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Faculty Directory

Gary M. Erickson
Office: 559
Phone: 206-543-4377

Competition is a driving force behind the dynamics of today's markets and the pressures on marketing managers to devise strategies that can cope effectively with changing market conditions.

Gary M. Erickson

Professor Emeritus of Marketing


PhD Stanford University (1978)
MBA Stanford University (1973)
BS University of Washington (1967)

Current Research

Modeling of competitive strategies

Positions Held

At the University of Washington since 1980
Assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, 1978-1980

Selected Publications

  1. Advertising Competition in a Dynamic Oligopoly with Multiple Brands
    Journal Article:Erickson, G.M., (2009). Operations Research,
  2. An Oligopoly Model of Dynamic Advertising Competition
    Journal Article:Erickson, G.M., (2009). European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 197, pp. 374-388.
  3. Dynamic Models of Advertising Competition
    Book:Erickson, G.M., (2003). Kluwer Academic Publishers
  4. The Financial Rewards of New Product Introductions in the Personal Computer Industry
    Journal Article:Bayus, B.L., Erickson, G.M., & Jacobson, R., (2003). Management Science, Vol. 49, pp. 197-210.

Honors and Awards

GM Nameplate Faculty Fellow, 2003
John B. and Delores L. Fery Faculty Fellow, 1997-2003
Seafirst Faculty Excellence Award, 1992

Academic Service

Associate editor, Management Science