Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353226
Seattle, WA 98155
Featured Research
The Benefits of a Pet-Friendly Workplace
The Transformative Power of Sabbaticals
Your Burnout Is Unique. Your Recovery Will Be, Too
Beating burnout: the right kind of compassion is key to restoring energy and engagement at work
Meaningful work can be productive and satisfying—or it can lead to burnout
Kira Schabram
- Assistant Professor of Management Evert McCabe Endowed Fellow
Featured Video
- PhD The University of British Columbia (2016)
- M.Sc. Concordia University (2010)
- BSc University of California, San Diego (2005)
- BA University of California, San Diego (2005)
Academic Expertise
- compassion
- meaningful work
- teamwork
Current Research
- Meaningful Work/Callings
- Compassion
- Morality at Work
- "Dark Side" Behaviors (Deviance, Infringement, Ostracism)
- "Dirty" Work
Selected Publications
- “Manipulation in organizational research: On executing and interpreting designs from treatments to primes.“Journal Article:Schabram, K., Myers, C., & Hardin, A., (in press). Organization Research Methods,
- “All creatures great and small: A review and typology of employee-animal interactions“Journal Article:Quan, S. X., Lam, C., Schabram, K., Yam, K.C., (2024). Journal of Management, Vol. 50(1), pp. 380-411.
- “Recover, explore, practice: The transformative potential of sabbaticals.“Journal Article:Schabram, K., Bloom, M. & Didonna, D.J., (2023). Academy of Management Discoveries, Vol. 9(4), pp. 441-468.
- “The machine hums! Addressing ontological and normative concerns regarding machine learning applications in organizational scholarship“Journal Article:Leavitt, K., Schabram, K., Hariharan, P., & Barnes, C., (2023). Academy of Management Review,
- “The dynamics of work orientations: An updated typology and agenda for the study of jobs, careers, and callings “Journal Article:Schabram, K., Nielsen, J., & Thompson, J, (2023). Academy of Management Annals, Vol. 17(2), pp. 405-438.
- “Human sustainability at work: A meta-synthesis and new theoretical framework“Journal Article:Barnes, C., Wagner, D., Schabram, K., & Boncoeur, D., (2022). Journal of Management, Vol. 49(6), pp. 1965-1996.
- “How other and self-compassion reduces burnout through resource replenishment“Journal Article:Schabram, K., Heng, Y-T, (2022). Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 65(2), pp. 453-478.
- “Ghost in the machine: On organizational theory in the age of machine learning“Journal Article:Leavitt, K., Schabram, K., Hariharan, P., & Barnes, C. M., (2021). Academy of Management Review, Vol. 46, pp. 750-777.
- “Honor among thieves: The interaction of team and member deviance on trust in the team“Journal Article:Schabram K., Robinson S.L. & Cruz K.S., (2018). Journal of Applied Psychology,
- “Negotiating the challenges of a calling: Emotion and enacted sensemaking in animal shelter work“Journal Article:Schabram, K. & Maitlis, S., (2017). Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 60(2), pp. 584-609.
PhD Student Collaborators
Honors and Awards
- 2022 Dean’s Excellence Award for Faculty Research
- Evert McCabe Endowed Fellow in Private Enterprise
- Poets & Quants Favorite Business Professors of The Class of 2020 (In the Foster Blog)
- Poets & Quants Favorite Professors of Business Majors 2019
- 2019 University of Washington Distinguished Teaching Award
- 2019 Foster UBC Management and Entrepreneurship Faculty of the Year award
- 2018 Dean's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
- 2018 Foster UBC Management and Entrepreneurship Faculty of the Year award
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Joseph-Armand Bombardier Doctoral Grant
- Uma Sharma Graduate Award for Thesis Research Quality and Imaginativeness
- Paul Chwelos Memorial Award for Outstanding Potential for Teaching Excellence
- AOM MSR Interest Group Most Promising Dissertation Award