Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353226
Seattle, WA 98195-3226
Tracey Seslen
- Associate Teaching Professor of Finance and Business Economics
- PhD Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2003)
Academic Expertise
- economics
- managerial economics
- microeconomics
- Real Estate
Positions Held
- Senior Research Associate/Co-author of the Casden Real Estate Forecast, 2009-2012
- Assistant Professor of Clinical Finance and Business Economics, University of Southern California, 2007-2012
- Lecturer, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, 2004-2007
Selected Publications
- “Do House Price Levels Anticipate Subsequent Price Changes within Metropolitan Areas?“Journal Article:Lee, N., Seslen, T., & Wheaton, W., (2015). Real Estate Economics, Vol. 43(3), pp. 782-806.
- “Contemporaneous Loan Stress and Default Risk in the Commercial Mortgage-backed Securities Pool: How ‘Ruthless’ is Default?“Journal Article:Seslen, T., & Wheaton, W., (2010). Real Estate Economics, Vol. 38(2), pp. 225-255.
- “Neighborhood Wealth Distributions“Journal Article:Ioannides, Y., & Seslen, T., (2002). Economics Letters, Vol. 76(3), pp. 357-367.
Working Papers
- “Testing the Intertemporal Efficiency of Hedonic House Prices,” with William C. Wheaton
Academic Service
- Casden Forecast, Los Angeles Times, 2009-2012