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Faculty Directory

Asher Curtis
Office: 471
Phone: 206-685-2813

Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353226
Seattle, WA 98195-3200

Asher Curtis

Associate Professor of Accounting
Herbert O. Whitten Endowed Professorship


PhD University of New South Wales (2007)
Mcom University of New South Wales (2003)
BCom University of New South Wales (2001)

Academic Expertise

financial accounting

Positions Held

At the University of Washington since 2012
University of Utah, David Eccles School of Business, Assistant Professor of Accounting, 2007–2012
University of New South Wales, School of Accounting, Lecturer in Accounting, 2003–2007
Associate Lecturer in Accounting, 2002–2003

Selected Publications

  1. Social Media as a Setting for Accounting Research
    Journal Article:Booker, A., Curtis, A., and Ke B., (forthcoming). Journal of Financial Reporting,
  2. Change in the Aggregate Earnings-Returns Relation and the Great Moderation
    Journal Article:Curtis, A., Kim, C.-J., Oh, H. I., (2024). Journal of Financial Econometrics,
  3. The ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence Chatbot: How Well Does It Answer Accounting Assessment Questions?
    Journal Article: (2023). Issues in Accounting Education,
  4. Investor Disagreement, Disclosure Processing Costs, and Trading Volume: Evidence from Investors Who Interact on Social Media.
    Journal Article:Booker, A., Curtis, A., Richardson, V., (2023). The Accounting Review,
  5. The Use of Adjusted Earnings in Performance Contracts
    Journal Article:Curtis, A., Li, V., Patrick, P, (2021). Review of Accounting Studies, Vol. 26, pp. 1290-1322.
  6. The Changing Implications of Research and Development Expenditures for Future Profitability
    Journal Article:Curtis, A., McVay, S., Toynbee, S, (2020). Review of Accounting Studies, Vol. 25, pp. 405–437.
  7. Aggregate Margin Debt, Future Returns, and Accounting Fundamentals
    Journal Article:Burger M. & Curtis A., (2017). Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 34(3), pp. 1418-1445.
  8. Investor attention and the pricing of earnings news
    Book:Curtis, A., Richardson V. and Schmardebeck, R., (2016). Handbook of Sentiment Analysis in Finance (Chapter 8), pp. 212-232.
  9. Historical Cost Measurement and the Use of DuPont Analysis by Market Participants
    Journal Article:Curtis, A., Lewis-Western, M. and Toynbee, S., (2015). Review of Accounting Studies, Vol. 20(3), pp. 1210-1245.
  10. An Analysis of the Implications of Discontinued Operations for Continuing Income
    Journal Article:Curtis, A., McVay, S. E., and Wolfe, M., (2014). Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Vol. 33(2), pp. 190-201.

Working Papers

Asher Curtis and Hyung Il Oh “Why Are Aggregate Investments Negatively Associated with Future Market Returns? The Role of Intangible Investments.”
Terrence Blackburne, Asher Curtis, and Anna Rossi “Perceived accounting quality and the information content of non-accounting information.”
Asher Curtis and Robert Raney “Delayed updating of fair values: Lack of information or intentional delays?”