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Faculty Directory

Reza Moinpour
Office: 202
Mackenzie Hall
Phone: 206-543-4834
Fax: 206-543-7472

Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353200
Seattle, WA 98195-3200

Since complete empirical data are not easily available, managerial judgment and expertise becomes especially important for strategic marketing decisions.

Reza Moinpour

Professor Emeritus of Marketing


PhD The Ohio State University (1970)
MBA The Ohio State University (1966)
BS The Ohio State University (1965)

Current Research

Consumer judgment and decision-making, Brand association effects in global markets, Product quality and customer satisfaction

Positions Held

At the University of Washington since 1970
Affiliate professor at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France, 1975-1976

Selected Publications

  1. A Flexible Strategy for Reducing and Analyzing Ordered Choice Data
    Journal Article:Moinpour, R., MacLachlan, D.L., & Wiley, J., (1994). Multivariate Behavioral Research,
  2. Managerial Judgment in Marketing:The Concept of Expertise
    Journal Article:Larréché, J.C., & Moinpour, R., (1983). Journal of Marketing Research,
  3. Time Changes in Perception: A Longitudinal Application of Multidimensional Scaling
    Journal Article:Moinpour, R., McCullough, J.M., & MacLachlan, D.L., (1976). Journal of Marketing Research,


National companies, marketing research
Regional companies, strategic marketing planning

Honors and Awards

Procter and Gamble Award for Scholarly Excellence, 1984
National Science Foundation research grant, 1975

Academic Service

Board of Directors of the American Marketing Association, 1994-1996
Chairman of the Department of Marketing and International Business, 1990-1993
Director of the Doctoral Program, 1986-1990
Editorial board of the Journal of Marketing Research, 1976-1980