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Faculty Directory

David Tan
Office: 426
Phone: 206-543-6405

Curriculum vitae:

Box: 353226

David Tan

Professor of Management
Michael G. Foster Endowed Professor


PhD Emory University (2009)
BSBA Creighton University (2004)

Academic Expertise

competitive strategy

Positions Held

Senior Editor, Organization Science, 2020 to present
At the University of Washington since 2013
Georgetown University, McDonough School of Business, Assistant Professor, 2009-2013

Selected Publications

  1. Bad medicine: litigation, competition, and the marketing of prescription opioids.
    Journal Article:Tan, D. and West, N., (2023). Strategic Management Journal,
  2. The road not taken: technological uncertainty and the evaluation of innovations
    Journal Article:Tan, D., (2021). Organization Science,
  3. How the basis for status perceptions varies with perceiver status
    Journal Article:Tan, D. & Rider, C., (2021). Organization Science,
  4. Far from the tree? Do private entrepreneurs agglomerate around public sector incumbents during economic transition?
    Journal Article:Tan, D. & Tan, J., (2017). Organization Science,
  5. Let them go? How losing employees to competitors can enhance firm status
    Journal Article:Tan, D. & Rider, C. I., (2017). Strategic Management Journal,
  6. Fit by adaptation or fit by founding? A comparative study of existing and new entrepreneurial cohorts in China
    Journal Article:Zhang, C., Tan, J., & Tan, D, (2016). Strategic Management Journal,
  7. Making the news heterogeneous media coverage and corporate litigation
    Journal Article:Tan, D., (2016). Strategic Management Journal,
  8. Labor market advantages of organizational status: a study of lateral partner hiring by large U.S. law firms
    Journal Article:Rider, C.I., & Tan, D., (2014). Organization Science,
  9. Categorical coherence, classification volatility and examiner-added citations
    Journal Article:Tan, D., & Roberts, P., (2010). Research Policy, Vol. 29(1), pp. 89-102.
  10. Mimetic entry and bandwagon effect: the rise and decline of international equity joint venture in China
    Journal Article:Xia, J., Tan, J., & Tan, D., (2008). Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 29(2), pp. 195–217.
  11. Environment–strategy co-evolution and co-alignment: a staged model of Chinese SOEs under transition
    Journal Article:Tan, J., & Tan, D., (2005). Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 26(2), pp. 141–157.

PhD Student Collaborators

Sanjana Prabhu

Honors and Awards

Poets and Quants, Best 40 under 40 MBA Professors, 2023
Tan, D. and West, N. “Bad medicine: litigation, competition, and the marketing of prescription opioids.” Best Conference Paper in Stakeholder Strategy IG, Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, October 2020
Tan. D. and Rider, C. “Let them go? How losing employees to competitors can enhance firm status.” Best Conference Paper in Strategic Human Capital IG, Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Denver, CO, October 2015