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Faculty Directory

Robert Bowen

Curriculum vitae:

Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195

Robert Bowen

Professor Emeritus of Accounting


PhD Stanford University (1978)
MBA Washington University in St. Louis (1971)
BS Drury University (1968)

Academic Expertise

financial accounting
managerial accounting

Current Research

How individuals make investment decisions using accounting information, Financial disclosure issues and their impact on investors’ decision-making processes

Positions Held

Professor (7/2020 – current), Chapman University
Distinguished Professor (9/2012 – 6/2020), University of San Diego
Emeritus Professor (9/2012 – current), University of Washington
Professor (9/1990 – 8/2012), University of Washington
Visiting Professor (Winter 2001), INSEAD
Associate Professor (9/1984 – 8/1990), University of Washington
Assistant Professor (9/1978 – 8/1984), University of Washington
Acting Assistant Professor (9/1976 – 6/1978), University of Santa Clara
Lecturer (9/1974 – 6/1976), University of Santa Clara
Lecturer (Summer 1971), Washington University, St. Louis

Selected Publications

  1. CEO-CFO Compatibility and Audit Risk
    Journal Article:with J. Jollineau, S. Lyon, S. Malhotra, and P. Zhu, (forthcoming). British Journal of Management,,
  2. CEO Extraversion and the Cost of Equity Capital
    Journal Article:with B. Adebambo, S. Malhotra, and P. Zhu, (forthcoming). Journal of Financial Research,
  3. Blockholder Mutual Fund Participation in Private In-house Meetings
    Journal Article:with S. Dutta, S. Tang, and P. Zhu, (forthcoming). Journal of Financial Research,
  4. Does Corporate Governance Quality Influence Insider Trading around Private Meetings between Managers and Investors?
    Journal Article:with S. Dutta, S. Tang, and P. Zhu, (2023). Accounting Horizons, Vol. 37(2), pp. 27-58.
  5. A Practical Guide to using Path Analysis: Mediation and Moderation in Accounting Research
    Journal Article:with J. Jollineau, (2023). Journal of Financial Reporting, Vol. 8(1), pp. 11-40.
  6. A Review of Buffett’s Commentary on Accounting, Governance, and Investing Practices: Does he “walk the talk”?
    Journal Article:Bowen, R., Rajgopal, S., Venkatachalam, M., (2018). Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, pp. 55-75.
  7. Inside the ‘black box’ of Private In-house Meetings
    Journal Article:Bowen, R., Dutta, S., Tang, S., and Zhu, P., (2018). Review of Accounting Studies, Vol. 23(2), pp. 487-527.
  8. Finding Needles in a Haystack: Using Data Analytics to Improve Fraud Prediction
    Journal Article:Perols, J., Bowen. R., Zimmerman, C. and Samba, B., (2017). The Accounting Review, Vol. 92(5), pp. 221-245.
  9. The Economic Consequences of Relaxing Fair Value Accounting and Impairment Rules on Banks during the Financial Crisis of 2008-2009
    Journal Article:Bowen, R., and Khan, U., (2014). Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, pp. 233-259.
  10. WaMu’s Option-ARM Strategy
    Journal Article:Bowen, R., Jollineau, J., and Lougee, B., (2014). Issues in Accounting Education, Vol. 29(4), pp. 557-575.
  11. Is Warren Buffett’s commentary on accounting, governance and investing practices reflected in the investment decisions and subsequent influence of Berkshire Hathaway?
    Journal Article:Bowen, R., Rajgopal, S., and Venkatachalam, M., (2014). The Accounting Review, Vol. 89(5), pp. 1609-1644.
  12. Financial Whistle-Blowing: Target Firm Characteristics and Economic Consequences
    Journal Article:Bowen, R., Call, A. and Rajgopal, S., (2010). The Accounting Review, pp. 1239-1271.
    • Winner of the Glen McLaughlin Research Prize for Research in Accounting Ethics, May 2008.
  13. Accounting Discretion, Corporate Governance and Firm Performance
    Journal Article:Bowen, R., Rajgopal, S. and Venkatachalam, M., (2008). Contemporary Accounting Research, pp. 351-405.
  14. Analyst Coverage and the Cost of Raising Equity Capital: Evidence from the Underpricing of Seasoned Equity Offerings
    Journal Article:Bowen, R., Chen, X. and Cheng, Q., (2008). Contemporary Accounting Research, pp. 657-700.
  15. Emphasis on Proforma versus GAAP Earnings in Quarterly Press Releases: Determinants, SEC Interaction and Market Reactions
    Journal Article:Bowen, R., Davis, A., and Matsumoto, D., (2005). The Accounting Review, Vol. 80(4), pp. 1011-1038.
  16. Do Conference Calls affect Analysts’ Forecasts?
    Journal Article:Bowen, R., Davis, A. and Matsumoto, D., (2002). pp. 285-316.
  17. Determinants of Revenue-Reporting Practices for Internet Firms
    Journal Article:Bowen, R., Davis, A. and Rajgopal, S., (2002). Contemporary Accounting Research, pp. 523-562.
  18. Microsoft’s Financial Reporting Strategy
    Journal Article:Matsumoto, D. and Bowen, R., (2000). Harvard Business School Publishing,
    • Included in Harvard Business School Publishing’s ‘Premier Case Collection.’
  19. Evidence on EVA
    Journal Article:Biddle, G., Bowen, R. and Wallace, J., (1999). Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Vol. 12(7), pp. 8-18.
    • Also published in Corporate Governance at the Crossroads: A Book of Readings by D. Chew and S. Gillan, McGraw-Hill, 2004.
  20. Does EVA beat Earnings? Evidence on associations with stock returns and firm values
    Journal Article:Biddle, G., Bowen, R. and J. Wallace, (1997). Journal of Accounting and Economics, pp. 301-336.
    • Best Paper Award, American Accounting Association, Accounting & Financial Reporting Section, 1999.
  21. Stakeholders’ Implicit Claims and Accounting Method Choice
    Journal Article:Bowen, R., DuCharme, L. and Shores, D., (1995). Journal of Accounting and Economics, pp. 255-295.

Working Papers

“Are Financially Constrained Firms More Prone to Restatements?” (with Shantanu Dutta, and Pengcheng (Phil) Zhu), University of San Diego, May 2018.
“Does Board Independence support a better information environment while mitigating potential adverse effects of Private In-House Meetings?” (with Shantanu Dutta, Songlian Tang and Pengcheng (Phil) Zhu), University of San Diego, April 2018.
“Managing the Demand for Information from Institutional Investors: Evidence from Private In-house Meetings of Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) Listed Firms” (with Shantanu Dutta, Songlian Tang and Pengcheng (Phil) Zhu), University of San Diego, December 2017.

Honors and Awards

General (Research and Teaching):
• Distinguished Mentor Award, 2015. Inaugural award by the University of San Diego School of Business junior faculty for the faculty member who most contributed to their success.
• Professor Emeritus, Foster School of Business, University of Washington, September 2012
• Foster School “All Star,” 2010-11
• Ron Crocket Award for Academic Excellence, 2010
• PricewaterhouseCoopers & Alumni Professorship in Accounting, 2006 - 2012
• Herbert O. Whitten Professorship in Accounting, 1997-2006
• John B. and Delores L. Fery Endowed Faculty Fellowship, 1992-1995
• Seafirst Faculty Excellence Award, 1990
• First Interstate Faculty Award, 1987
• Runner-up, Bank of America Faculty Excellence Award, 1982
• USD MBA Program Teacher of the Year (A vote of graduate students at the USD School of Business) -- 2018
• UW Foster School Executive MBA “Excellence in Teaching Award” renamed the “Robert M. Bowen Executive MBA Excellence in Teaching Award” – announced June 2012
• Charles E. Summer Outstanding Teaching Award, 2010 and 2012 (A vote of graduate students at the Foster School)
• Excellence in Teaching Award from the “Regional” sections of the Executive MBA classes graduating in June: 1987 (first EMBA class taught), 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2011. (24 years out of 27 opportunities)
• Excellence in Teaching Award from the “North America” sections of the Executive MBA classes graduating in June: 2000 (inaugural class), 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2013. (12 years out of 14 opportunities)
• Lex Gamble (Dean’s) Award for Best Teaching Case – "WaMu’s Option ARM Strategy," 2009
• Dean’s Award for Best Teaching Case – "Exxon Mobil: the politics of profits," 2007
• Dean’s Award for Best Teaching Case – "Microsoft’s ‘Red-Ink’ Xbox," 2006
• William A. & Helen I. Fowler Award for Special Achievement, 2005
• Best Teaching Award for core classes, graduating class of December 2001, INSEAD
• Outstanding Ph.D. Mentor Award, 1998
• Excellence in Teaching Award from Management Program class of 1991
• Burlington Northern Distinguished Teaching Award, 1984
• 2017 Best Paper Award -- Accounting Horizon Special Forum conference on Accounting, Auditing and Corporate Governance in China (November 2017)
• 2016 CFA Institute of Asia-Pacific Capital Markets Research Award, CFA Society of New Zealand and Asia-Pacific Research Exchange. (December 2016).
• 2016 IFA Best Paper Award -- Emerald, 6th India Finance Conference 2016. (December 2016).
• Emerald Best Paper Award, 2016 China Finance Review International Conference. (August 2016).
• Senior Faculty Research Award, 2014. Awarded annually by the University of San Diego School of Business.
• Glen McLaughlin Research Prize for Research in Accounting Ethics for "Financial Whistle-Blowing: Target Firm Characteristics and Economic Consequences" (with A. Call and S. Rajgopal), May 2008. Awarded annually by the University of Oklahoma Price College of Business.
• Best Paper Award, American Accounting Association, Accounting & Financial Reporting Section, 1999, for "Does EVA beat Earnings? Evidence on Associations with Stock Returns and Firm Values"
• University of Washington Business School Dean’s Research Award, 1999
• American Accounting Association Competitive Manuscript Award, 1979, for "Valuation of Earnings Components in the Electric Utility Industry"
• US West Andrew V. Smith Faculty Development Award for Service to the School, 1993