Email: vandra(at)uw.edu
People are the moving force behind business success. Management involves finding and selecting the good ones. Leadership involves inclusion, engagement and exciting positive action – in good and lean times.
Vandra Huber
- Professor Emeritus of Human Resource Management
- DBA Indiana University (1982)
- MBA Indiana University (1981)
- MS University of Utah (1978)
- BS University of Utah (1971)
Academic Expertise
- human resource management
Current Research
- Comparative analysis of negotiation styles and ethics: Thailand versus the United States, Role of employee fit in managerial hiring decisions for short and long term employee
Positions Held
- At the University of Washington since 1987
- Fulbright Scholar, Chulalongkorn University, School of Economics Bangkok, Thailand, 2008
- Assistant professor at the University of Utah (1985-87) and Cornell University, 1982-1985
- Communications Director for the Utah Department of Social Services, 1977-1979
Selected Publications
- “Work Status, Job Type and the Role of Fit in Managers’ Hiring Decisions: A Contingency Perspective“Journal Article:Sekiguchi, T., & Huber, V., (2003). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol. 116(2), pp. 203-216.
- “Handbook of Human Resource Management“Book:Poole, M., & Warner, M., (1998). Staffing and Selection. International Thomson Business Press pp. 872-882.
- “Handbook of Human Resource Management“Book:Poole, M., & Warner, M., (1998). The Next Dance: Sustainable Growth for Beadforlife in Uganda. Case on a Performance appraisal. International Thomson Business Press pp. 596-607.
- “Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management“Book:Ferris, J., (1994). Job Measurement: A Social Cognitive Decision Perspective. Vol. 12, pp. 223-271.
- “Lowering Floors and Raising Ceilings: A Longitudinal Assessment of the Effects of an Earnings at Risk Pay Plan on Pay Satisfaction“Journal Article:Brown, K., & Huber, V.L., (1992). Personnel Psychology, Vol. 45(2), pp. 279-312.
- “Comparison of the Effects of Specific and General Performance Standards on Performance Appraisal Decisions“Journal Article:Huber, V., (1989). Decision Sciences Journal, Vol. 20(3), pp. 545–55.
- Chang Mai University, Chulalongkorn University, Consortium of Medical Schools, Thailand
- Microsoft, Employee Inclusion and Diversity keynoter, financial group
- Nokia, Team building and negotiations
- Schakra, Development of a legally defendable selection process for engineers
- Boeing, Electronics maintenance technician training program development
Honors and Awards
- Fulbright Scholar, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 2008
- Faculty Case Award for "Costco Pharmacy Services: Case of the Missing Drugs," 2007
- Boeing Faculty Fellow, 1997
- Fritz Roethesberger Award for significant impact on management education, 1988
- Western Academy of Management Ascendant Scholar, 1987
- Dorothy Harlow Award, 1986
Academic Service
- Fulbright Association. Assists in the selection of Fulbright Scholars from Thailand
- Numerous pro bono talks on salary negotiations for women and minorities
- Faculty Director and key instructor, Certification in Business Administration (CBA)
- Intensive 15 credit “mini MBA” for nonbusiness graduate students and managers
- Program is self sustaining and profitable
- Faculty Director, Global Study Tours
- Faculty Senate Executive Committee, 2007-2009
- Editorial board, Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 1994-present
External Service and Assignments
- Washington Minority Small Business Survey, Published by Michael G. Foster Business and Economic Development Center (BEDC), 2007 and 2008.
- "Redevelopment of a War-ravaged Economy: The Case of Bosnia-Herzegovina," published by Global Business Center, University of Washington Business School. Case was used in 2006 Undergraduate Global Business Challenge.