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Faculty Directory

Sarah McVay
Office: 553
Phone: 206-616-2196
Fax: 206-685-1561

Curriculum vitae:

Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353226
Seattle, WA 98195-3200

Sarah McVay

Professor of Accounting
William A. Fowler Endowed Professor


PhD University of Michigan (2004)
BA University of Oregon (1997)

Academic Expertise

financial accounting

Current Research

Earnings quality, management disclosures, managerial ability, and the interactions between market participants

Positions Held

At the University of Washington since 2012
Faculty at University of Utah, 2007-2012
Faculty at New York University, 2004-2007
Senior Auditor at Arthur Andersen, Portland Oregon, 1998-2000
Staff Accountant at Moss Adams & Co., Vancouver Washington, 1997-1998

Selected Publications

  1. How Resilient are Firms’ Financial Reporting Processes to the Sudden Loss of a CFO? Evidence from Sudden Deaths.
    Journal Article:McVay, S. and M.J. Rabier, (forthcoming). The Accounting Review,
  2. Experience with Non-GAAP Earnings and Investors’ Pricing of Exclusions
    Journal Article:McVay, S., E. Rodriguez-Vasquez, and S. Toynbee, (2024). The Accounting Review,
  3. Free Cash Flow Disclosure in Earnings Announcements
    Journal Article:Adame, K., J. Koski, K. Lem, and S. McVay, (2024). Journal of Financial Reporting,
  4. Internal Control over Financial Reporting and Resource Extraction: Evidence from China
    Journal Article:Ge, W., Z. Li, Q. Liu and S. McVay., (2021). Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 38(2), pp. 1274–1309.
  5. Preparers and the Financial Reporting System
    Journal Article:McVay, S. and B. Szerwo., (2021). Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 51(5), pp. 484–507.
  6. Detecting Opportunistic Special Items
    Journal Article:Cain, C., K. Kolev and S. McVay., (2020). Management Science, Vol. 66(5), pp. 2099–2119.
  7. The Changing Implications of Research and Development Expenditures for Future Profitability
    Journal Article:Curtis, A., S. McVay and S. Toynbee., (2020). Review of Accounting Studies, Vol. 25(2), pp. 405-437.
  8. How Does Intentional Earnings Smoothing Vary with Managerial Ability?
    Journal Article:Demerjian, P., M. Lewis-Western and S. McVay., (2020). Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Vol. 35(2), pp. 406-437.
  9. Costs and Benefits of Internal Control Audits: Evidence from M&A Transactions
    Journal Article:Kravet, T., S. McVay and D. Weber., (2018). Review of Accounting Studies, Vol. 23, pp. 1389–1423.
  10. Costs and Benefits of Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404(b) Exemption: Evidence from Small Firms’ Internal Control Disclosures
    Journal Article:Ge, W., Koester, A. & McVay, S., (2017). Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 63, pp. 368–384.

Working Papers

Carnahan, S., S. McVay, and M.J. Rabier. 2024. Capital Market Pressure and Racial Inequality: An Examination of Workplace Safety and Wage Theft.
Chen, S., S. Lai, C. Liu, and S. McVay. 2023. Overconfident Managers and Internal Controls.
Dechow, P., W. Ge., W. Loh, and S. McVay. 2024. Beyond Earnings Quality: Evaluating the Quality of Voluntary Corporate Financial Reporting Practices.
Koski, J., K. Lem, and S. McVay. 2024. The Market Reaction to Free Cash Flow News.
Kravet, T., S. McVay, and J. Warren. 2024. The Impact of M&A Transactions on Acquiring Firm Voluntary Disclosure.

Honors and Awards

AFAANZ Annual Meeting Keynote (Plenary) Speaker, 2024
William A. Fowler Endowed Professorship, 2021–present
CBDC Diversity Research Grant, 2023–2025
Pacific Coast Banking School Dean’s Leadership Award, 2023
PhD Faculty Mentor Award, 2016, 2022
MBA Professor of the Quarter, 2016 (Spring Quarter), 2021 (Spring Quarter)
Deloitte and Touche Endowed Professorship, 2015–2021
Dean’s Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching, 2019
TMMBA Faculty of the Quarter Award, 2013–2016, 2019 (Winter Quarter)
TMMBA Excellence in Teaching Award, 2016
William and Helen Fowler Endowment for Special Achievement in Accounting, 2014
Glen and Lucille Legoe Endowed Professorship, 2012–2015

Academic Service

Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council (FASAC) 2024–present
Editor, Review of Accounting Studies 2024–present
American Accounting Association Vice President – Research and Publications, 2021–2024
Editor, Contemporary Accounting Research 2014–2022
Editor, Journal of Financial Reporting 2018–2021
New Faculty Consortium Committee, 2016 (Chair), 2011–2013, 2015, 2017 (Member)
Organizer of the Western Region Doctoral Student Faculty Interchange, 2013–2015
FARS Financial Reporting Policy Committee, 2012–2013 (Chair), 2008–2012 (Member)