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Léonard Boussioux
Office: 527

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Léonard Boussioux

Assistant Professor of Information Systems


PhD Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2023)
MSc Centrale Paris (2020)
BE Centrale Paris (2017)

Academic Expertise

big data
business analytics
data analytics
data mining
machine learning
operations management
operations research

Current Research

AI, ML, Optimization, Large Language Models, Applications to AI and the Future of Work, Environmental Sustainability, Natural Disaster Management, Healthcare Operations, Analytics for Social Good

Selected Publications

  1. The crowdless future? Generative AI and creative problem-solving
    Journal Article:Boussioux, L., Lane, J. N., Zhang, M., Jacimovic, V., & Lakhani, K. R., (2024). Organization Science, Vol. 35(3), pp. 1589-1607.
  2. Combining Large Language Models and OR/MS to Make Smarter Decisions
    Journal Article:Wasserkrug, S., Boussioux, L., & Sun, W., (2024). Tutorials in Operations Research: Smarter Decisions for a Better World, INFORMS, pp. 1-49.
  3. Holistic Deep Learning
    Journal Article:Bertsimas, D., Carballo, K., Boussioux, L., Li, M., Paskov, A., Paskov, I., (2024). Machine Learning, Vol. 113, pp. 159–183 .
  4. Automated Segmentation of Sacral Chordoma Tumors and Surrounding Muscles Using Deep Learning Ensemble
    Journal Article:Boussioux, L.*, Ma, Y.*, Thomas, N., Bertsimas, D., et al., (2023). International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Vol. 117(3), pp. 738-749.
  5. Hurricane Forecasting: A Novel Multimodal Machine Learning Framework
    Journal Article:Boussioux, L.*, Zeng, C.*, Guénais, T., Bertsimas, D., (2022). Weather and Forecasting, Vol. 37, pp. 817-831.
  6. Integrated Multimodal Artificial Intelligence Framework for Healthcare Applications
    Journal Article:Soenksen, L.*, Ma, Y.*, Zeng, C.*, Boussioux, L.*, Carballo, K.*, Na, I.*, Wiberg, H., Li, M., Fuentes, I., Bertsimas, D., (2022). npj Digital Medicine, Vol. 5(1), pp. 1-10.
  7. From Predictions to Prescriptions: A Data-Driven Response to COVID-19
    Journal Article:Bertsimas, D., Boussioux, L., Cory-Wright, R., Delarue, A., Digalakis, V., Jacquillat, A., et al., (2020). Health Care Management Science, Vol. 24(2), pp. 253–272.

Working Papers

The Narrative AI Advantage? A Field Experiment on Generative AI-Augmented Evaluations of Early-Stage Innovations. Lane, J., Boussioux, L., Ayoubi, C., Chen, Y., Lin, C. and Spens, R., Wagh, P., Wang, PH., 2024.
Reducing Air Pollution through Machine Learning – Bertsimas, D., Boussioux, L., Zeng, C.
Ensemble Modeling for Time Series Forecasting: an Adaptive Robust Optimization Approach – Bertsimas, D. and Boussioux, L.
TabText: a Systematic Approach to Aggregate Knowledge Across Tabular Data Structures – Bertsimas, D., Carballo, K., Ma, Y., Na, I., Boussioux, L., Zeng, C., Soenksen, L., Fuentes, I.
From LLMs and Optimization to Decision Optimization Co-Pilot – Birbil, I., Boussioux, L., den Hertog, D., Kurtz, J., Maragno, D., Van Hentenryck, P., Wasserkrug, S.


Oxman (https://oxman.com/)

Honors and Awards

Charles E. Summer Memorial Teaching Award, voted on by graduate students to honor faculty who go above and beyond to engage and challenge students, 2024
Master of Science in Information Systems Excellence in Innovation and Teaching Award, 2024
Zetta Prize, Fan Favorite for Best Application of Artificial Intelligence in Industry, 2023
2nd Place INFORMS' Doing Good with Good OR, Awarded for Reducing Air Pollution with Machine Learning, 2023
Goodwin Medal, MIT's highest teaching award for a student, awarded to one graduate instructor "who performed above and beyond the norm, and whose teaching efforts can truly be characterized as conspicuously effective", 2022
Graduate Student Council Teaching Award – Sloan School of Management, Awarded to one faculty or teaching assistant, for excellence in teaching a graduate-level course, 2022
Outstanding Teaching Assistant, Awarded to one teaching assistant from the Sloan School of Management, for exceptional teaching practices, 2022
2nd Place The $100k Audacious Challenge Competition at Google X, 2022
1st Place MIT Cognex Poster Competition, For work on Holistic AI for Medicine, 2022
1st Place and Audience's Prize MIT Research Slam, The Three Minute Thesis Competition, 2022
Robert B. Guenassia Scholarship, Awarded by the MIT’s Office of Graduate Education to two students a year, 2021
INFORMS Student Chapter Annual Award, Cum Laude, 2021
3rd Place MIT Generator Research Competition, 2021
1st Place UNESCO and VIVA Tech’s AI for the Planet Contest, For overall research on wildlife conservation, 2021
1st Place INFORMS Poster Competition, 2021
Winner INFORMS’ William Pierskalla Best Paper Award, For research on fighting COVID-19 pandemic, 2020
1st Place IEEE’s Advancing Technology for Humanity Contest, 2020
Centrale Paris' Talents Award, Centrale Paris' highest award, awarded to less than 5 students a year out of 3,000 students to honor a record of outstanding achievements combined with academic excellence, 2018
1st Place La Recherche and Sciences et Avenir’s Sustainable Development Contest, 2018
Jean Gaillard Memorial Fellowship, Awarded by the Harvard Committee on scholarships based on academic excellence, 2019
1st Place Centrale Paris Alumni Society's Engineering for Social Good Contest, For my wildlife monitoring project, 2017
Centrale Paris Alumni Society Scholarship, In recognition of academic excellence and services to the community, 2017
Official Congratulations from the French Minister of Education, For placing in the top 100 students at the nationwide French Baccalaureate examination (GPA: 20.18/20.00), 2013

Courses Taught

MSIS 541 Advanced and Unstructured Data Mining
MSIS 547 Generative AI in the Era of Cloud Computing
MSIS 549 Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Business Applications
IS 451 Business Data Analytics