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Faculty Directory

Kira Schabram

Assistant Professor of Management
Evert McCabe Endowed Fellow

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PhD The University of British Columbia (2016)
M.Sc. Concordia University (2010)
BSc University of California, San Diego (2005)
BA University of California, San Diego (2005)

Academic Expertise

meaningful work

Current Research

Meaningful Work/Callings
Morality at Work
"Dark Side" Behaviors (Deviance, Infringement, Ostracism)
"Dirty" Work

Selected Publications

  1. Manipulation in organizational research: On executing and interpreting designs from treatments to primes.
    Journal Article:Schabram, K., Myers, C., & Hardin, A., (in press). Organization Research Methods,
  2. All creatures great and small: A review and typology of employee-animal interactions
    Journal Article:Quan, S. X., Lam, C., Schabram, K., Yam, K.C., (2024). Journal of Management, Vol. 50(1), pp. 380-411.
  3. Recover, explore, practice: The transformative potential of sabbaticals.
    Journal Article:Schabram, K., Bloom, M. & Didonna, D.J., (2023). Academy of Management Discoveries, Vol. 9(4), pp. 441-468.
  4. The machine hums! Addressing ontological and normative concerns regarding machine learning applications in organizational scholarship
    Journal Article:Leavitt, K., Schabram, K., Hariharan, P., & Barnes, C., (2023). Academy of Management Review,
  5. The dynamics of work orientations: An updated typology and agenda for the study of jobs, careers, and callings
    Journal Article:Schabram, K., Nielsen, J., & Thompson, J, (2023). Academy of Management Annals, Vol. 17(2), pp. 405-438.
  6. Human sustainability at work: A meta-synthesis and new theoretical framework
    Journal Article:Barnes, C., Wagner, D., Schabram, K., & Boncoeur, D., (2022). Journal of Management, Vol. 49(6), pp. 1965-1996.
  7. How other and self-compassion reduces burnout through resource replenishment
    Journal Article:Schabram, K., Heng, Y-T, (2022). Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 65(2), pp. 453-478.
  8. Ghost in the machine: On organizational theory in the age of machine learning
    Journal Article:Leavitt, K., Schabram, K., Hariharan, P., & Barnes, C. M., (2021). Academy of Management Review, Vol. 46, pp. 750-777.
  9. Honor among thieves: The interaction of team and member deviance on trust in the team
    Journal Article:Schabram K., Robinson S.L. & Cruz K.S., (2018). Journal of Applied Psychology,
  10. Negotiating the challenges of a calling: Emotion and enacted sensemaking in animal shelter work
    Journal Article:Schabram, K. & Maitlis, S., (2017). Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 60(2), pp. 584-609.

PhD Student Collaborators

Shawn Quan

Honors and Awards

2022 Dean’s Excellence Award for Faculty Research
Evert McCabe Endowed Fellow in Private Enterprise
Poets & Quants Favorite Business Professors of The Class of 2020 (In the Foster Blog)
Poets & Quants Favorite Professors of Business Majors 2019
2019 University of Washington Distinguished Teaching Award
2019 Foster UBC Management and Entrepreneurship Faculty of the Year award
2018 Dean's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
2018 Foster UBC Management and Entrepreneurship Faculty of the Year award
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Joseph-Armand Bombardier Doctoral Grant
Uma Sharma Graduate Award for Thesis Research Quality and Imaginativeness
Paul Chwelos Memorial Award for Outstanding Potential for Teaching Excellence
AOM MSR Interest Group Most Promising Dissertation Award