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Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge

Now entering its 10th year, the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge is an exciting extracurricular competition that gives students the opportunity to come up with meaningful solutions to big problems the world faces today related to health. The competition is open to undergrads and grad students at accredited colleges and universities across the Cascadia Corridor – Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and British Columbia, as well as Alaska.

Questions? Contact Jessica Roberto via email: [email protected]

2025 Awards and Honors

Learn more about the 2025 event and the winning teams

The $15,000 Hollomon Family Grand Prize was awarded to Luminovah for its non-invasive, AI-powered newborn health monitoring system.

Read more about 2025 winners

General Molecular Electronics of UW earned the second-place tie for its novel sequencing technology that aims to cut the risk factor for heart disease from elevated Lipoprotein(a) levels.

Read more about 2025 winners

VISTA from UW also tied for the second place prize with its computer vision technology for image-guided surgery.

Read more about 2025 winners

The $5,000 R1 Third Place Prize went to team Revyn Medical Technologies out of the University of Victoria in British Columbia for their gynecological medical device for cervical cancer screening

Read more about 2025 winners

Judges selected Neurophys to receive the $2,500 Kent & Lisa Sacia Best Idea Prize in Digital Health for their machine learning solution to help stroke and traumatic brain injury patients.

Read more about 2025 winners

The $2,500 Best Idea for Patient Safety Prize, presented by the Patient Safety Technology Challenge, went to ReviveHer for their universal CPR manikin attachment to address the gender disparities in CPR outcomes.

Read more about 2025 winners

Judges awarded Luminovah the $2,500 Naturacur Wound Healing Best Idea for a Medical Device, which recognizes a team that recognizes a medical device concept (or a physical product) with the most promising opportunity to significantly improve the lives of patients or providers.

Read more about 2025 winners

Judges awarded Revyn the $2,500 Best Idea for Addressing Health Access and Disparities Prize, presented by the UW Population Health Initiative, which goes to a student innovation or intervention that seeks to close the gap in health disparities for low-income and disadvantaged groups by increasing access to point-of-care healthcare services and/or addressing systemic biases within the current healthcare system.

Read more about 2025 winners

Judges selected team BioSyft from UW to receive a $1,000 Connie Bourassa-Shaw Spark Award, which recognizes a team that, in the eyes of the judges, just missed out on one of the top three awards. BioSyft’s machine-learning powered software tracks animals and animal behavior to help advance research and the development of potential therapeutics.

Read more about 2025 winners


Competition Details


The Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge (HIC)

This annual student (undergraduate and graduate) competition each March encourages innovative solutions for big problems the world faces today related to health. In the HIC, student teams from different schools and disciplines focus on a health or health care related problem, design a product, process, or service to fix that problem, and create a business summary that demonstrates the market interest and potential for their idea.

What is Your Idea?

Students can compete with any product, process, or service that highlights a new approach to wellness, to care and treatment, or to safety and access. This includes medical devices, therapeutics, digital health interventions, healthcare workflow solutions, ideas to address mental or community health, and more. Novel enabling technologies such as AI, CRISPR, and others have led to rapid growth of new innovations in recent years. This is an area where your creativity and passion can thrive!

Want to Learn More

Find information below about the Challenge timeline as well as eligibility information, entry requirements, and resources to help you prepare your application. You can also click here to view the recording from our Virtual Information Session for the 2023 HIC.

The application site opens for submissions on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 and applications are due by 12:00 noon on Monday, February 3, 2025. The competition begins with the initial online Screening Round between February 5 and February 12.

PLEASE NOTE: TEAM MEMBER PROFILES MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE THE APPLICATION CAN BE SUBMITTED! We recommend notifying your team members of this requirement and encouraging them to submit their profile well before the deadline on Monday, February 3. Applications may be accessed and edited up until the deadline.

From the Screening Round, 21 teams are typically selected and invited to compete in the live Final Round held on Thursday, March 6, 2025.

View the schedule below for information sessions and workshops designed to help student teams prepare for the 2025 Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge.

Competition Rounds + Deliverables for Advancing Teams

Event Date
Application Site Opens Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Information Sessions (optional)
Virtual session (RSVP Here)

In-person session (RSVP Here)

Wednesday, January 15

Tuesday, January 28

Deliverable: Submit 5-7 page Business Summary
(see REQUIREMENTS & CRITERIA tab below for examples of past submissions)
Monday, February 3, 2025
by 12:00 noon
Screening Round (Closed, Online Session—Judges Only) February 5 – February 12, 2025
Announcement of the 21 teams advancing to the Final Round
Teams will be notified by email after 2:00 pm
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Final Round Resource Night (Virtual)
Mandatory for all teams advancing to the Final Round
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Pitch Workshop (Virtual)
Mandatory for all teams advancing to the Final Round
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Final Round
Pitches + tradeshow-style event.
60-second pitch presented on stage
1-page business summary due Thursday, February 27, 2025
Thursday, March 6, 2025 (morning – evening)
Reception and Awards Ceremony
Networking reception and awards ceremony to
announce the winners directly follows the Final Round.
Thursday, March 6, 2025 (early evening)

Entry Requirements

Any student in good standing from a Cascadia Corridor – Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and British Columbia, as well as Alaska – college or university who is enrolled in a degree-seeking program can participate in the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge (HIC). Teams must be student-led. Cross-disciplinary teams are highly encouraged. The most successful teams have members with various skill sets from various departments, including built environments, law, engineering, business, policy, etc. Non-students can be members of a team, generally as advisers, but they can’t present at the HIC, nor can they receive prize money.

What is needed to enter?

What is needed to enter the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge?
Prototype Funding (Optional; see Prototype Funding Tab)

All Entrants (see Dates and Deadlines tab)

  • 5 – 7 page Business Summary (Due Monday, February 3, 2025)
  • Current student teammates’ contact information. This will be used to invite Team Members to complete their Profiles for the application (Mandatory before submission).

Top Teams chosen to come to the final event

  • Mandatory Resource Night (Due Wednesday, February 19, 2025)
  • Mandatory Pitch Clinic (Due Tuesday, February 25, 2025)
  • 1-page Business Summary (Due Thursday, February 27, 2025)
  • 60-Second Pitch and Presentation of Demo/Prototype at the HIC (Thursday, March 6, 2025)

Your submission into the competition is distributed to a large group of community professionals who act as judges.

We strongly encourage any team with concerns regarding intellectual property such as patent or copyright potential to either contact their University’s intellectual property office (for University-developed discoveries) or competent legal counsel (for non-University related discoveries) before submitting their proposal into the competition.

The University of Washington, the Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship, the Foster School of Business, and the organizers of the competition are not responsible for any proprietary information and/or intellectual property included in a submitted business summary.
Ultimately, protection of sensitive materials is the sole responsibility of the individual or team participating in the competition.

Photo and Video Disclaimer
By attending Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship events in-person, online, or otherwise—participants grant the Buerk Center permission to the rights of their image, likeness, and recorded voice, without payment or consideration, for non-commercial use. Participants must understand that there is no time limit on the validity of this release, nor are there any geographic limitations on where these materials may be distributed. Students, judges, mentors, and all other related parties to events may request photos for use following the event in question. Requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Attribution/Courtesy must be included with all photo/video use. The Buerk Center retains the right to request photos/videos be removed from third-party websites, distributed materials, and/or similar media. University of Washington licensing and other media-related policies related to the UW Brand can be found here.


  1. Teams entering must have at least one full-time or part-time student on the team who is enrolled in good standing in a degree seeking program at an accredited college or university in the Cascadia Corridor – Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and British Columbia, as well as Alaska. If you graduated the summer quarter prior to the year of the competition or later, you are considered a current student in the competition under these rules. Please contact us to discuss your eligibility.
  2. The competition entry must be developed during the student’s tenure at the college or university. Students working with outside entrepreneurs must create their own original business plan and have responsibility for their own portion of the business.
  3. All submissions to the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge must live up to the higher ideals of the University of Washington. The team’s idea must be appropriate for a university-sponsored event. The Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship reserves the right to disqualify any entry that is its judgment violates the letter or the spirit of the competition or exceeds the bounds of social convention.
  4. If the team or company entering the competition is revenue positive, actual annual revenue cannot exceed $250k. For the purposes of the Challenge, “revenue” includes but is not limited to commercialization grants (I-Corp, Gap Fund, SBIR, etc), friends and family investment, and competition winnings. (Please note this is different than the company’s projected revenue. This rule does not apply to projected revenue.)
  5. Eligible students can form a team with alumni and other non-students, but only currently eligible students may pitch and engage with judges at the booth during the Final Round.
  6. Students must have an ownership stake in the business or the potential for equity or employment.
  7. Only student team members are eligible to earn prize money. No payments will be made to non-students.

Note: The Director of the Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship reserves the right to make the final determination of the eligibility of submitted business ventures.

2025 Prizes:

$15,000 Grand Prize, The Hollomon Family
$10,000 Second Place Prize, WRF Capital
$5,000 Third Place Prize, R1

Best Idea Prizes ($2,500)

The Best Idea prizes were created to reward student teams in the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge for their exceptional work in several distinct categories. The teams are selected by a special group of judges during the live Challenge. Please note that no team can take more than one Best Idea prize, but can also win one of the main prizes.

Best Idea for a Medical Device, presented by Naturacur
Recognizes the medical device concept (for a physical product) with the most promising opportunity to significantly improve the lives of patients or providers.

The Kent & Lisa Sacia Best Idea in Digital Health Prize
Recognizes an innovative digital health application that has a high likelihood of being implemented in practical healthcare situations and is expected to have a meaningful impact.

Best Idea for Addressing Health Access and Disparities Prize, presented by the Population Health Initiative
Recognizes a student innovation or intervention that seeks to close the gap in health disparities for low-income and disadvantaged groups by increasing access to point-of-care healthcare services and/or addressing systemic biases within the current healthcare system.

Best Idea for Patient Safety, presented by the Patient Safety Technology Challenge
Recognizes a technology-enabled solution that actively engage consumers in preventing medical harm through the reduction of medication-related errors, medical complications with patient care, procedure/surgery-related errors, infections, and/or diagnostic errors.

2025 Partners

Thank you to our 2025 Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge partners for their generosity and dedication to helping students achieve their potential.

Game Changers:
The Hollomon Family
Kent and Lisa Sacia
WRF Capital

UW College of Engineering

A-Alpha Bio
Fenwick & West
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Naturacur Wound Healing
Pack Ventures
Patient Safety Technology Challenge
Perkins Coie
Science & Engineering Business Association (SEBA)
UW Bioengineering
UW Population Health Initiative


Screening Round Requirements

  • Current student teammates’ contact information
    • This will be used to invite Team Members to complete their Profiles for the application. PLEASE NOTE: TEAM MEMBER PROFILES MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE THE APPLICATION CAN BE SUBMITTED! We recommend notifying your team members of this requirement and encouraging them to submit their profile well before the deadline.
  • 5-7 Page Business Summary

The next hurdle on your path toward the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge finals is to submit a winning business summary so your team is selected to be one of the Top Teams who are invited to participate in the final Challenge.

What should be included in the 5-7 page business summary?

    • Definition of the Problem
      • Who cares about this problem? What will be different if you solve this problem? What is the size of the problem?
    • Proposed Solution
      • What is your idea for solving the problem you are addressing?
      • What is unique about your solution.
      • Why would customers be excited enough to pay you for your solution?
    • Team
      • Who are the individuals on the team? Do they have the skills to solve the problem? Have they engaged advisors, mentors, and experts from the community or industry?
    • Description of the DEMO
    • Market Opportunity
    • Impact
      • Environmental
      • Energy Use
      • Social
      • Ethics
      • Equity
      • Healthcare Access
      • Supply Chain
      • Community
      • Employee Engagement
    • Questions you should address (use your own format and style)
      • Have you defined the problem?
      • Have you clearly described the proposed solution?
      • If there is a demo, what is it? (prototype, simulation, proof of concept, poster, video)?
      • Is the solution original or is it a novel application of an existing product or service?
      • Has the team researched and described the market opportunity and the competitors?
      • Has the team interviewed potential customers? How many? What did they say?
      • What is the scope of the opportunity (dollars, units produced, global impact)?
      • Does the solution fit the problem? Does it demonstrate an appropriate balance between the cost of the solution and its impact on the problem?
      • What is an estimate of the cost to produce?
      • What is the estimated timeline for development leading to launch of the product/service?
    • Examples:

In order to prepare your own business summary, use this Submission Checklist, which includes the judging criteria judges will be using in the Screening Round to evaluate all entries.

Final Round Requirements

Top Teams that are invited to the final event must prepare:

      • 1-page business summary
      • 60-Second Pitch (practiced at mandatory Pitch Clinic)

If your team makes it past the screening round you will be invited to participate in the live half-day competition final event. There the Top Teams have tables set up trade-show style with their prototypes on display. A member of each team gives a 1-minute pitch to the audience of 150+ professionals who will be judging and the judges then circulate and learn more from teams before picking their top choices for the prizes.

The Top HIC Teams that present on the day of the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge finals will be judged on their 1-page business summary, their pitch, their demo or prototype, and the potential for impact.

What should be included in the 1-page business summary?

  • The criteria and contents for the 1-page business summary are the same as those for the 5-7 page summary (above), just shorter and more concise.

What matters for the 1-minute pitch?

  • How motivated, enthusiastic is the team?
  • Does the pitch convey the essential elements of the problem, the solution, and the market opportunity?
  • Does the team understand the problem/solution (from both technical and marketing perspectives)?
  • Has the pitch generated enthusiasm to see the demo?

What should the demonstration or prototype table setup include?

  • Does the Demo work? If it is not yet complete, could it work?
  • Has the team provided test results and validation?
  • Can the team describe the process and how it works?
  • Can they describe how it could be improved?
  • Is this solution efficient? Does it make optimal use of resources?
  • How practical is this solution?
  • What would it cost to make?
  • Is this original work? Is it a novel application of an existing product? Is it off-the-shelf?

What questions should be answered for the potential for impact?

  • Could this team and this solution have a substantial impact in the market? In healthcare? In people’s lives?
  • Is there a patent in the works?
  • What is the regulatory path, if necessary?

The Buerk Center recognizes that there are a variety of AI programs available to assist with written work and visual models or presentations. While these programs are useful tools, they are not a replacement for human creativity, originality, and critical thinking. However, within limited circumstances and with proper attribution, AI programs may be used as a tool by Teams to prepare for our competitions. Please see below for our expectations around AI usage:

Check Its References

Make sure to double check any market, scientific, or other data you receive from a generative AI model. You want to avoid repeating “made up” facts or reciting information from an out-of-date training set. AI models have built-in biases as they are trained on limited underlying sources; they reproduce, rather than challenge, errors in the sources.

Responsible Data Use, AI, and IP:

Beware of putting any proprietary data into open-source models. Your data, ideas, models, etc. may no longer be considered protected data that is confidential. For this reason, we recommend that students use the UW-instance of CoPilot (Sign in with your UW NetID here). AI generated work is also in most cases not patentable or copyrightable and may even be considered automated plagiarism because it is derived from previously created texts, models, etc. without cited sources.”

Stay True to You

Generative AI is great at analysis and feedback, but as mentioned above, it cannot replace your unique creativity or thought process. Judges do not want to hear what ChatGPT thinks about your idea – they want to hear the excitement and enthusiasm directly from you. You and your team must craft and verify your work. Cutting and pasting without understanding will not advance or validate your ideas. Remember that AI tools lack the critical thinking and abductive reasoning to evaluate and reflect, as well as make judgements.

Cite Your Sources

Acknowledge work done by a generative AI model like you would another team member. For example, indicate in a footnote or other citation where rough drafts or graphics were generated by AI and through which platforms. You are ultimately responsible for the impact of any content produced and presented by your team, including AI-generated material.

Interested in entering the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge? Want to meet other students who want to join your team? There are multiple ways to find team members:

  1. StartupTree
  2. Team Formation Events
  3. Health Innovation Practicum
  4. Capstone Course in Your Major

As long as you have one student on the team who is enrolled in a college or university in the the Cascadia Corridor – Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and British Columbia, as well as Alaska, your team can enter the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge.

Questions? Contact Jessica Roberto via email: [email protected]

  • StartupTree
    Find teammates through UW StartupTree online. Students log in with their UW net ID. In this web portal you will find some students who have an idea and need more team members to help out and you will also find students with specific skills who are interested in innovation and want to join a team. Think of it as a match-making site for innovators!
  • Team Formation Events (or How to Find Your People) 
    Attend an event around campus to meet other students interested in life science innovation and the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge. Visit the Events section on UW StartupTree or look for Buerk Center events through the UW Foster website to learn more.
  • Health Innovation Practicum
    The fall quarter hands-on Health Innovation Practicum course is another way students can dive in and learn about health challenges while working on team-based projects. Many of the class teams decide to continue on into the extracurricular Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge where they will connect with mentors and further develop their concepts. Learn more in the Health Innovation Practicum: ENTRE 445/545 tab.
  • Capstone Course Teams
    You may be in an engineering, science, or other major that requires a capstone project as a degree requirement. Why not build on that capstone by bringing it in to the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge where the visibility of your accomplishments can be increased and mentors you connect with can help you take it to the next level?

Health Innovation Practicum

ENTRE 445/545 | Autumn Quarter | 2 credits
Thursdays, 4-5:50 pm

Instructor: William J. Canestaro, PhD, Managing Director, Washington Research Foundation/WRF Capital[email protected]

About: This course is designed to give students an overview of the challenges that are necessary for any young business in healthcare or life sciences to consider. Healthcare is an industry that, at its best, is built around strong reproducible science with healthcare providers acting as the patient’s agent. This places the consumer in a different position than other markets where they are more in control of their purchases. As such, those working in the area will need to have a grasp of the concepts of entrepreneurship as well as a strong understanding of when the traditional rules of economics and entrepreneurship no longer apply.

Learning Objectives: By the end of the course students should expect to have an awareness of the system of regulation of health technologies, the process of development for health technologies, and the economics of healthcare.

Class Project
In addition to attending and participating in all classes as an individual student, you will also be expected to complete a Class Project as part of a team that will be assigned to you. This project touches on all of the domains (background science, clinical research, regulatory considerations, economics and reimbursability, ethics) that we have discussed in class. There are 2 ways to complete this project. You can review a technology or healthcare area (pre-approved examples below, alternatives only by permission of the instructor) or you can review a single technology or business idea. Teams will conduct 3 Domain Expert interviews in support of this project.


  • Class Participation and Pre-Class Questions (10%)
  • Peer Reviews (10%)
  • Interview Reports (15%)
  • Final Presentation (25%)
  • Final Paper (20%)
  • Weekly Reports (20%)

Class Plan
The following class plan from 2022 illustrates the course design. Speakers, topics, required readings and assignment deadlines are subject to change.

Date Topic Confirmed Class Speakers
Class 1: 9/29 Course Overview & Project Intro ·      None
Class 2: 10/6 Defining the Problem & Exploring Solutions ·      Jessica Roberto,

Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship

Class 3: 10/13 Overview of the US Healthcare System
  • Richard Proscia, Providence Ventures
  • Dan Low, AdaptX
  • Chris Damman, SuperGut
  • Tom Lendvay, Tend Health
  • Sravanthi Parasi, Swedish
Class 4: 10/20 IP in Healthcare and Life Sciences
  • Fiona Wills, CoMotion
  • Arna Ionescu Stoll, Wavely Diagnostics
Class 5: 10/27 Regulation of Health Technologies ·      Mike Willingham, Google Health

·      Daniel Silva, Monod

Class 6: 11/3 Evidence in Healthcare and Life Sciences
  • Sam Browd, Proprio
  • Jenny Cronin, AI2 Incubator
  • Chris Blackley, Prescryptive Health
Class 7: 11/11 Health Insurance and Health Systems in the US: Health Economic and Quantifying Value
  • John Cake, Premera Blue Cross
  • David Younger, A-alpha Bio
Class 8: 11/17 Financing for Health Startups ·      Donald Summers, Altruist Partners

·      Panel of Local Investors

Class 9: 12/1 Exits
  • Kate Nelson, JP Morgan
  • Ryan McRobert, Fenwick & West
Class 10: 12/9 Final Presentations ·      None


Sacia Digital Health Innovation Workshop

The Sacia Digital Health Innovation Workshop brings together students from across campus to work on digital solutions to pressing problems in the healthcare system. Student participants in this “idea-athon” will learn about the unique challenges of this space while receiving feedback from stakeholders and changemakers in the field. The workshop is open to UW undergraduate and graduate students interested in computer science, life sciences, healthcare, or entrepreneurship – no prior programming experience necessary!

Additional events leading up to the annual workshop address cutting-edge topics in digital health and are great introductions to this dynamic field of health innovation. Learn more about this year’s discussion topics and other related opportunities below.

Event Date
DubHacks 2024 Saturday, October 12 & Sunday, October 13

Join the Buerk Center at the largest student-run hackathon on campus! We be on hand to support your projects and talk about other opportunities to move them forward after the event, including the Lavin Entrepreneurship Program, 2024 Sacia Digital Health Innovation Workshop and the 2025 Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge.

Lunch & Learn: Preventative Health Thursday, October 24
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Hans Rosling Center 101

Wearables, food trackers, and other technologies have already changed how we manage our health – but what more can digital health technologies do to help us stay healthy? In this lunch-and-learn session, our panel will discuss the unique opportunities for digital health to make an impact in preventative care. Attendees will also learn about upcoming opportunities on campus, including the 2024 Digital Health Innovation Workshop and the 2025 Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge.

Lunch & Learn: Healthcare Delivery Wednesday, October 30
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Founders Hall 490

Hospitals and clinics are brimming with digital technologies – from eletronic medical records to telehealth platforms to chatbots – but what impact do they actually have on patient care? In this lunch-and-learn session, our panel will discuss the unique opportunities for digital health to make an impact in patient experience, access to care, and provider workflows. Attendees will also learn about upcoming opportunities on campus, including the 2024 Digital Health Innovation Workshop and the 2025 Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge.

2024 Sacia Digital Health Workshop Saturday, November 16
9:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Hans Rosling Center 155

Every year, students from across disciplines work together during this “idea-athon” to dream up digital solutions to pressing problems in the healthcare system. Particpants receive valuable feedback on their ideas from stakeholders and changemakers in the field and also have the chance to participate in a Pitch Challenge at the end of the workshop with the chance to win a prize for Best Pitch! All teams also receive information on continuing resources to turn their solutions into entries for the 2025 Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge and other Buerk Center competitions.

The Featured Area of Focus for the 2024 Workshop will be Mental Healthcare. Students are still welcome to attend with an idea focused on another area of health innovation – or without any pre-formed solution idea at all!

Open to all UW undergraduate and graduate students interested in computer science, life sciences, healthcare, or entrepreneurship. No prior programming experience necessary.

Prototype Funding for teams entering the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge

Prototype funding can spur development and help convey your idea to a broader audience. We have funding available to teams that are entering the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge this year to help with creating a physical model, object, or demo for their entry.

Prototype Funding Application
Deadline: Monday, December 9, @ Noon PST

Please Note: There is only ONE application deadline for the 2024-2025 academic year. Teams will be notified of the amount of funding they will be awarded 2-3 weeks after submission.

Open to registered students attending WA colleges or universities.

Learn more: Prototype Funding Info Sessions (optional)

In-Person Session: October 30, 3:00 – 4:00 PM PST @ Startup Hall
Virtual Session: November 21, 12:30 – 1:30 PM PST

Student teams are invited to apply for funds that can be used to:
  • Purchase materials
  • Rent equipment
  • Pay for access to makerspaces and pay-for-use research facilities
Funds can NOT be used for:
  • Marketing
  • Business cards
  • Displays
  • Signage
  • Computers
  • Digital devices
  • Legal or professional fees
  • Third-party software or app development
  • Paying team members or consultants
  • Transportation
  • Lodging
Information you will need to complete the application:
  • Current student team member’s information (we understand this may change). This will be used to invite Team Members to complete their Profiles for the application. PLEASE NOTE: TEAM MEMBER PROFILES MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE THE APPLICATION CAN BE SUBMITTED! We recommend notifying your team members of this requirement and encouraging them to submit their profile well before the deadline.
  • Description of the problem you are attempting to solve.
  • Description of the solution you are proposing.
  • Description of the prototype you will build to demonstrate your solution.
  • A budget estimate (itemized list) to build your prototype. Changes are expected but any major changes must be approved by a competition manager.

Awards are generally between $500-$2500, although other requests will be considered. Teams must commit to entering the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge if they accept prototype funding. Teams will be notified of the amount of funding they will be awarded 2-3 weeks after the deadline. Individual projects or technologies may only receive up to 3 consecutive rounds of prototype funding.

For questions about eligibility, contact Jessica Roberto ([email protected]).

Resources to Help You

Resources to help you with your 5-7 page business summary for entry into the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge include:


Connect to other entrepreneurship students to build teams and learn from each other. Learn more about UW StartupTree.

Entrepreneurship Events

Attend an event to meet other students interested in entrepreneurship and the competitions. Visit the Events section on UW StartupTree or look for Buerk Center events through the UW Foster website.

Startup Resources

Need help figuring out where to do market research, how to write up a business summary, or prepare an elevator pitch? Links to great resources can be found on our Startup Resources page.



Health Innovation Practicum | ENTRE 445/545 | Thursdays, 4:00-5:50pm, Fall Quarter. Team-based course covering the fundamentals of healthcare and startups. The course is helpful, but not required for entering the competition. See Health Innovation Practicum tab.
Business Plan Practicum | ENTRE 440/540 | Tuesdays, 6:00-7:50pm, Winter Quarter. Speakers and resources that will help you understand how to build a business.

Join the conversation & keep in the loop on dates and deadlines:

Connect with the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge