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For Academics

Research Projects & Positions

We highly encourage the qualified pre-doctoral or post-doctoral students to take advantage of this rare opportunity to make an impact and gain access to data for academic research and become a research fellow. By leveraging the outstanding resources of University of Washington’s Center, we hope to generate high quality academic research and contribute to customer insights.

Learn more about our cross-functional research teams

Research Fellow Opportunities

The Center for Sales and Marketing Strategy at the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business is seeking postdoctoral Research Fellows or visiting scholars to work for the center at UW or one of its affiliated universities.

The mission of the center is to align important sales and marketing problems with academic research and analysis techniques to develop strategies that improve business performance, and facilitate business-academic collaboration to create and disseminate sales and marketing knowledge.

The Research Fellow is up to a one-year position and is self-funded. This position is designed to support a talented researcher in the field of marketing or sales strategy to generate significant research contributions to the marketing discipline. The primary goal for the person who fills this position will be to conduct research in collaboration with the center’s faculty, with particular encouragement to advance high quality, cutting edge field research. The position will report to Professor Robert W. Palmatier, but will also work with other faculty affiliated with the center. The position can be located at any of the Center’s affiliated faculty universities but will often be in Seattle Washington.

Accordingly, we are seeking candidates with an interest in marketing strategy, empirical modeling, and related areas who are seeking to extend their skills and generate high quality research. To be eligible, candidates must have completed their Ph.D. in marketing or related areas. Expertise in econometric and empirical modeling and experience in conducting empirical research is vital. Students with access to relevant data or businesses to help accelerate their research program will be given priority. Also, fluency in English is necessary. During the period of the fellowship, the post doc is expected to be in residence, work with faculty on research projects, and participate in research seminars at the school.

To apply, send an email with the subject line “Post Doc” to Rob Palmatier containing the following:

  1. a cover letter explaining your background and interest
  2. your curriculum vita
  3. two letters of recommendation
  4. a sample research paper

Please have letters of recommendation emailed directly from the letter-writers. Applications are evaluated and accepted on a rolling basis.

Research Assistant Opportunities

The Center for Sales and Marketing Strategy at the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business is seeking undergraduate Research Assistants to work for the center at UW.

The mission of the center is to align important sales and marketing problems with academic research and analysis techniques to develop strategies that improve business performance and facilitate business-academic collaboration to create and disseminate sales and marketing knowledge.

Accordingly, we are seeking candidates with an interest in marketing strategy and related areas who are seeking to seeking to extend their skills by learning about marketing and the research process. The RA position can be located remotely with flexible hours. It requires 5-10 hours per week. Please note the position is unpaid.

To apply, send an email with the subject line “Research Assistant” to Rob Palmatier containing the following:

  1. a cover letter explaining your background and interest
  2. your resume

Single Firm Collaboration

Upon request, affiliated researchers from the Center for Sales and Marketing Strategy can be brought on-site to your firm to assist in a customized research projects that addresses the unique challenges facing your firm. Affiliated researchers are experts in their domain and can provide insights into data collection, research design, analysis, interpretation of results, and strategic insights.

For more information, contact the Research Director, Robert Palmatier at [email protected].

Applications are evaluated and accepted on a rolling basis.

First Principles of Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy is the pursuit of solutions to four fundamental marketing problems:

  • all customers differ
  • all customers change
  • all competitors react
  • all resources are limited

Structured around these four First Principles of Marketing Strategy, this important new textbook offers a unique and extensively classroom-tested approach to marketing strategy. It provides a structured framework to develop effective strategies to deal with diverse marketing problems while integrating data-analytics into the decision making process.

Supporting Materials

We have provided a complete Instructor’s Manual outlining all the support materials as well as detailed information on how to use the book to construct a marketing management/strategy classes (undergraduate and MBA versions), as well as marketing analytics class (undergraduate and MBA versions).

Sample Undergraduate Syllabi
Marketing Analytics
Marketing Strategy
The book comes accompanied with over 500 slides with built in animation, numerous examples, and comprehensive instructor notes. On the bottom of each slide is a detailed discussion of the purpose, research support, and examples supporting the slide (i.e., in notes section). These slides have been developed by the authors over the past decade and these classes have won numerous awards at undergraduate, MS, MBA and, EMBA levels

Marketing Strategy Chapter 1
Marketing Strategy Chapter 2
Marketing Strategy Chapter 3
Marketing Strategy Chapter 4
Marketing Strategy Chapter 5
Marketing Strategy Chapter 6
Marketing Strategy Chapter 7
Marketing Strategy Chapter 8
Marketing Strategy Chapter 9

Marketing Strategy Research Toolbox

The book contains four broad empirical cases included in the book text. There is a large case for each First Principle to demonstrate the approach and key analysis techniques. Data sets and step-by-step solution guides are available on the website. Video solutions of each case are also available. Teaching notes and solution guides are available for all cases not included in book.

DentMax Case Dataset (case included in book)
TKL Case Dataset (case included in book)
EINC Case Dataset (case included in book)
BRT Case Dataset (case included in book)
Smartwatch Case Dataset
Smartwatch Case
AirBnB Case Dataset – Traveler
AirBnB Case Dataset – Host
AirBnB Case
MobilMax Inc Case (data included in course)

Comprehensive tests with both multiple choice and short answer questions are available for each chapter. Email author at [email protected].


The Center for Sales and Marketing Strategy provides a range of benefits to its members. Here are a few ways the center can benefit you and your firm:

  • Stay current on marketing trends and strategies
  • Network with people from various industries
  • Gain access to current empirical research
  • Work with leading researchers to solve your sales and marketing problems
  • Connect with UW student interns to work on sales and marketing problems at your firm
  • Apply state-of-the-art analysis techniques to your customer data to improve business performance
  • Share your knowledge and expertise with others