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Faculty Directory

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Phone: 206-543-6346

Box: 353200

As international business expands, global standards of living will rise, but U.S. mercantilism could thwart the process.

Jeremiah Sullivan

Professor Emeritus of International Business


PhD New York University (1970)
MBA University of Washington (1975)
MA New York University (1967)
BS State University of New York (1962)

Current Research

Country of origin effects on World Wide Web corporate home pages, Impact of the Asian crisis on the U.S. exporters and importers.

Positions Held

At the University of Washington since 1976
Chairman and assistant professor at Wilmington College, 1970-1973
Visiting professor at New York University

Selected Publications

  1. Exploring International Business Environments
    Book:Sullivan, J., (1999). Pearson Custom Publishing
  2. The Functions of Corporate Web Pages
    Journal Article:Sullivan, J., (1999). Journal of World Business,
  3. English as the Lingua Franca of Business in Asia
    Journal Article:Kameda, N., & Sullivan, J., (1996). Multinational Business Review, Vol. 4(1),


U.S. Department of Commerce, seminars on Japanese FDI and National Trade Data Bank, consultant to Ministry of Foreign Trade, Peoples Republic of China.

Honors and Awards

Best Paper Award from the American Marketing Association, Special Recognition in the Imagine Peace Competition sponsored by Carnegie Mellon.

Academic Service

Editor of Pacific Northwest Executive, 1985-1991
Editorial review boards, Journal of International Business Studies
Editorial review boards, Multinational Business Review