General Information
Accounting is an interdisciplinary area, combining study of financial information with areas such as economics, finance, decision theory, and cognitive psychology.
The Ph.D. curriculum in accounting encompasses two major streams of research. The first stream examines the role of accounting information in contracting and capital markets. This first stream is economics-and-finance based and relies heavily on empirical research methods using archival data. The second stream is judgment and decision making in accounting (also known as behavioral decision theory research). This second stream is primarily psychology-based and relies heavily on controlled experiments with human subjects. The accounting Ph.D. program is designed to prepare students to publish research in top-tier accounting journals including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting and Economics, and Journal of Accounting Research and to take positions at leading research-based universities.
The Department of Accounting offers both major and minor areas in accounting. The remainder of this page first describes the policies for a major in accounting. This is followed by a description of the policies for a minor in accounting.
Department web site
Accounting Faculty
Admission Requirements
Applicants must have completed an undergraduate degree at an accredited university and should have reasonable training in mathematics and economics. An admission committee of faculty members reviews all completed applications. While the committee considers all relevant factors in its recommendations, important factors include past academic performance, GMAT scores (the GRE exam can be substituted for the GMAT but the GMAT is strongly preferred), personal statements, and letters of recommendation. Evidence of quantitative aptitude, creativity, commitment to completing a Ph.D., and collegiality are all important.
Recommended Preparation Prior to Entry
In the summer preceding arrival at UW, new doctoral students are strongly encouraged to review important concepts in basic tool areas (e.g., economics, statistics, calculus, and linear algebra). Knowledge of financial and managerial accounting is required. The Ph.D. curriculum is extremely rigorous, so students greatly benefit from getting a head start on key skills important to completing the initial coursework.
Accounting Area Faculty Coordinator
Associate Prof. Darren Bernard, Accounting Area Faculty Coordinator, would be glad to answer your questions. You can contact him by email.
The Accounting Area Faculty Coordinator advises new students until they establish a supervisory committee by the end of the Spring quarter of their first year. The supervisory committee assists the student in choosing appropriate courses, approves the course of studies, and monitors the student’s progress.
All accounting majors must complete the following requirements. The number of credits for each course is indicated in parentheses after the course number.
Course Number | Catalog Title | Current Course Content |
ACCTG 582 (4) | PhD Research Seminar | Introduces faculty areas of research |
ACCTG 580 (4) | Introduction to Accounting Research | Includes positive accounting theory |
ACCTG 579 (4) | Special Topics in Accounting | **Experimental seminar **Analytical seminar *Python coding *Innovations in econometric methods |
ACCTG 596 (4) | Seminar in Financial Accounting | Capital markets |
ACCTG 599 (1) | Accounting Research Workshop | Weekly accounting workshop series |
*Offered periodically.
**Offered every second year.
Accounting majors are expected to register for ACCTG 599 each year in which they are enrolled in coursework (minimum two years). All Accounting majors are expected to attend ACCTG 599 each year they are in residence.
Occasionally, optional special topics classes will be offered reflecting instructor and student interest (for example, empirical research in taxation).
Research Methods Minor Area Requirements
In addition to the major area, students are required to choose three additional areas as minors. Doctoral students in accounting must select Research Methods as one minor area. Coursework in Research Methods should include ECON 580 (or equivalent courses in probability and/or statistical inference), ECON 581, and FIN 585. ECON 580 and 581 are within the econometrics series the UW Department of Economics offers, and FIN 585 is a research methods course the UW Department of Finance and Business Economics offers. These requirements are viewed as minimal background for conducting doctoral level research.
Students should also include at least 3 units (e.g., one course) of additional coursework in Research Methods tailored to their specific interests and selected in consultation with the area advisor. The UW Business School also offers behavioral research method courses BARM 590 and 591. Additional econometric and behavioral research method courses are available in the economics and psychology departments, respectively.
Other Minor Area Requirements
Although Economics is highly recommended as a second minor area, students may petition to substitute another minor area in special circumstances. The courses to be included in the Economics minor should include the three-course sequence ECON 500, 501, 508 and at least 3 additional units (e.g., one course) of coursework selected in consultation with the Economics area advisor. The three-course sequence is the microeconomics series economics doctoral students are expected to complete in the economics department.
The third minor area will depend on the student’s interest. For example, students might choose one of the following minor areas: Finance, Information Systems, International Business, Operations Management, Psychology, or Quantitative Methods. It is also possible to design a special minor area, which more directly addresses a student’s interests. Since many students choose Finance as the third minor area, it is also briefly discussed below.
The Finance minor area is recommended for students interested in financial accounting research. Students can either complete the 4 course doctoral seminar sequence FIN 580, 590, 591, 592 or they can take three courses from this sequence and at least 3 additional units (e.g., one course) of coursework selected in consultation with the Finance area advisor. The four-course sequence includes coursework in financial economics, capital market theory, corporate finance, and advanced finance research.
Accounting Doctoral Student Planned Courses (as of July 2022)
The summer before you begin, you will be expected to do preparatory math and programming work. You will then arrive to campus in early September to begin on-campus math, economics, and programming camps. We will have a “welcome” barbeque sometime in September. This is a way to get to know everyone and have some fun before the semester gets underway, and families/significant others are welcome.
Classes typically begin the last week of September and in the first year all students will have the same course schedule:
First Year
Fall | Winter | Spring | Summer |
Courses: | Courses: | Courses: | Courses: |
ECON 500 Microeconomics I | ECON 501 Microeconomics II | ECON 508 Microeconomics III | BA 580 Business Econ |
ECON 580 Econometrics I | ECON 581 Econometrics II | FIN 585 Empirical Methods in Finance | |
ACCTG 582 Intro to Acctg Research | ACCTG 580 Positive Acctg Theory | Alternating Accounting Phd Seminar (Analytical or Experimental) | |
ACCTG 510 Financial Statement Analysis (MBA Class, case-by-case exemptions) |
Other: | Other: | Other: | Other: |
Workshop series | Workshop series | Workshop series | 1st Year Summer Paper and Presentation |
Second Year
Fall | Winter | Spring | Summer |
Courses: | Courses: | Courses: | Courses: |
Classes outside of business school in your core area (e.g., PPM 512, PSYCH 466, PSYCH 510, PSYCH 555, EDPSY 593, EDPSY 594, PSYCH 600)
Finance Doctoral Seminars (FIN 580, FIN 591, FIN 592 (optional)) |
ACCTG 582 (2nd time) Intro to Acctg Research | ACCTG 580 (2nd time) Positive Acctg Theory | Alternating Accounting Phd Seminar (Analytical or Experimental) | |
ACCTG 596 Capital Markets Seminar | |||
ACCTG 579 (every other year) Empirical Research Designs and Methods | |||
Other: | Other: | Other: | Other: |
Workshop series | Workshop series | Workshop series | Comprehensive Exam 2nd year Summer Paper |
Third Year
Fall | Winter | Spring | Summer |
Courses: | Courses: | Courses: | Courses: |
ACCTG 579 if applicable | |||
ACCTG 596 (2nd time) Capital Mkts Acctg Seminar | |||
Take any left-over finance or behavioral doctoral seminars (FIN 580, FIN 591, FIN592, BARM 590, BARM 591, etc.)
Register for BA 800 when you have passed your area exam and have satisfied all your course requirements. |
Other: | Other: | Other: | Other: |
RESEARCH (dissertation and co-authored projects)! Workshop series 2nd year Summer Paper Presentation |
RESEARCH (dissertation and co-authored projects)! Workshop series |
RESEARCH (dissertation and co-authored projects)! Spring Workshop Presentation (ideally your dissertation proposal) |
RESEARCH (dissertation and co-authored projects)! |
Fourth Year
Fall | Winter | Spring | Summer |
Other: | Other: | Other: | Other: |
RESEARCH (dissertation and co-authored projects)! Workshop series |
RESEARCH (dissertation and co-authored projects)! Workshop series |
RESEARCH (dissertation and co-authored projects)! Spring Workshop Presentation |
RESEARCH (dissertation and co-authored projects)! |
Fifth Year
Fall | Winter | Spring | Summer |
Other: | Other: | Other: | Other: |
RESEARCH (dissertation and co-authored projects)! | JOB MARKET! | GRADUATE! | Move! |
Miami Rookie Conference (Nov deadline) |
Doctoral students minoring in accounting must meet the following requirements:
ACCTG 510 and ACCTG 511 or equivalents
ACCTG 580, Introduction to Accounting Research
In addition, students minoring in accounting are required to successfully complete one of the following:
Course Number | Catalog Title | Current Course Content |
ACCTG 579 (4) | Special Topics in Accounting | Analytical accounting research |
ACCTG 579 (4) | Special Topics in Accounting | Behavioral accounting research |
ACCTG 596 (4) | Seminar in Financial Accounting | Capital markets |
*Offered every second year.
Written Area Examination
After completing all coursework required for a major area in accounting, the student takes a written area examination offered each year during late July or early August. The accounting area examination tests students on coursework as well as on topics of current research. The exam consists of a closed book eight-hour exam.
General Examination
It is expected that students will complete all coursework and area exam and begin working on a dissertation proposal by the end of their second year. However, students are encouraged during their third and fourth years to attend the accounting doctoral research seminar in their area of interest (ACCTG 596 for financial accounting empiricists, ACCTG 597 for behavioral or experimental researchers). When the supervisory committee believes that the dissertation proposal is well defined, a general exam is scheduled. During the general exam, the student presents the dissertation proposal and answers questions related to the proposal and/or to courses taken. Members of the supervisory committee, a representative of the Graduate School, and any other interested faculty and students, attend the general exam. The chair of the supervisory committee determines the precise format of the general exam.
Students who have passed their area examination but not their general exam are required to present an accounting research workshop on their research in progress each Spring quarter until they have passed their general exam (and thus have an approved thesis topic). Students are required to present their research paper in the research workshop before sending it out to schools to interview. This presentation should be in early October to allow time for revision before sending the paper out in early November.
After passing the general exam, students complete the proposed research and write the dissertation guided by a reading committee. The reading committee may consist entirely of members of the supervisory committee or may include one or more members not previously on the supervisory committee. When formation of the reading committee introduces new members, a new chair of the reading committee would ordinarily become chair of the supervisory committee and new members of the reading committee would ordinarily be placed on the supervisory committee.
Final Examination
The supervisory committee administers the final defense of the dissertation.