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Faculty Directory

Sarah Shaikh
Phone: 206-685-8077

Curriculum vitae:

Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353226
Seattle, WA 98195-3226

Sarah Shaikh

Assistant Professor of Accounting
Durwood L. Alkire Endowed Professor of Accounting


PhD University of Arizona (2015)
MAcc The Ohio State University (2005)
BSBA Drake University (2004)

Academic Expertise

financial accounting

Positions Held

University of Washington, Summer 2015-present

Selected Publications

  1. Financial Disclosure Transparency and Employee Wages
    Journal Article:Bai, J., Serfling, M., and Shaikh, S., (forthcoming). The Financial Review,
  2. Economic Downturns and the Informativeness of Management Earnings Forecasts
    Journal Article:Maslar, D., Serfling, M., and Shaikh, S.,, (2021). Journal of Accounting Research,
  3. CEO Turnovers and Disruptions in Customer-Supplier Relationships
    Journal Article:Intintolli, V., Serfling, M., and Shaikh, S., (2017). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,
  4. Customer Concentration Risk and the Cost of Equity Capital
    Journal Article:Dhaliwal, D., Judd, J. S., Serfling, M., and Shaikh, S., (2016). Journal of Accounting and Economics,
  5. Geographic Peer Effects in Management Earnings Forecasts
    Journal Article:Matsumoto, D., Serfling, M., and Shaikh, S., (forthcoming). Contemporary Accounting Research,

Honors and Awards

Deloitte/J. Michael Cook Doctoral Consortium Fellow, June 2013
Honors College Teaching Award – University of Arizona, May 2013
Eller College of Management Outstanding Thesis Advisor Award, May 2013