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Faculty Directory

Vandra Huber

People are the moving force behind business success. Management involves finding and selecting the good ones. Leadership involves inclusion, engagement and exciting positive action – in good and lean times.

Vandra Huber

Professor Emeritus of Human Resource Management


DBA Indiana University (1982)
MBA Indiana University (1981)
MS University of Utah (1978)
BS University of Utah (1971)

Academic Expertise

human resource management

Current Research

Comparative analysis of negotiation styles and ethics: Thailand versus the United States, Role of employee fit in managerial hiring decisions for short and long term employee

Positions Held

At the University of Washington since 1987
Fulbright Scholar, Chulalongkorn University, School of Economics Bangkok, Thailand, 2008
Assistant professor at the University of Utah (1985-87) and Cornell University, 1982-1985
Communications Director for the Utah Department of Social Services, 1977-1979

Selected Publications

  1. Work Status, Job Type and the Role of Fit in Managers’ Hiring Decisions: A Contingency Perspective
    Journal Article:Sekiguchi, T., & Huber, V., (2003). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol. 116(2), pp. 203-216.
  2. Handbook of Human Resource Management
    Book:Poole, M., & Warner, M., (1998). Staffing and Selection. International Thomson Business Press pp. 872-882.
  3. Handbook of Human Resource Management
    Book:Poole, M., & Warner, M., (1998). The Next Dance: Sustainable Growth for Beadforlife in Uganda. Case on a Performance appraisal. International Thomson Business Press pp. 596-607.
  4. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
    Book:Ferris, J., (1994). Job Measurement: A Social Cognitive Decision Perspective. Vol. 12, pp. 223-271.
  5. Lowering Floors and Raising Ceilings: A Longitudinal Assessment of the Effects of an Earnings at Risk Pay Plan on Pay Satisfaction
    Journal Article:Brown, K., & Huber, V.L., (1992). Personnel Psychology, Vol. 45(2), pp. 279-312.
  6. Comparison of the Effects of Specific and General Performance Standards on Performance Appraisal Decisions
    Journal Article:Huber, V., (1989). Decision Sciences Journal, Vol. 20(3), pp. 545–55.


Chang Mai University, Chulalongkorn University, Consortium of Medical Schools, Thailand
Microsoft, Employee Inclusion and Diversity keynoter, financial group
Nokia, Team building and negotiations
Schakra, Development of a legally defendable selection process for engineers
Boeing, Electronics maintenance technician training program development

Honors and Awards

Fulbright Scholar, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 2008
Faculty Case Award for "Costco Pharmacy Services: Case of the Missing Drugs," 2007
Boeing Faculty Fellow, 1997
Fritz Roethesberger Award for significant impact on management education, 1988
Western Academy of Management Ascendant Scholar, 1987
Dorothy Harlow Award, 1986

Academic Service

Fulbright Association. Assists in the selection of Fulbright Scholars from Thailand
Numerous pro bono talks on salary negotiations for women and minorities
Faculty Director and key instructor, Certification in Business Administration (CBA)
Intensive 15 credit “mini MBA” for nonbusiness graduate students and managers
Program is self sustaining and profitable
Faculty Director, Global Study Tours
Faculty Senate Executive Committee, 2007-2009
Editorial board, Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 1994-present

External Service and Assignments

Washington Minority Small Business Survey, Published by Michael G. Foster Business and Economic Development Center (BEDC), 2007 and 2008.
"Redevelopment of a War-ravaged Economy: The Case of Bosnia-Herzegovina," published by Global Business Center, University of Washington Business School. Case was used in 2006 Undergraduate Global Business Challenge.