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Faculty Directory

Ruth Huwe
Office: 570
Phone: 206-543-7150
Fax: 206-543-3968

Curriculum vitae:

Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353226
Seattle, WA 98195-3226

Begin by listening. Whether it's to people, to data or to text, listening is always the starting place.

Ruth Huwe

Assistant Teaching Professor of Management


PhD University of Washington (1995)
MS San Diego State University (1990)
BA San Diego State University (1986)

Positions Held

At the University of Washington since 1990
Consultant and trainer at the Boeing Company, 1996-present
Production Director, KJQY Radio, Westinghouse, 1983-1990
On Air Personality, KPNW Radio, 1981-1983
On Air Personality, KRSB Radio, 1978-1981

Selected Publications

  1. Metrics 2.0: Creating Scorecards for High Performance Teams and > Organizations
    Book:Huwe, R., (2010). Praeger


"The High Atlas Foundation: Sustainability Entrepreneurship in Rural Morocco." Case written for the first annual Global Sustainability Case Competition hosted by ReThink in partnership with Accenture. April 2016.


Current trainer for "Presentation Skills that Get Results" at the Boeing Company.
Leader of the "Partners in Leadership" program that ran for six years at the Boeing Company.
Invited speaker and negotiation consultant to the SPEEA union representing technical and engineering employees.
Developed management tools to improve worker utilization, satisfaction and productivity that were a primary component of an instructional CD rom created by the Boeing Company.
Numerous speaking engagements to the University of Washington Medical School providing team building and negotiation training.
Authored a performance appraisal system and provided training to 250 managers and executives to use it, Puget Power and Light Company.
Conducted extensive studies of white-collar labor issues for the Ed Wells Initiative, an organization jointly sponsored by the SPEEA union and the Boeing company.

Honors and Awards

Nominee, Undergraduate Instructor of the Year in Management and Organization, 2015.
Instructor of the Year, Undergraduates, Department of Management and Organization Studies, 2014
Nominee, Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Washington, 2013
Undergraduate Professor of the Quarter for Autumn for Human Resource Management, 2005, & 2006

Courses Taught

Undergraduate level Business, Government and Society, Leadership, Negotiations, Motivation, and Organizational Behavior.