Box: 353200
As international business expands, global standards of living will rise, but U.S. mercantilism could thwart the process.
Jeremiah Sullivan
- Professor Emeritus of International Business
- PhD New York University (1970)
- MBA University of Washington (1975)
- MA New York University (1967)
- BS State University of New York (1962)
Current Research
- Country of origin effects on World Wide Web corporate home pages, Impact of the Asian crisis on the U.S. exporters and importers.
Positions Held
- At the University of Washington since 1976
- Chairman and assistant professor at Wilmington College, 1970-1973
- Visiting professor at New York University
Selected Publications
- “Exploring International Business Environments“Book:Sullivan, J., (1999). Pearson Custom Publishing
- “The Functions of Corporate Web Pages“Journal Article:Sullivan, J., (1999). Journal of World Business,
- “English as the Lingua Franca of Business in Asia“Journal Article:Kameda, N., & Sullivan, J., (1996). Multinational Business Review, Vol. 4(1),
- U.S. Department of Commerce, seminars on Japanese FDI and National Trade Data Bank, consultant to Ministry of Foreign Trade, Peoples Republic of China.
Honors and Awards
- Best Paper Award from the American Marketing Association, Special Recognition in the Imagine Peace Competition sponsored by Carnegie Mellon.
Academic Service
- Editor of Pacific Northwest Executive, 1985-1991
- Editorial review boards, Journal of International Business Studies
- Editorial review boards, Multinational Business Review