Email: rebozo(at)uw.edu
Ethics and economics are not independent realms. Individuals and firms characterized by honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness can achieve and maintain real competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Thomas Jones
- Professor Emeritus of Management
- PhD University of California, Berkeley (1977)
- MBA University of Washington (1970)
- BSE University of Michigan (1964)
Current Research
- "Corporate Ethical Strategy and Financial Performance: Some Stakeholder Theoretical Possibilities."
- "Corporate Corruption and Governmental Policy: A Simulation Model Approach."
Positions Held
- At the University of Washington since 1978
- Connelly Endowed Visiting Scholar, Georgetown University, Spring, 1999
- Director of Facultly Publications and Editor, Journal of Contemporary Business, 1981-1982
- Financial consultant, Levi Strauss & Co.,1973
- Financial analyst, Ford Tractor Operations, 1970-1972
- Survey researcher, Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone, 1969
- Stress analyst, Boeing, 1967-1968
- Designer and stress analys, Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, 1965-1967
Selected Publications
- “The Structure of Optimal Trust: Moral and Strategic Implications“Journal Article:Wicks, A.C., Berman, S.L., & Jones, T.M., (1999). Academy of Management Review, Vol. 24(1), pp. 99-116.
- “Convergent Stakeholder Theory“Journal Article:Jones, T.M., & Wicks, A.C., (1999). Academy of Management Review, Vol. 24(2), pp. 206-221.
- “Does Stakeholder Orientation Matter? The Relationship Between Stakeholder Management Models and Firm Financial Performance“Journal Article:Berman, S.L., Wicks, A.C., Kotha, S., & Jones, T.M., (1999). Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 42(5), pp. 488-506.
- “Moral Hazards on the Road to the ‘Virtual’ Corporation“Journal Article:Jones, T.M., & Bowie, N.E., (1998). Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 8(2), pp. 273-292.
- “The Link Between Ethical Judgment and Action in Organizations: A Moral Approbation Approach“Journal Article:Jones, T.M., & Ryan, L.V., (1997). Organization Science, Vol. 8(6), pp. 663-680.
- “An Agent Morality View of Business Policy“Journal Article:Quinn, D.P., & Jones, T.M., (1995). Academy of Management Review, Vol. 20(1), pp. 22-42.
- “Instrumental Stakeholder Theory: A Synthesis of Ethics and Economics“Journal Article:Jones, T.M., (1995). Academy of Management Review, Vol. 20(2), pp. 404-437.
- “Stakeholder Agency Theory“Journal Article:Hill, C.W., & Jones, T.M., (1992). Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 29(2), pp. 131-154.
- “Moral Commitment and the Ethical Attorney“Journal Article:Gautschi, F.H., & Jones, T.M., (1992). Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 42(4), pp. 391-404.
- “Ethical Decision Making by Individuals in Organizations: An Issue Contingent Model“Journal Article:Jones, T.M., (1991). Academy of Management Review, Vol. 16(2), pp. 366-395.
Working Papers
- “Stakeholder Saliences: A Corporate Culture Perspective”
- Various law firms, expert testimony
Honors and Awards
- Boeing Professor Business Management, 2003-present
- Dean's Citizenship Award, 2003
- Dean's Faculty Research Award (2000
- Invited Member - "Who’s Who in the Management Sciences", 1999
- Kirby L. Cramer Scholar in Business Ethics, 1998-2003
Academic Service
- Dean Search Committee, 2004-2005
- Business & Society, Co-editor, 1993-1994
- Business & Society, Founding editor, 1992-1993
- Journal of Contemporary Business, Editor, 1992-1993
- Editorial board of the Academy of Management Review, 1990-1999
- Chairman of the Department of Business, Government and Society, 1983-1985
- Member and chair of various committees for the Academy of Management (Social Issues in Management Division) and International Association for Business and Society