Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353226
Seattle, WA 98195-3226
The Internet and the emerging digital economy will fundamentally alter how firms compete in the 21st century. In this digital economy, firm performance will no longer be measured by traditional measures such as market share and return on assets, but will include a measure of cybershare and other social media criteria.
Suresh Kotha
- Professor of Management Olesen/Battelle Excellence Chair in Entrepreneurship
- Research Director of the Arthur W. Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship
- PhD Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1988)
- MS Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1986)
- MBA Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1983)
- MArch Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1982)
- BArch University of Madras (1980)
Academic Expertise
- competitive strategy
- e-commerce
- entrepreneurship
- technology and innovation strategy
Current Research
- Emergence of trust in new ventures, Knowledge-spillovers and entrepreneurship, Corporate entrepreneurship, CVC investments and its impact on corporations
Positions Held
- At the University of Washington since 1996
- Visiting Professor, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2010-2011
- Visiting Professor, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India, Fall, 2004
- Visiting Professor, Gordon Institute of Business Sciences, University of Pretoria, SA, Summers 2001, 1999, & 1998
- Visiting Professor, International University in Japan, GSIM, 1993
- Assistant Professor, Stern School of Business, NYU, 1988-1996
- Instructor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1987-1988
Selected Publications
- “Time to Unicorn Status: An Exploratory Examination of New Ventures with Extreme Valuations“Journal Article:Kotha, S., Shin, J., & Fisher, G., (2022). Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol. 16, pp. 460-490.
- “Community-based resource mobilization: How entrepreneurs acquire resources from distributed non-professionals via Crowdfunding“Journal Article:Murray, A., Kotha, S., & Fisher, G., (2020). Organization Science, Vol. 31(4), pp. 960-989.
- “Catching fire and spreading it: A glimpse into displayed entrepreneurial passion in crowdfunding campaigns“Journal Article:Li, J., Chen X., Kotha S., & Fisher G., (2017). Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 102(7), pp. 1075-1090.
- “Changing with the Times: An Integrated View of Legitimacy, Institutional Logics, and New Venture Cycles“Journal Article:Fisher, G., Kotha, S., & Lahiri, A., (2016). The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 41(3), pp. 383-409. Winner of 2022 Helena Yli-Renko Research Impact Award from the Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies at the University of Southern California (an award presented in conjunction with the Academy of Management’s Entrepreneurship Division).
- “Does Signaling Still Matter? Replication Study on Firm’s Signaling Efforts on Wealth Retention during the IPO Process“Journal Article:Park, D., Borah, A. & Kotha S., (2016). Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 37(11), pp. 2362-2377.
- “Search And Integration In External Venturing: An Inductive Examination Of Corporate Venture Capital Units“Journal Article:Basu, S., Phelps, C. C., & Kotha, S., (2016). Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol. 37(11), pp. 2362-2377 (Lead Article).
- “Corporate Venture Capital Portfolios and Firm Innovation“Journal Article:Wadhwa, A., Phelps, C. C., & Kotha S., (2016). Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 31, pp. 95-112.
- “Signaling Revisited: The Use of Signals in the Market for IPOs“Journal Article:Park, D., Borah, A., & Kotha, S., (2016). Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 37(11), pp. 2362-2377.
- “Learning from Startups: Corporate Venture Capital and Exploratory Knowledge Creation“Journal Article:Wadhwa, A., Phelps, C. C. & Kotha, S., (forthcoming). Journal of Business Venturing,
- “Managing a Global Partnership Model: Lessons from Boeing 787 ‘Dreamliner’ Program“Journal Article:Kotha, S., & Srikanth, K., (2013). Global Strategy Journal, Vol. 3, pp. 41-66. Winner of the Global Journal 2021 Best Paper Prize.
- “Technology entrepreneurship“Journal Article:Beckman, C.M., Eisenhardt, K., Kotha, S., Meyer, A., & Rajagopalan. N., (2012). Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol. 6(2), pp. 89–93.
- “Towards Understanding Who Makes Corporate Venture Capital Investments and Why“Journal Article:Basu, S., Phelps, C.C., & Kotha, S., (2011). Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 26(2), pp. 153-171.
- “Spillover, Spill-ins, and Strategic Entrepreneurship: America’s First Commercial Jet Airplane and Boeing’s Ascendancy in Commercial Aviation“Journal Article:Kotha, S., (2010). Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol. 4(4), pp. 284–306.
- “Passion and Preparedness in Entrepreneurs’ Business Plan Presentations: A Persuasion Analysis of Venture Capitalists’ Funding Decisions“Journal Article:Chen, X.P., Yao, X., & Kotha, S., (2009). Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 52(1), pp. 199-214.
- “Standing Out: How New Firms in Emerging Markets Build Media Reputation“Journal Article:Rindova, V.P., Petkova, A.P., & Kotha, S., (2007). Strategic Organization, Vol. 5(1), pp. 31-70.
- “Technological Sophistication versus Cultural Similarity: An Empirical Analysis of Country Factors Influencing Location Decision in The Internationalization of Internet Firms“Journal Article:Rothaermel, F., Kotha, S., & Steensma, H.K., (2006). Journal of Management, Vol. 32, pp. 56-82.
- “Knowledge Creation through External Venturing: Evidence from the Telecommunication Equipment Manufacturing Industry“Journal Article:Wadhwa, A., & Kotha, S., (2006). Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 49(4), pp. 819-835.
Honors and Awards
- Teacher of the Year Award, Technology Management MBA program, Foster School of Business, University of Washington, 2011-2012 Academic Year
- Teacher of the Quarter Award, Technology Management MBA program, Foster School of Business, University of Washington, Winter, 2012
- Teacher of the Year Award, Technology Management MBA program, Foster School of Business, University of Washington, 2009-2010
- Dean's Best Faculty Case Award, 2006
- Stevens Institute Best Paper award on Corporate Entrepreneurship, Babson Research Conference, 2005
- Dean’s Citizenship Award, 2004
- Evert McCabe Faculty Fellowship Award, 2003-2004
- International Research Award, 2004
- UW Business School Neal Dempsey Research Fellowship Award, 2001, 2002, 2003
- UW Business School Lex N.Gamble Family Award for Excellence in the field of E-Commerce, 2001
- Research funding from UW Business School’s Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Herbert Jones Foundation, 2000, 2001
- Research funding from UW CIBER Center, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
- Research funding from Columbia University’s Center for International Business Research, Columbia University Business School, 1995
- NSF Grant Co-Recipient (NSF 94-27/July 15, 1994, Management of Technology Innovation)
- National Science Foundation grant, 1994
- Two Tenneco Fund Program Awards, Management Department, NYU, 991, 1994
- Research funding from the Sol C. Snider Entrepreneurial Center, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
- Best Paper Awards, Operations Management Division, Academy of Management Meeting, 1991, 1992
- Fellowship Recipient, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Troy, New York School of Architecture and School of Management, 1980-1982 & 1983-1988
- University Rank Holder, placed second in the final year B. Arch examinations, University of Madras, India
- A. L. Mudaliar Award for Design Excellence in the final year B. Arch examinations. University of Madras, India
Academic Service
- Field Editor, Journal of Business Venturing
- Member of the editorial review board of Strategic Management Journal
- Past editorial review board member of the Academy of Management Journal
- Past Associate editor of Journal of Operations Management