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Faculty Directory

Thomas Jones

Ethics and economics are not independent realms. Individuals and firms characterized by honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness can achieve and maintain real competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Thomas Jones

Professor Emeritus of Management


PhD University of California, Berkeley (1977)
MBA University of Washington (1970)
BSE University of Michigan (1964)

Current Research

"Corporate Ethical Strategy and Financial Performance: Some Stakeholder Theoretical Possibilities."
"Corporate Corruption and Governmental Policy: A Simulation Model Approach."

Positions Held

At the University of Washington since 1978
Connelly Endowed Visiting Scholar, Georgetown University, Spring, 1999
Director of Facultly Publications and Editor, Journal of Contemporary Business, 1981-1982
Financial consultant, Levi Strauss & Co.,1973
Financial analyst, Ford Tractor Operations, 1970-1972
Survey researcher, Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone, 1969
Stress analyst, Boeing, 1967-1968
Designer and stress analys, Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, 1965-1967

Selected Publications

  1. The Structure of Optimal Trust: Moral and Strategic Implications
    Journal Article:Wicks, A.C., Berman, S.L., & Jones, T.M., (1999). Academy of Management Review, Vol. 24(1), pp. 99-116.
  2. Convergent Stakeholder Theory
    Journal Article:Jones, T.M., & Wicks, A.C., (1999). Academy of Management Review, Vol. 24(2), pp. 206-221.
  3. Does Stakeholder Orientation Matter? The Relationship Between Stakeholder Management Models and Firm Financial Performance
    Journal Article:Berman, S.L., Wicks, A.C., Kotha, S., & Jones, T.M., (1999). Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 42(5), pp. 488-506.
  4. Moral Hazards on the Road to the ‘Virtual’ Corporation
    Journal Article:Jones, T.M., & Bowie, N.E., (1998). Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 8(2), pp. 273-292.
  5. The Link Between Ethical Judgment and Action in Organizations: A Moral Approbation Approach
    Journal Article:Jones, T.M., & Ryan, L.V., (1997). Organization Science, Vol. 8(6), pp. 663-680.
  6. An Agent Morality View of Business Policy
    Journal Article:Quinn, D.P., & Jones, T.M., (1995). Academy of Management Review, Vol. 20(1), pp. 22-42.
  7. Instrumental Stakeholder Theory: A Synthesis of Ethics and Economics
    Journal Article:Jones, T.M., (1995). Academy of Management Review, Vol. 20(2), pp. 404-437.
  8. Stakeholder Agency Theory
    Journal Article:Hill, C.W., & Jones, T.M., (1992). Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 29(2), pp. 131-154.
  9. Moral Commitment and the Ethical Attorney
    Journal Article:Gautschi, F.H., & Jones, T.M., (1992). Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 42(4), pp. 391-404.
  10. Ethical Decision Making by Individuals in Organizations: An Issue Contingent Model
    Journal Article:Jones, T.M., (1991). Academy of Management Review, Vol. 16(2), pp. 366-395.

Working Papers

“Stakeholder Saliences: A Corporate Culture Perspective”


Various law firms, expert testimony

Honors and Awards

Boeing Professor Business Management, 2003-present
Dean's Citizenship Award, 2003
Dean's Faculty Research Award (2000
Invited Member - "Who’s Who in the Management Sciences", 1999
Kirby L. Cramer Scholar in Business Ethics, 1998-2003

Academic Service

Dean Search Committee, 2004-2005
Business & Society, Co-editor, 1993-1994
Business & Society, Founding editor, 1992-1993
Journal of Contemporary Business, Editor, 1992-1993
Editorial board of the Academy of Management Review, 1990-1999
Chairman of the Department of Business, Government and Society, 1983-1985
Member and chair of various committees for the Academy of Management (Social Issues in Management Division) and International Association for Business and Society