David G. Sirmon
- Professor of Management Robert Herbold Professor in Strategy
- PhD Arizona State University (2004)
- MBA University of Montana (1997)
- BS University of Montana (1996)
Academic Expertise
- board of directors
- competitive dynamics
- corporate governance
- family-based entrepreneurship
- human / technology governance
- resource orchestration
- stakeholder management
- turnaround strategies
Positions Held
- At the University of Washington since 2012
- Associate Professor at Texas A&M University, 2011-2012
- Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University, 2006-2011
- Assistant Professor at Clemson University, 2004-2006
- Commercial Lending, 1997-2000
Selected Publications
- “Craft and Strategic Entrepreneurship: Exploring and exploiting materiality, authenticity and tradition in craft-based ventures“Journal Article:Ganzin M, Chirico F, Kroezen JJ, Dacin MT, Sirmon DG, Suddaby R., (forthcoming). Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,
- “Orchestrating resources with suppliers for product innovation“Journal Article:Chirico F, Naldi L, Hitt MA, Sieger P, Sirmon DG, Xu K., (2024). Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 41, pp. 735-767.
- “Resource Interdependence and Successful Exit: A Configurational Perspective on Young Technology Firms“Journal Article:Pahnke EC, Sirmon DG, Rhymer J, Campbell JT., (2023). Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol. 17, pp. 507-534.
- “Leveraging resources for innovation: The role of synchronization“Journal Article:Carnes, C. M., Hitt, M. A., Sirmon, D., Chirico, F., Huh, D. W., (2022). Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 39, pp. 160-176.
- “From Seats at the Table to Voices in the Discussion: Antecedents of Underrepresented Director Participation in Board Meetings“Journal Article:Tuggle, C. S., Sirmon, D., Borgholthaus, C. J., Bierman, L., Bass, A. E., (2022). Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 59, pp. 1253-1283.
- “Institutions, industries and entrepreneurial versus advantage-based strategies: How complex, nested environments affect strategic choice“Journal Article:Hitt MA, Sirmon DG, Li Y, Ghobadian A, Arregle JL, Xu K., (2021). Journal of Management and Governance, Vol. 25, pp. 147-188.
- “Humans and technology: Forms of conjoined agency in organizations“Journal Article:Murray A, Rhymer J, Sirmon DG, (2021). Academy of Management Review, Vol. 46, pp. 552-571.
- “The evolution of Resource-Based inquiry: A review and meta-analytic integration of the strategic resources-action-performance pathway“Journal Article:D'Oria, L, Crook, T.R. Ketchen, D.J. Jr., Sirmon, D.G., Wright M., (2021). Journal of Management, Vol. 47, pp. 1383-1429.
- “How Competitive Action Mediates The Resource Slack – Performance Relationship: A Meta-Analytic Approach“Journal Article:Carnes, C.M., XU, K., Sirmon, D.G., Karadag, R., (2019). Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 56, pp. 57-90.
- “Reflections on Scientific Misconduct in Management: Unfortunate Incidents or a Normative Crisis?“Journal Article:Honig, B., Lampel, J., Baum, J.A.C., Glynn, M.A. Jing, R., Lounsbury, L., Schüßler, E., Sirmon, D.G., Tsui, A.S., Walsh, J.P., van WITTELOOSTUIJN, (2018). Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol. 32, pp. 412-442.
- “Pre-exit bundling, losing professionals, and firm performance“Journal Article:Brymer, R., & Sirmon, D.G., (2018). Journal of Management Studies, pp. 146-173.
- “Living and dying: Synthesizing the literature on firm survival across stages of development“Journal Article:Harrison, J., Josefy, M., Sirmon, D.G., & Carnes, C.M., (2017). Academy of Management Annals, pp. 770-799.
- “The mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation: A meta-analysis of resource orchestration and cultural contingencies“Journal Article:Miao, C., Coombs, J.E., Qian, S., Sirmon, D.G., (2017). Journal of Business Research, pp. 68-80.
- “Fuzzy logic and the market: A configurational approach to investor perceptions of acquisition announcements“Journal Article:Campbell, J.T., Sirmon, D.G., & Schijven, M., (2016). Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 59, pp. 163-187.
- “Utilizing the firm’s resources: How TMT heterogeneity and resulting faultlines affect TMT tasks“Journal Article:Ndofor, H.A., Sirmon, D.G., & He., X., (2015). Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 36, pp. 1656-1674.
- “Socioemotional wealth as a mixed gamble: Revisiting family firm R&D investment with the behavior agency model“Journal Article:Gomez-Mejia, L., Campbell, J.T., Martin, G., Hoskisson, R.E., Makri, M., & Sirmon, D.G., (2014). Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Vol. 38, pp. 1351-1374.
- “Organizational decline and turnaround: A review and agenda for future research“Journal Article:Trahms, C., Ndofor, H., Sirmon, D.G., (2013). Journal of Management, Vol. 39(5), pp. 1277-1307.
- “Shareholder Influence over Director Nomination via Proxy Access: Implications for Agency Conflict and Stakeholder Value“Journal Article:Campbell, J.T., Campbell, T.C., Sirmon, D.G., Bierman, L., & Tuggle, C.S., (2012). Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 33(12), pp. 1431–1451.
- “Entrepreneurial orientation, generational involvement and participative strategy: A configurational approach to entrepreneurship in family firms“Journal Article:Chirico, F., Sirmon, D.G., Sciascia, S., & Mazzola, P., (2011). Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol. 5(4), pp. 307–326.
- “Firm Resources, Competitive Actions and Performance: Investigating a Mediated Model with Evidence from the In-Vitro Diagnostics Industry“Journal Article:Ndofor, H.A., Sirmon, D.G., & He, X., (2011). Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 32(6), pp. 640–657.
- “The Current State of Strategic Entrepreneurship and Future Opportunities“Journal Article:Hitt, M.A., Sirmon, D.G., Ireland, R.D., & Trahms, C., (2011). Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol. 25(2), pp. 57-75.
- “Franchising and the Family Firm: Creating Unique Sources of Advantage“Journal Article:Chirico, F., Ireland, R.D., & Sirmon, D.G., (2011). Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Vol. 35(3), pp. 483-501.
- “Resource Orchestration to Create Competitive Advantage: Breadth, Depth and Life Cycle Effects“Journal Article:Sirmon, D.G., Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D., & Gilbert, B.A., (2011). Journal of Management, Vol. 37(5), pp. 1390-1412.
- “The Case for Random Coefficients Modeling in Entrepreneurship Research: An Illustration of Growth Strategies and Post-IPO Performance“Journal Article:Holcomd, T.R, Combs, J.G., Sirmon, D.G., & Sexton, J., (2010). Organizational Research Methods, Vol. 13(2), pp. 348-389.
- “Commanding Board of Director Attention: Investigating How Organizational Performance and CEO Duality Affect Board Members Attention to Monitoring“Journal Article:Tuggle, C.S., Sirmon, D.G., Reutzel, C., & Bierman, L., (2010). Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 31(9), pp. 946-968.
- “The Dynamic Interplay of Capability Strengths and Weaknesses: Investigating the Bases of Temporary Competitive Advantage“Journal Article:Sirmon, D.G., Hitt, M.A., Arregle, J.L., & Campbell, J.T., (2010). Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 31(13), pp. 1386-1409.
- “Competition and Knowledge Creation in Management: Investigating Changes in Scholarship from 1988 to 2007“Journal Article:Certo, S.T., Sirmon, D.G., & Brymer, R., (2010). Academy of Management Learning and Education, Vol. 9(4), pp. 591-606.
- “You say illegal, I say legitimate: Entrepreneurship in the informal economy“Journal Article:Webb, J.W., Tihanyi, L., Ireland, R.D., & Sirmon, D.G., (2009). Academy of Management Review, Vol. 34(3), pp. 492-510.
- “Contingencies within dynamic managerial capabilities: Interdependent effects of resource investment and deployment on firm performance“Journal Article:Sirmon, D.G.,Hitt, M.A., (2009). Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 30(13), pp. 1375-1394.
- “Resource management in dyadic competitive rivalry: The effects of resource bundling and deployment“Journal Article:Sirmon, D.G., Gove, S., & Hitt, M.A., (2008). Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 51(5), pp. 919-935.
- “The role of family influence in firms’ strategic response to competitive threat“Journal Article:Sirmon, D.G., Arregle, J-L., Hitt, M.A., & Webb, J.W., (2008). Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Vol. 32(6), pp. 979-998.
- “Managing firm resources in dynamic environments to create value: Looking inside the black box“Journal Article:Sirmon, D.G., Hitt, M.A., & Ireland, R.D., (2007). Academy of Management Review, Vol. 32(1), pp. 273-292.
- “The development of organizational social capital: Attributes of family firms“Journal Article:Arregle, J-L., Hitt, M.A., Sirmon, D.G., & Very, P., (2007). Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 44(1), pp. 73-95.
- “Creating value in the face of declining performance: Firm strategies and organizational recovery“Journal Article:Morrow, J.L., Sirmon, D.G., Hitt, M.A., & Holcomb, T.R., (2007). Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 28(3), pp. 271-283.
- “A model of cultural differences and international alliance performance“Journal Article:Sirmon, D.G., & Lane, P.J., (2004). Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 35(4), pp. 306-319.
- “Managing resources: Linking unique resources, management and wealth creation in family firms“Journal Article:Sirmon, D.G., Hitt, M.A., (2003). Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol. 27(4), pp. 339-358.
- “Strategic entrepreneurship: The construct and its dimensions“Journal Article:Ireland, R.D., Hitt, M.A., & Sirmon, D.G., (2003). Journal of Management, Vol. 29(6), pp. 963-989.
Honors and Awards
Honors and Awards - Research
- Best Paper at AMR - Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management (2022)
- Top 100 Most Influential Scholar (Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher) - 2014, 2017, 2018
- “world-class researchers selected for their exceptional research performance, demonstrated by production of multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in Web of Science: Economic & Business category.” Clarivate Analytics, 2018.
- Robert Herbold Professorship in Entrepreneurship, UW, 2012
- Ricky W. Griffin Research Excellence Award, TAMU, 2012
- Emerging Scholar Award, SMS (distinguished early career award), 2011
- Mays Research Performance Award, TAMU, 2011
- Summer Research Performance Grant, TAMU, 2010
- Pamela M. and Barent W. Cater ’77 Faculty Research Fellowship, TAMU, 2009
- Dean’s Performance Recognition Grant, TAMU, 2009
- Center for Human Resource Management Research Grant, TAMU, 2008
- Outstanding Reviewer, BPS Division, AoM, 2008
- Dean’s Performance Recognition Grant, TAMU, 2008
- Mays Research Mini-Grant, TAMU, 2008
- Center for Human Resource Management Research Grant, TAMU, 2007
- Emerging Scholar Research Excellence Award, Clemson University, 2005
- Outstanding Reviewer, Entrepreneurship Division, AoM, 2005
- Best Paper/Symposium, AoM – 2003, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2018
- Best Paper Nominee/Winner, SMS – 2005, 2009, 2011
- Best Paper Nominee/Finalist JMS 2008; AMR 2010; AMLE 2011
Honors and Awards - Teaching
- 18th out of 6,326 most cited scholars in strategy texts (Aguinis et al. 2018. Academy of Management Learning and Education)
- Professor of the Year – Core Evening MBA, UW, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
- Professor of the Quarter (Winter) – Core Day MBA, UW, 2013
- Excellence in Graduate Teaching – Foster School, UW 2017
Academic Service
- Editorial Review Board, Academy of Management Journal
- Editorial Review Board, Strategic Management Journal
- Editorial Review Board, Academy of Management Review
- Co-editor Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Courses Taught
- I deliver award-winning courses on Strategic Management to several audiences, including Ph.D., MBA, and professionals. Strategic Management focuses on the multi-faceted concept of “firm strategy” with the intent to help students understand how managers conceive and realize competitive advantage(s) to win in the marketplace. I emphasize that the heart of effective strategy is ensuring that “Uniqueness, Fit and Tradeoffs” exist among the firm’s activities. This is important because evidence regularly demonstrates that these choices differentiate thriving and failing firms. In order to address important strategic concepts, such as, Blue Oceans, network-based platforms, critical areas of differentiation, mergers and acquisition, and firm governance among others, I rely heavily on case-based discussions of exemplar firms (and compare those to firms that are failing). In total, students develop analytical, diagnostic, and rhetorical skills while adding precision to their “strategic toolbox.”