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Faculty Directory

Francesca Valsesia
Office: 467
Phone: 206-543-3303

Curriculum vitae:

Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353226
Seattle, Washington 98195

Francesca Valsesia

Associate Professor of Marketing
Evert McCabe Endowed Fellow


BS Bocconi University
MS Bocconi University
MS London School of Economics
PhD University of Southern California

Academic Expertise

consumer behavior
experiential consumption
impression management and signaling
social influence and wom
social media
strategic communication

Positions Held

At the University of Washington since 2018

Selected Publications

  1. You Should Try These Together: Combinatory Recommendations Signal Expertise and Improve Product Attitudes
    Journal Article:D’Angelo, Jennifer and Francesca Valsesia, (2023). Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 60(1), pp. 155-169 (equal authorship).
  2. Let Me Show You What I Did versus What I Have: Sharing Experiential versus Material Purchases Alters Authenticity and Liking of Social Media Users
    Journal Article:Valsesia, Francesca and Kristin Diehl, (2022). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 49(3), pp. 76-89.
  3. Does Gender Matter? The Effect of Management Responses on Reviewing Behavior,
    Journal Article:Proserpio, Davide, Isamar Troncoso, and Francesca Valsesia, (2021). Marketing Science, Vol. 40(6), pp. 1199-2013.
  4. I Am Not Talking to You: Partitioning an Audience in an Attempt to Solve the Self-Promotion Dilemma,
    Journal Article:Valsesia, Francesca, Joseph C. Nunes, and Andrea Ordanin, (2021). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol. 165, pp. 76-89.
  5. The Positive Effect of Not Following Others on Social Media
    Journal Article:Valsesia, Francesca, Davide Proserpio, and Joseph C. Nunes, (2020). Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 57(6), pp. 1152-1168.
  6. Based on a True Story: Making People Believe the Unbelievable
    Journal Article:Valsesia, Francesca, Kristin Diehl, and Joseph C. Nunes, (2017). Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 71, pp. 105-110.
  7. What Wins Awards is Not Always What I Buy: How Creative Control Affects Authenticity and Thus Recognition (But Not Liking)
    Journal Article:Valsesia, Francesca, Joseph C. Nunes and Andrea Ordanini, (2016). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 42(6), pp. 897-914.
  8. The Power of Repetition: Repetitive Lyrics in a Song Increase Processing Fluency and Drive Market Success
    Journal Article:Nunes, Joseph C., Andrea Ordanini, and Francesca Valsesia, (2015). Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 25(2), pp. 187-199.

Honors and Awards

• Cornell Saroj & Vithala Rao Young Scholar Award (awarded to four “rising stars” in marketing), 2023
• Outstanding Reviewer Award – Journal of Consumer Research, 2022
• Foster School of Business Dean’s Excellence Award for Faculty Research, 2022
• Evert McCabe Endowed Fellow, July 2022 - Present
• Recipient of CBSIG Small Research Grant, 2020
• John A. Howard/American Marketing Association Doctoral Dissertation Award, Honorable Mention, 2018
• American Marketing Association Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow, 2017
• Society for Consumer Psychology Dissertation Proposal Competition, Winner, 2017
• University of Southern California James S. Ford Fellowship, Winner, 2016

Courses Taught

MKTG 581
MKTG 501
MKTG 301