Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353226
Seattle, WA 98195
Consumers aren't simply passive vessels filled each day by advertising. They're active participants in the marketplace, and their behavior is shaped as much by internal beliefs and biases as by any external influence engineered by marketers. They're often agents of their own persuasion.
Mark Forehand
- Professor of Marketing Chair of the Department of Marketing and International Business
Pigott Family Professor in Business Administration
- PhD Stanford University (1997)
- BA Stanford University (1992)
Academic Expertise
- advertising
- brand management
- business to consumer marketing
- consumer behavior
- consumer segmentation
- Advertising
- Public Health
Current Research
- Implicit attitude formation and measurement, consumer social identity and advertising response.
Selected Publications
- “The Many-Faced Consumer: The Effects of Inter Identity Competition and Association on Identity Prime Response“Journal Article:Saint Clair, J. and Mark Forehand, (2020). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 46 (6), pp. 1011-1030.
- “Egocentric Improvement Evaluations: Change in the Self as an Anchor for Brand Improvement Judgments“Journal Article:Dagogo-Jack, Sokiente and Mark Forehand, (2018). Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 55 (6), pp. 934-950.
- “Activating Stereotypes with Brand Imagery: The Role of Viewer Political Identity“Journal Article:Angle, Justin, Sokiente Dagago-Jack, Mark Forehand and Andrew Perkins, (2017). Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 27(1), pp. 84-90.
- “It’s Not Us, It’s You: How Threatening Self-brand Association Leads to Brand Pursuit“Journal Article:Angle, J., Forehand, M., (2016). International Journal of Research in Marketing,
- “The Ebb and Flow of Consumer Identities: The Role of Memory, Emotions and Threats“Journal Article:Reed II, A., Forehand, M., (2016). Current Opinion in Psychology,
- “Riding Coattails: When Co-branding Helps versus Hurts Less Known Brands“Journal Article:Cunha, M., Forehand, M., Angle, J., (2015). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 41(5), pp. 1267-1283.
- “Identity-Based Consumer Behavior“Journal Article:Reed II, A., Forehand, M., Putoni, S., Warlop, L., (2012). International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 29(4), pp. 310-321.
- “Implicit Self-Referencing: The Effect of Non-volitional Self-association on Brand and Product Attitude“Journal Article:Forehand, M., & Perkins, A., (2012). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 39(1), pp. 142-156.
- “An Interpretive Frame Model of Identity Dependent Learning: The Moderating Role of Content – Identity Association“Journal Article:Forehand, M., (2011). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 38(3), pp. 555-577.
- “When are Automatic Social Comparisons not Automatic? The Effect of Cognitive Systems on User Imagery-Based Self-Concept Activation“Journal Article:Forehand, M., (2010). Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 21, pp. 88-100.
- “Decomposing IAT-measured Self-Associations: The Relative Influence of Semantic Meaning and Valence“Journal Article:Forehand, M., & Perkins, A., (2006). Social Cognition, Vol. 24(4), pp. 387-408.
- “Implicit Assimilation and Explicit Contrast: A Set/Reset Model of Response to Celebrity Voiceovers“Journal Article:Forehand, M., & Perkins, A., (2005). Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 32(3), pp. 435-441.
- “On Self-Referencing Differences in Judgment and Choice“Journal Article:Forehand, M., & Sood, S., (2005). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol. 98, pp. 144-154.
- “Endorsements as Voting Cues: Heuristic and Systematic Processing in Initiative Elections“Journal Article:Forehand, M., Gastil, J. & Smith, M.A., (2004). Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Vol. 34(11), pp. 2215-2233.
- “When is Honesty the Best Policy? The Effect of Stated Company Intent on Consumer Skepticism“Journal Article:Forehand, M., & Grier, S., (2003). Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 13(3), pp. 349-356.
- “Identity Salience and the Influence of Differential Activation of the Social Self-Schema on Advertising Response“Journal Article:Forehand, M., Deshpandé, R., & Reed II, A., (2002). Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 87(6), pp. 1086-1099.
- “What We See Makes Us Who We Are: Priming Ethnic Self-Awareness and Advertising Response“Journal Article:Forehand, M., & Deshpandé, R., (2001). Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 38(3), pp. 336-348.
- “Extending Overjustification: The Effect of Perceived Reward Giver Intention on Response to Rewards“Journal Article:Forehand, M., (2000). Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 85(6), pp. 919-931.
- Expert testimony on branding, research methods, and perceptual biases
- General Mills, corporate image analysis
- American Red Cross, volunteer resource development
Honors and Awards
- Research:
- PhD Mentor of the Year, 2012
- Pigott Family Professorship, 2009-present
- Robert Wood Johnson Fund Grant 66956, 2009
- CDC P01 Grant for Center for Health Marketing and Communication, 2006
- Marguerite Reimers Endowed Research Fellowship, 2006, 2005
- Dempsey Faculty Research Fellowship, 2004
- University of Washington Royalty Research Grant, 2001
- Teaching:
- MBA Elective Professor of the Year, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014
- Ron Crockett Award for Graduate Teaching, 2013
- Undergraduate Faculty of the Year for Marketing, International Business and Entrepreneurship, 2008
- Undergraduate Professor of the Year, 2008
- PACCAR Award for Teaching Excellence, 2006
- MBA Professor of the Year, 2006
- Evening MBA Elective Professor of the Year, 2005
- Dean's Citizenship Award, 2004
- Distinguished Teaching Award Finalist, University-wide teaching award, 2001
- Wells Fargo / Dean's Faculty Award for Undergraduate Teaching, 1999