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Faculty Directory

Debra Glassman
Office: 440
Phone: 206-543-8738
Fax: 206-543-7472

Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353226
Seattle, WA 98195-3226

It is impossible to analyze international business without taking politics and institutions into account. Even international financial markets, which are probably the most globalized of all markets, are subject to national influences.

Debra Glassman

Teaching Professor of Finance and Business Economics


PhD University of Wisconsin (1980)
MS University of Wisconsin (1979)
BA University of Michigan (1975)

Academic Expertise

global business
international finance

Current Research

Home bias in international portfolio investment
World Trade Organization and international trade disputes

Positions Held

University of Washington, 1992-present
Assistant Professor, UW Jackson School of International Studies, 1989-1992
Visiting Associate Professor, UCLA Department of Economics, 1987-1989
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Alberta Department of Economics, 1985-1986
Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia Department of Economics, 1981-1987

Selected Publications

  1. Global Social Entrepreneurship Competitions: Incubators for Innovations in Global Health?
    Journal Article:Huster, K., Petrillo, C., O'Mally, G., Glassman, D., Rush, J., & Wasserheit, J., (2017). Journal of Management Education, Vol. 41(2), pp. 249-271.
  2. What Causes Home Asset Bias and How Should it be Measured
    Journal Article:Glassman, D., & Riddick, L., (2001). Journal of Empirical Finance, Vol. 8(1), pp. 35-54.
  3. Conditioning Manager Alphas of Economic Information: Another Look at the Persistence of Performance
    Journal Article:Christopherson, J. A., Ferson, W. E., & Glassman, D., (1998). Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 11(1), pp. 111-142.
  4. Off the Mark: Lessons for Exchange Rate Modelling
    Journal Article:Boothe, P., & Glassman, D., (1987). Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 39(3), pp. 443-457.

Honors and Awards

GEMBA Excellence in Teaching Award for 2008-2009 (2009)
Evening MBA Profesor of the Quarter for Autumn, Class of 2006 (2005, 2006)
Global EMBA Excellence in Teaching Award (2001-2008)
Elective Professor of the Year, Evening MBA Class of 2004 (2003)
MBA Professor of the Year, Class of 2003 (2003)
Financial Management Association Competitive Papers Award (1993)

Academic Service

Program on the Environment Executive Steering Committee
European Union Center Executive Committee
Center for West European Studies Steering Committee
Phi Beta Kappa Executive Committee