,, (2016). Organization Science.
Learning to Collaborate Through Collaboration: How Allying with Expert Firms Influences Collaborative Innovation in Novice Firms"Howard, M., Steensma, H.K., Lyles, M., Dhanaraj, (2016). Strategic Management Journal.
The quest for expansive property rights and the failure to disclose known relevant prior art"Steensma, H.K., Chari, M., & Heidi, R., (2015). Strategic Management Journal.
The Influence of Tie Strength Inequality Across Partner Pairs on the Dissolution of Multipartner Alliances"Heidl, R., Steensma, H.K., & Phelps, C., (2014). Organization Science, pp. 1351-1371.
Theories of work and working today: Introduction to special topic forum"Okhuysen, Lepak, Ashcraft, Labianca, Smith, Steensma., (2013). Academy of Management Review, pp. 491-502.
Where to explore? Drawing on the guidance of knowledge spillover recipient firms to expand knowledge boundaries"Yang, H., & Steensma, K., (2014). Research Policy, pp. 1496-1507.
The selection and nurturing effects of corporate investors on new venture innovativeness"Park, D., & Steensma, K., (2013). Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, pp. 311-330.
The compensatory relationship between absorptive capacity, social embeddedness and learning from an alliance"Steensma, H.K., Howard, M.D., Lyles, M., & Dhanaraj, C., (2012). Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, pp. 291-306.
When does corporate venture capital add value for new ventures?"Park, D., & Steensma, K., (2012). Strategic Management Journal, pp. 1-22.
Learning From What Others Have Learned From You: The Positive Effects of Technological Spillovers on Originating Firms"Yang, H., Phelps, C., & Steensma, K., (2010). Academy of Management Journal, pp. 371-389.
David Tan
Bad medicine: litigation, competition, and the marketing of prescription opioids."Tan, D. and West, N., (2023). Strategic Management Journal.
How the basis for status perceptions varies with perceiver status"Tan, D. & Rider, C., (2021). Organization Science.
The road not taken: technological uncertainty and the evaluation of innovations"Tan, D., (2021). Organization Science.
Far from the tree? Do private entrepreneurs agglomerate around public sector incumbents during economic transition?"Tan, D. & Tan, J., (2017). Organization Science.
Let them go? How losing employees to competitors can enhance firm status"Tan, D. & Rider, C. I., (2017). Strategic Management Journal.
Fit by adaptation or fit by founding? A comparative study of existing and new entrepreneurial cohorts in China"Zhang, C., Tan, J., & Tan, D, (2016). Strategic Management Journal.
Making the news heterogeneous media coverage and corporate litigation"Tan, D., (2016). Strategic Management Journal.
Labor market advantages of organizational status: a study of lateral partner hiring by large U.S. law firms"Rider, C.I., & Tan, D., (2014). Organization Science.
Categorical coherence, classification volatility and examiner-added citations"Tan, D., & Roberts, P., (2010). Research Policy, Vol 29(1), pp. 89-102.
Mimetic entry and bandwagon effect: the rise and decline of international equity joint venture in China"Xia, J., Tan, J., & Tan, D., (2008). Strategic Management Journal, Vol 29(2), pp. 195–217.
Environment–strategy co-evolution and co-alignment: a staged model of Chinese SOEs under transition"Tan, J., & Tan, D., (2005). Strategic Management Journal, Vol 26(2), pp. 141–157.
Elizabeth Umphress
Does identification hurt or help under identity threat? The exacerbating role of identity centrality and the buffering role of coworker solidarity on identity protection behaviors"Johnson, H. H., Umphress, E. E., Bates, J. T., Parkinson, S., & Sheppard, L. D., (in press). Academy of Management Journal.
Good intentions, bad behavior: A review and synthesis of the literature on unethical prosocial behavior (UPB) at work."Mo, S., Lupoli, M. J., Newman, A., Umphress, E. E., (2023). Journal of Organizational Behavior, pp. 335-354.
The ethics of diversity ideology: Consequences of leader diversity ideology on ethical leadership perceptions and organizational citizenship behavior"Dang, C. T., Volpone, S., Umphress, E. E., (2023). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 307-329.
Applying Procedural Justice to Sexual Harassment Policies, Procedures, and Practice"E. Umphress & Thomas (Eds.), (2022). National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Insights on how we try to show empathy, respect, and inclusion in AMJ"Umphress, E., Rink, F., Muir, Cindy P. (Zapata), Hideg, I., (2022). 2nd ed., pp. 363-370.
How Organizations Can Take a Lead in Protecting Reproductive Rights"Thomason, B., Chawla, N., Gabriel, A., Greenberg, D., Lambert, C., Moergen, K., Sumpter, D., Umphress, E., (2022).
Strong body, clear mind: Physical activity bolsters self-control capacity and shields individuals against supervisor interpersonal injustice"Watkins, T., & Umphress. E. E., (2020). Personnel Psychology, pp. 641-667.
Feeling activated and acting unethically: The influence of activated mood on unethical behavior to help a teammate and self-interested unethical behavior"Umphress, E. E., Gardner, R. G., Leavitt, K., & Stoverink, A. C., (2020). Personnel Psychology, pp. 95-123.
It’s not black and white: Toward a contingency perspective on the consequences of being a token"Watkins, M., Simmons, A., & Umphress, E. E., (2019). Academy of Management Perspectives, pp. 334-365.
To help my supervisor: Identification, moral identity, and unethical pro-supervisor behavior"Johnson, H., & Umphress, E. E., (2019). Journal of Business Ethics, pp. 519-534.
Leader social accounts of subordinates’ unethical behavior: Examining observer reactions to leader social accounts with moral disengagement language"Dang, C. T., Umphress, E. E., Mitchell, M., (2017). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 1448-1461.
Building houses on rocks: The role of the ethical infrastructure in organizations"Tenbrunsel, A. E., Smith-Crowe, K., & Umphress, E. E., (2003). Social Justice Research, pp. 285-307.
High procedural fairness heightens the effect of outcome favorability on self-evaluations: An attributional analysis"Brockner, J., Heuer, L., Magner, N., Folger, R., Umphress, E. E., Van den Bos, K., Vermunt, R., Magner, M., & Siegel, P., (2003). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, pp. 51-68.
The role of instrumental and expressive social network ties in employees’ perceptions of organizational justice"Umphress, E. E., Labianca, G., Brass, D. J., Kass, E., & Scholten, L., (2003). Organization Science, pp. 738-753.
Is virtue its own reward? Self-sacrificial decisions for the sake of fairness"Turillo, C. J., Folger, R., Lavelle, J. J., Umphress, E. E., & Gee, J. O., (2002). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, pp. 839-865.
Emulation in academia: Balancing structure and identity"Labianca, G., Fairbank, J. F., Thomas, J. B., Gioia, D. A., & Umphress, E. E., (2001). Organization Science, pp. 312-330.
Misery loves company: Team dissonance and the influence of supervisor-focused interpersonal justice climate on team cohesiveness"Stoverink, A.C., Umphress, E.E., Gardner, R.G., & Miner, K.N., (2014). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 1059-1073.
Observer reactions to interpersonal injustice: The roles of perpetrator intent and victim perception"Umphress, E.E., Simmons, A.L., Folger, R., Ren, R., & Bobocel, R., (2013). Journal of Organizational Behavior, pp. 327-349.
Formal Infrastructure and Ethical Decision-Making: Empirical Investigation and Implications for Supply Management"Rottig, D., Koufteros, X., & Umphress, E.E., (2011). Decision Sciences Journal, pp. 163-204.
When employees do bad things for good reasons. A motivational model for unethical pro-organizational behavior"Umphress, E.E.,& Bingham, J.B., (2011). Organization Science, pp. 621-640.
Unethical Behavior in the Name of the Company: The Moderating Effect of Organizational Identification and Positive Reciprocity Beliefs on Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior"Umphress, E.E., Bingham, J.B., & Mitchell, M.S., (2010). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 769-780.
The Influence of Distributive Justice on Lying for and Stealing from a Supervisor"Umphress, E.E., Ren, L.R., Bingham, J.B., & Gogus, C.I, (2009). Journal of Business Ethics, pp. 507-518.
Managing Discrimination in Selection: The Influence of Directives from an Authority and Social Dominance Orientation"Umphress, E.E., Simmons, A.L., Boswell, W.R., & Triana, M.C., (2008). Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 982-993.
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Community Matters: Realistic Group Conflict Theory and the Impact of Diversity"Brief, A.P., Umphress, E.E., Dietz, J., Burrows, J.W., Butz, R.M., & Scholten, L., (2005). Academy of Management Journal, pp. 830-944.
Ming zhu Wang
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The Problems and Promise of Entrepreneurial Partnerships: Decision-Making, Overconfidence, and Learning in Founding Teams"Chen, J. S., Elfenbein, D. W., Posen, H. E., & Wang, M. Z., (2022). Academy of Management Review, Vol 47(3), pp. 489-520.
Elijah Wee
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A theory of professional touching behavior in organizations: Implications for human resource scholars and practitioners"Tang, P. M., Klotz, A. C., Koopman, J., Wee, E. X. M., & Lu, Y., (forthcoming). Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management.
Compassion during difficult times: Team compassion behavior, suffering, supervisory dependence, and employee voice during COVID-19"Wee, E. X. M., & Fehr, R., (2021). Journal of Applied Psychology.
In line and out of the box: How ethical leaders help offset the negative effect of morality on creativity"Liu, X., Liao, H., Derfler-Rozin, R., Zheng, X., Wee, E. X. M., & Qiu, F., (2020). Journal of Applied Psychology.
Attention to change: A multilevel theory on the process of emergent continuous organizational change"Wee, E. X. M., & Taylor, M. S., (2018). Journal of Applied Psychology.
Moving from abuse to reconciliation: A power-dependence perspective on how and when a follower may triumph over abusive supervision"Wee, E. X. M., Liao, H., Liu, D., & Liu, J., (2017). Academy of Management Journal.
Shifting the power balance with an abusive boss"Liao, H., Wee, E. X. M., & Liu, D., (2017). Harvard Business Review.