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Faculty Directory

Mana Heshmati
Office: 525
Phone: 206-543-1855

Curriculum vitae:

Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: NA
Seattle, WA 98195

Mana Heshmati

Assistant Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship


PhD University of Michigan (2022)
MBA Indiana University (2015)
MS Indiana University (2015)
BS Carnegie Mellon University (2011)

Academic Expertise

competitive strategy
computational linguistics
decision making
managerial cognition
technology and innovation strategy

Selected Publications

  1. Learning Strategic Representations: Exploring the Effects of Taking a Strategy Course
    Journal Article:Heshmati, M. & Csaszar, F. A., (2024). Organization Science, Vol. 35(2), pp. 1383-1399.
  2. External Representations in Strategic Decision-Making: Understanding Strategy’s Reliance on Visuals
    Journal Article:Csaszar, F. A., Hinrichs, N., & Heshmati, M. , (forthcoming). Strategic Management Journal,

Honors and Awards

DEI Research Award, UW Consulting & Business Development Center (2023)
Star Teacher, UW Management & Organization Department, 2023
Ruth and Gilbert Whitaker Doctoral Fellowship (2022)
Outstanding Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Meeting STR Division (2021)
University of Michigan W. A. Spivey/Valerie and W. Hall Award for Academic and Research Excellence (2020)
Rackham Merit Fellowship (2017-2022)

Academic Service

Reviewer/Referee, Strategy Science. (June 2023 - Present).
Reviewer/Referee, Organization Science. (2019 - Present).
Reviewer/Referee, Strategic Management Society Annual Conference. (2019 - 2023).
Reviewer/Referee, Academy of Management Annual Meeting (STR and TIM). (2018 - 2023).

Courses Taught

Strategic Management (MO 430)