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Faculty Directory

James Gillick

Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353226
Seattle, WA 98195-3200

James Gillick

Associate Teaching Professor Emeritus


Stanford University (1984)
MBA New York University (1962)
BA Manhattan College (1957)

Academic Expertise


Positions Held

At the University of Washington since 1983
Director of Master in Professional Accounting Program – Auditing and Assurance Services, 2000-2012
Senior Lecturer, 1999-2012
Full-time Lecturer, 1987-1999
Director of External Affairs, Business School, 1986-1987
Member of the Advisory Board to the Business School, 1983-1986
Deloitte & Touche, CPAs, Retired in 1986, with 30 years of experience
Position at retirement – Managing Partner of the Northwest Region
Technical Advisor to the Washington State Board of Accountancy, 1986-1988
Guest lecturer, Cornell University
Guest lecturer, Columbia University
Guest lecturer, Seattle University
Guest lecturer, Seattle Pacific University
Guest lecturer, World Trade Institute (New York)

Honors and Awards

William and Helen Fowler Award for Special Achievement, 2006
Outstanding 300-level elective course instructor of the year, 2004
Beta Alpha Psi Distinguished Faculty Award, 2000