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Global On-Campus Leadership

Hovind Global Leaders

The Hovind Global Leaders Program is a cohort-based experience to advance the next generation of inclusive, global leaders.

Through weekly seminars, mentorship, and a fully funded spring-break global immersion, the academic-year-long program seeks to accelerate global leadership development by increasing access to opportunities locally and globally for a diverse cohort of students within the Foster School of Business.

Applications for the 2024-2025 Cohort have closed. Please check back spring 2025.

Who are Hovind Global Leaders?

Hovind Global Leaders are a cohort of students with diverse backgrounds, identities, and perspectives. In addition to excelling in the classroom, they are leaders motivated to actively engage in their communities and grow through self-reflection, global immersion, learning from one another and from experts both in Seattle and beyond. We are seeking students who are dedicated to developing themselves and their communities, and eager to make connections within the cohort of Hovind Global Leaders.

The Hovind Global Leaders Program spans fall, winter and spring quarters. We’re looking for a high-level of commitment from our cohort:

  1. Weekly global leadership seminar-style course and discussions, Tuesdays 8:30-10:20 am. (2 business elective credits per quarter)
  2. Spring break global learning experience*
  3. 1-on-1 mentorship
  4. Personal and professional development

As alumni, Hovind Global Leaders will help recruit and mentor the next cohort of leaders, influence program content, and take lessons learned on the program to inspire their personal and professional lives.

* The fully-funded global immersion component is required. The Global Business Center (GBC) will cover all program-related expenses including passports, visas, meals, lodging, in-country activities and airfare. Students will incur costs related to vaccinations, international insurance (approx. $16), travel-related incidentals (luggage, snacks, etc.), transportation to and from the airport in Seattle, spending money, etc. GBC will work with all finalists who are unable to meet these costs.

Applicants are encouraged to attend an information session (in calendar below). Applications require short-answer responses. Group interviews will be conducted and unofficial transcripts will be requested from finalists.

General dates and deadlines

  • Application open: Mid-February
  • Application deadline: Early-April
  • Interviews: Mid-April
  • Students selected and notified: Mid-May

Information sessions
See calendar below.

  • Admittance into the Foster School of Business
  • Demonstrated commitment to diversity and inclusion
  • Limited travel or study abroad experience
The Hovind Global Leaders Program recognizes the value of diversity in leadership and strongly encourages members of groups historically underrepresented in business and study abroad to apply. This includes but is not limited to:

  • first-generation college students
  • racial and ethnic minorities
  • those with high financial need and limited travel experience outside the U.S.

Participants in the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) or other OMA/D’s programs are encouraged to apply.


Hovind Global Leaders Program – Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of being a Hovind Global Leader?

Beyond earning 2 business elective credits per quarter (F, W, SP), participating in a fully funded spring break global immersion, accessing mentors, creating a rich and diverse network, and learning from industry experts, Hovind Global Leaders have the benefit of engaging with one another weekly, discussing what it means to be holistic, global leaders in today’s world. The leaders will end the year with connections to last a lifetime and, we hope, a desire to pay it forward.

What are my chances of being selected?

We expect the Hovind Global Leaders Program selection process to be very competitive. We are selecting less than 15 finalists for the program. But don’t let this discourage you from applying! Please take your time completing the application honestly, thoughtfully, and on time.

What if I can’t attend an information session?

Please still apply! Attendance at these sessions is highly encouraged. Please email HGL Program Manager, Eileen Guo if you would like to set up an appointment to talk more about the program.

What is the interview process like?

Selected applicants will participate in group interviews. Positive group dynamics are key to the success of the Hovind Global Leaders Program.

When does the program start?

The program and weekly course begins fall quarter.

What is the commitment level of being a Hovind Global Leader?

Hovind Global Leaders must commit to the following:

  • 2-hour weekly seminars during Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters on Tuesdays 8:30-10:20am
  • Monthly 1-on-1 mentor meetings during the school year
  • Pre-departure orientation and the spring break global immersion
  • Leaders Forum in May

If I’m selected, do I have to participate for the full year?

Yes! Status as a Hovind Global Leader is contingent on commitment to all program elements. We expect 100% participation for the full year. We know unexpected events can happen, so we will address exceptional situations on a case-by-case basis, but we expect our Hovind Global Leaders to have a high level of commitment to the program.

Is this a course?

Yes, but we’re calling it a leadership experience because it’s so much more than a course. Students will register for two credits of BA 490 each quarter (Fall, Winter and Spring). Mentorship meetings and the spring break immersion will occur outside of the class.

What is the course like?

Professor Christina Fong is the Academic Director for the Hovind Global Leaders Program and will lead a course to help students explore global leadership mindsets via intercultural competency, dialogue facilitation, global leadership frameworks, and social justice/equity. Program Manager, Eileen Guo, will also facilitate community-building events and activities designed to help students explore themes of self and identity, community and equity, and intercultural competence both locally and globally.

I’ve never studied abroad, is this a program for me?

Absolutely! In fact, we are seeking students who may not have had the opportunity or means to study abroad before. Hovind Global Leaders will participate in pre-departure orientations and discussions to ensure all are prepared for the global immersion. The Program Manager and Academic Director coordinating the study tour will also travel with the cohort and provide support abroad.

How much do I have to pay for the study abroad component?

The Hovind Global Leaders Program aims to minimize costs related to the global immersion. The program will cover expenses including passports, visas, most meals, lodging, in-country activities and airfare. Students will incur costs related to vaccinations, international insurance (approx. $16), travel-related incidentals (luggage, snacks, etc.), transportation to and from the airport in Seattle, some meals, spending money, etc. We will work with those who are unable to meet these costs.

How does the mentorship component work?

Mentorship is an excellent way to learn how to navigate life and a career after graduation from someone who has done it or is doing it. Hovind Global Leaders’ mentors are Foster alumni who are mid-career professionals with a diversity of backgrounds. Each will be paired with a Hovind Global Leader and meet with them once a month during the school year. Mentors and mentees will participate in orientations to set expectations and guidelines.

Additional Questions?

Contact the Hovind Global Leaders Program Manager, Eileen Guo, at [email protected]

Learn more about Diversity at the UW, and other student resources available through Foster’s Undergraduate Diversity Services office (UDS), including:

Fostering Global Connections

FGA visit to Nintendo headquarters

FGAs and Foster Inbound Exchange students tour the Nintendo of America headquarters in Redmond, WA.

Be a Foster Global Ambassador!

The Foster School of Business is proud to have 23 undergraduate university exchange partners around the world. To help inbound exchange students get the most out of their time at UW, a team of globally-minded Foster students called Foster Global Ambassadors (FGAs) partner with the Global Business Center (GBC) to lead the “Fostering Global Connections” program. Fostering Global Connections involves 2-3 events each quarter to help exchange students explore the beautiful campus and city, such as Mariner’s games or UW sporting events, company visits, and kayaking on the lake.

Why Become a Foster Global Ambassador?

Business is Global

Building intercultural competence is essential to success in business; establishing relationships with your peers from around the world is a great foundation.

Engage Yourself

The FGA Program is a great way to get involved globally while staying on campus. FGAs help the Global Business Center plan fun, cultural activities to welcome the Foster Inbound Exchange students, build connections between students, and help everyone get to know UW and Seattle. The program is called an ambassador program because that is exactly what the FGAs are, ambassadors for the Foster School! This program is integral to making sure the Foster Inbound Exchange students have an immersive and positive exchange at UW.

Have Fun

Do you love to show off Seattle to visitors? Be part of fun excursions to places such as Pike Place Market, Theo Chocolate Factory, or the Columbia Tower!

Are you interested in being an FGA?

Applications now open for Fall 2024.

Questions? Email the Global Business Center at [email protected].