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Faculty Directory

Jeffrey D. Shulman
Office: 552
Phone: 206-221-4804

Curriculum vitae:

Box: 353226

Jeffrey D. Shulman

Professor of Marketing
Marion B. Ingersoll Professor
Founding Director of The Product Management Center


PhD Northwestern University (2006)
MS Northwestern University (2004)
BA Northwestern University (2001)

Academic Expertise

inclusion in marketing
pricing strategies
product management
urban economic development

Current Research

Inclusive Product Design, Strategic Implications of AI, and Pricing

Positions Held

At the University of Washington since 2006
Adjunct Lecturer, Northwestern University, 2004-2005

Selected Publications

  1. Making Inclusive Product Design a Reality: How Company Culture and Research Bias Impact Investment
    Journal Article:Shulman, J. and J. Gu, (forthcoming). Marketing Science,
  2. Editorial: Marketing’s Role in the Evolving Discipline of Product Management
    Journal Article:Shulman, J., O. Toubia, and R. Saddler, (2023). Marketing Science, Vol. 42(1), pp. 1-5.
  3. Product Diversion by Vertically Differentiated Firms
    Journal Article:Smith, E. and J. Shulman, (2022). Production and Operations Management Journal, Vol. 31(5), pp. 1928-1939.
  4. The Perils of Personalized Pricing with Network Effects
    Journal Article:Hajehashemi, B., A. Sayedi, and J. Shulman, (2022). Marketing Science, Vol. 41(3), pp. 477-500.
  5. Does it Pay to Shroud In-App Purchase Prices
    Journal Article:Shulman, J., X. Geng., (2019). Information Systems Research, Vol. 30(3), pp. 856-871.
  6. On the Profitability of Stacked Discounts: Identifying Revenue and Cost Effects of Discount Framing
    Journal Article:Ertekin, N., J. Shulman, H. Chen, (2019). Marketing Science, Vol. 38(2), pp. 317-342.
  7. Strategic Information Transmission in Peer-to-Peer Lending Markets
    Journal Article:Caldieraro, F., Z. Zhang, M. Cunha, J. Shulman, (2018). Journal of Marketing, Vol. 82(2), pp. 42-63.
  8. Implications of Market Spillovers
    Journal Article:Fazli, A., J. Shulman, (2018). Management Science, Vol. 64(11), pp. 4996-5013.
  9. The Effects of Autoscaling in Cloud Computing
    Journal Article:Fazli, A., A. Sayedi, J. Shulman, (2018). Management Science, Vol. 64(11), pp. 5149-5163.
  10. Strategic Compliments in Sales
    Journal Article:Sayedi, A. & Shulman, J., (2017). Quantitative Marketing & Economics, Vol. 15(1), pp. 57-84.
  11. How Costs and Heterogeneous Consumer Price Sensitivity Interact with Add-On Pricing
    Journal Article:Geng, X. & Shulman, J., (2015). Production & Operations Management Journal, Vol. 24(12), pp. 1870-1882.
  12. Consumer Uncertainty and Purchase Decision Reversals: Theory and Evidence
    Journal Article:Shulman, J., Cunha Jr., M., & Saint Clair, J., (2015). Marketing Science, Vol. 34(4), pp. 590-605.
  13. Product Diversion to a Direct Competitor
    Journal Article:Shulman, J., (2014). Marketing Science, Vol. 33(3), pp. 422-436.
  14. Add-On Pricing by Asymmetric Firms
    Journal Article:Shulman, J., & Geng, X., (2013). Management Science, Vol. 59(4), pp. 899-917.
  15. Assimilation and Contrast in Price Evaluations
    Journal Article:Cunha Jr., M., & Shulman, J., (2011). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 37(5), pp. 822-835.
  16. Managing Consumer Returns in a Competitive Environment
    Journal Article:Shulman, J., Coughlan, A.T., & Savaskan, R. C., (2011). Management Science, Vol. 57(2), pp. 347-362.
  17. Creating Superior Value by Managing the Marketing–Operations Management Interface
    Book:Coughlan, A.T., & Shulman, J., (2010). Kellogg on Marketing, John Wiley & Sons, Inc pp. 393-408.
  18. Optimal Reverse Channel Structure for Consumer Product Returns
    Journal Article:Shulman, J., Coughlan, A.T., & Savaskan, R. C., (2010). Marketing Science, Vol. 29(6), pp. 1071-1085.
  19. Optimal Restocking Fees and Information Provision in an Integrated Supply-Demand Model of Product Returns
    Journal Article:Shulman, J., Coughlan, A.T., & Savaskan, R. C., (2009). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol. 11(4),
  20. Used Goods, Not Used Bads: Profitable Secondary Market Sales for a Durable Goods Channel
    Journal Article:Shulman, J., & Coughlan, A.T., (2007). Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Vol. 5(2), pp. 191-210.

Honors and Awards

Undergraduate Faculty of the Year for Marketing and International Business, 2012
Distinguished Service Award, Management Science, 2011, 2012, 2013, & 2014
Dean's Junior Faculty Research Award, 2010
Meritorious Service Award, Management Science, 2010
Undergraduate Professor of the Quarter for Marketing for Winter, 2007, & 2008
AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, 2004

Academic Service

Associate Editor, Management Science, 2019-present
Senior Editor, Production and Operations Management Journal, 2013-present
Editorial Review Board, Marketing Science, 2011-present
Chair of the Marketing and Operations Track, M&SOM Conference, 2014