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Faculty Directory

Weili Ge

Professor of Accounting
Moss Adams Endowed Professor

Professional Certification

Certified General Accountant of Canada, International, 2000


PhD University of Michigan (2006)
MS Washington University in St. Louis (2001)
BE Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (1999)

Academic Expertise

financial accounting

Current Research

Predicting accounting misstatement/fraud, determinants and consequences of earnings quality, internal control over financial reporting

Positions Held

At the University of Washington since 2006

Selected Publications

  1. Prosocial CEOs, Corporate Policies, and Market Value
    Journal Article:Feng, M., Ge, W., Loh, W., and Ling, Z., (forthcoming). Review of Accounting Studies,
  2. Implied tradeoffs of chief financial officer accounting expertise: Evidence from firm-manager matching
    Journal Article:Bernard, D., Ge, W., Matsumoto, D., Toynbee, S., (2021). Management Science, Vol. 67(9), pp. 5301-5967.
  3. Internal Control over Financial Reporting and Resource Extraction: Evidence from China
    Journal Article:Ge, W., Li, Z., Liu, Q., and McVay, S.,, (2021). Contemporary Accounting Research,
  4. The Price of Being Foreign: Stock Market Penalties Associated with Accounting Irregularities for U.S. Listed Foreign Firms?
    Journal Article:Ge, W., Matsumoto, D., Wang, E., and Zhang, J., (2020). Contemporary Accounting Research, pp. 1-34.
  5. Benefits and costs of Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404(b) exemption: Evidence from small firms’ internal control disclosures
    Journal Article:Ge, W., Koester, A., and McVay, S., (2017). Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 63, pp. 358-384.
  6. What are the consequences of board destaggering?
    Journal Article:Ge, W., Tanlu, L., and Zhang, J., (2016). Review of Accounting Studies, Vol. 21(3), pp. 808-858.
  7. The Effect of Manager-Specific Optimism on the Tone of Earnings Conference Calls
    Journal Article:Davis, A., Ge, W., Matsumoto, D., and Zhang, J., (2015). Review of Accounting Studies, Vol. 20(2), pp. 639-673.
  8. Predicting Material Accounting Misstatements
    Journal Article:Dechow, P., Ge, W., Larson, C., and Sloan, R., (2011). Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 28(1), pp. 17-82.
  9. Why do CFOs Become Involved in Material Accounting Manipulations?
    Journal Article:Feng, M., Ge, W., Luo, S., and Shevlin, T., (2011). Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 51(1-2), pp. 21-36.
  10. Do CFOs Have Styles of Their Own? An Empirical Investigation of the Effect of Individual CFOs on Accounting Practices
    Journal Article:Ge, W., Matsumoto, D., and Zhang, J., (2011). Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 28(4), pp. 1141-1179.
  11. Understanding Earnings Quality: A Review of the Proxies, Their Determinants and Their Consequences
    Journal Article:Dechow, P., Ge, W., and Schrand, C., (2010). Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 50(2-3), pp. 344-401.
  12. Determinants of Weaknesses in Internal Control over Financial Reporting
    Journal Article:Doyle, J., Ge, W., and McVay, S., (2007). Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 44(1-2), pp. 193-223.
  13. Accruals Quality and Internal Control over Financial Reporting
    Journal Article:Doyle, J., Ge, W., and McVay, S., (2007). The Accounting Review, Vol. 82(5), pp. 1141-1170.
  14. The Persistence of Earnings and Cash Flows and the Role of Special Items: Implication for the Accrual Anomaly
    Journal Article:Dechow, P., and Ge, W., (2006). Review of Accounting Studies, Vol. 11(2-3), pp. 253-296.

Working Papers

“Prosocial CEOs and Accounting Information Quality” (with Mei Feng, Zhejia Ling, and Wei Ting Loh).


National Office Research Intern for PricewaterhouseCoopers, New Jersey, 2004

Honors and Awards

University of Washington Distinguished Teaching Award, 2021
PhD Faculty Mentor Award, 2020
MBA Evening Class of 2021 Professor of the Year, 2019
MBA Evening Class of 2020 Professor of the Year, 2018
MBA Evening Class of 2019 Professor of the Year, 2017
Dean's Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching, 2016
MBA Evening Class of 2017 Professor of the Year, 2015
MBA Evening Class of 2016 Professor of the Year, 2014
American Accounting Association Financial Accounting and Reporting Section Outstanding Service Award, 2013
Ron Crockett Award for Undergraduate Teaching, 2013
William A. and Helen I. Fowler Endowment for Special Achievement in Accounting, 2011
Undergraduate Accounting Faculty of the Year, 2011
The William R. Gregory Faculty Fellowship, 2010-present
The Glen McLaughlin Prize for Research in Accounting Ethics for "Why do CFOs Become Involved in Material Accounting Manipulations?", 2009
First Prize, Chicago Quantitative Alliance 12th Annual Academic Competition, 2005
Best Paper Award for "The Persistence of Earnings and Cash Flows and the Role of Special Items: Implications for the Accrual Anomaly," RAST Conference, 2005
Robert D. and Janet E. Neary Scholarship, 2005
U.S. Representative, AFAANZ Doctoral Consortium, Australia, 2004
American Accounting Association Doctoral Consortium Fellow, 2004
Deloitte and Touche Doctoral Fellowship, 2003
William A. Paton Fellowship, 2001-2006
University of Michigan Business School Fellowship, 2001-2005

Academic Service

Editor, Contemporary Accounting Research
Editorial Board, The Accounting Review
Editorial Board, Review of Accounting Studies
Ad Hoc Referee, Journal of Accounting Research
Ad Hoc Referee, Journal of Accounting and Economics
Ad Hoc Referee, The Accounting Review
Ad Hoc Referee, Review of Accounting Studies
Ad Hoc Referee, Management Science
Ad Hoc Referee, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Ad Hoc Referee, Journal of Accounting and Public Policies
Ad Hoc Referee, Accounting Horizons
Earnings Properties Track Editor, Editorial Committee for the 2013 Midyear Meeting of the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section (FARS)
National Meeting Coordinator of the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section for the 2013 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting