Box: 353226
Jarrad Harford
- Professor of Finance and Business Economics Chair of the Department of Finance and Business Economics
Paul Pigott-PACCAR Professor in Business Administration
- PhD University of Rochester (1998)
- MS University of Rochester (1996)
- BS Pennsylvania State University (1993)
Academic Expertise
- business valuation
- corporate finance
- corporate governance
- dividend and payout policy / stock splits
- mergers and acquisitions
- private equity
Current Research
- “The Innovation Arms Race”
- “The Economic Effects of Political Polarization: Evidence from the Real Asset Market”
- “Mergers under the Microscope: Analyzing Conference Call Transcripts”
- “What Do Questions Reveal? Skill Acquisition, Detection, and Recognition in the Capital Markets”
Positions Held
- At the University of Washington since 2001
- Assistant Professor of Finance, University of Oregon, 1997–2001
Selected Publications
- “The Effect of Takeover Protection in Quiet Life and Bonding Firms“Journal Article:Fich, E.M., Harford, J., Yore, A.S., (forthcoming). The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,
- “EPS Sensitivity and Mergers“Journal Article:Dasgupta, S., Harford, J., Ma, F., (2024). The Journal of Financial and Qualitative Analysis, Vol. 59(2), pp. 521-556.
- “Disloyal Managers and Shareholders’ Wealth“Journal Article:Fich, E., Harford, J., Tran, A., (2023). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 36(5), pp. 1837-1888.
- “Ex Post Bargaining, Corporate Cash Holdings, and Executive Compensation“Journal Article:Cheng, Y., Harford, J., Hutton, I., Shipe, S., (2022). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 57(3), pp. 957-987.
- “Better Kept in the Dark? Portfolio Disclosure and Agency Problems in Mutual Funds“Journal Article:Dyakov, T., Harford, J., and Qiu, B., (2022). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 57(4),
- “Anticompetitive Effects of Horizontal Acquisitions: the Impact of Within-Industry Product Similarity“Journal Article:Fathollahi, M., Harford, J., and Klasa, S., (2022). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 144(2), pp. 645-669.
- “International Trade and the Propagation of Merger Waves“Journal Article:Ahmad, M. F., de Bodt, E., and Harford, J., (2021). Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 34(10), pp. 4876-4925.
- “The Covid-19 Crisis and the Allocation of Capital“Journal Article:Duchin, R., Harford, J., (2021). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 56(7), pp. 2309-2319.
- “How Much Do Directors Influence Firm Value“Journal Article:Burt, A., Hrdlicka, C., Harford, J., (2020). Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 33(4), pp. 1818-1847.
- “Payout Policy Tradeoffs and the Rise of 10b5-1 Preset Repurchase Plans“Journal Article:Harford, J., Bonaime, A., Moore, D., (2020). Management Science, Vol. 66(6), pp. 2762-2786.
- “Do Insiders Time Management Buyouts and Freezeouts to Buy Undervalued Targets?“Journal Article:Harford, J., Zhang, F., (2019). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 131(1), pp. 206-231.
- “Analyst Career Concerns, Effort Allocation, and Firms’ Information Environment“Journal Article:Harford, J., Jiang, F., Wang, R., Xie, F., (2019). Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 32(6), pp. 2179-2224.
- “Trade Relationships, Indirect Economic Links, and Mergers“Journal Article:Harford, J., Schonlau, R., Stanfield, J., (2019). Management Science, Vol. 65(7), pp. 3085-3110.
- “Financial vs. Strategic Buyouts“Journal Article:Harford, J., Martos-Vila, M., Rhodes-Kropf, M., (2019). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 54(6), pp. 2635-2661.
- “Operating Leverage, Profitability, and Capital Structure“Journal Article:Chen, Z., Harford, J., & Kamara, A., (2019). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis., Vol. 54(1), pp. 369-392.
- “Do Long-Term Investors Improve Corporate Decision Making?“Journal Article:Harford, J., Kecskes, A., Mansi, S., (2018). Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 50, pp. 424-452.
- “CEO Turnover-Performance Sensitivity in Private Firms“Journal Article:Gao, H., Harford, J., & Li, K., (2017). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 52(2), pp. 583-611.
- “Foreign Cash: Taxes, Internal Capital Markets, and Agency Problems“Journal Article:Harford, J., Wang, C., & Zhang, K., (2017). Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 30(5), pp. 1490-1538.
- “Precautionary Savings with Risky Assets: When Cash is Not Cash“Journal Article:Duchin, R., Gilbert, T., Harford, J., & Hrdlicka, C., (2017). Journal of Finance, Vol. 72(2), pp. 793-852.
- “The Real Effects of Uncertainty on Merger Activity“Journal Article:Harford, J., Bhagwat, V. & Dam, R., (2016). Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 29(11), pp. 3000-3034.
- “Do Analysts Matter for Governance? Evidence from Natural Experiments“Journal Article:Chen, T., Harford, J., & Lin, C., (2015). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 115(2), pp. 383-410.
- “Bonus-Driven Repurchases“Journal Article:Cheng, Y., Harford, J., & Zhang, T., (2015). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 50(3), pp. 447-475.
- “Motivated Monitors: The Importance of Institutional Investors Portfolio Weights“Journal Article:Fich, E., Harford, J., & Tran, R. A., (2015). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 118(1), pp. 21-48.
- “Financial Flexibility, Risk Management, and Payout Choice“Journal Article:Adams Bonaimé, A., Harford, J., & Watson Hankins, K., (2014). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 27(4), pp. 1074-1101.
- “The Importance of Industry Links in Merger Waves“Journal Article:Ahern, K., & Harford, J., (2014). Journal of Finance, Vol. 69(2), pp. 527-576.
- “Do Private Equity Returns Result from Wealth Transfers and Short-Termism? Evidence from a Comprehensive Sample of Large Buyouts“Journal Article:Harford, J., & Kolasinski, A., (2014). Management Science, Vol. 60(4), pp. 888-902.
- “Bond Market Access and Investment“Journal Article:Harford, J., & Uysal, V., (2014). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 112(2), pp. 147-163.
- “Refinancing Risk and Cash Holdings“Journal Article:Harford, J., Klasa, S., & Maxwell, W., (2014). Journal of Finance, Vol. 69(3), pp. 975-1012.
- “Determinants of Corporate Cash Policy: Insights from Private Firms“Journal Article:Gao, H., Harford, J., & Li, K., (2013). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 109(3), pp. 623-639.
- “Does the Director Labor Market Offer Ex Post Settling-up for CEOs? The Case of Acquisitions“Journal Article:Harford, J., & Schonlau, R., (2013). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 110(1), pp. 18-36.
- “CEO Pay Cuts and Forced Turnover: Their Causes and Consequences“Journal Article:Gao, H., Harford, J., & Li, K., (2012). Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 18(2), pp. 291-310.
- “The Sources of Value Destruction in Acquisitions by Entrenched Managers“Journal Article:Harford, J., Humphery, M., & Powell, R., (2012). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 106(2), pp. 247-261.
- “Institutional Cross-holdings and their Effect on Acquisition Decisions“Journal Article:Harford, J., Jenter, D., & Li, K., (2011). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 99(1), pp. 27-39.
- “Do Firms Have Leverage Targets? Evidence from Acquisitions“Journal Article:Harford, J., Klasa S., & Walcott, N., (2009). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 93(1), pp. 1-14.
- “Information Asymmetry, Information Dispersion, and the Effect of Regulation FD on the Cost of Capital“Journal Article:Duarte, J., Han, X., Harford, J., & Young, L., (2008). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 87(1), pp. 24-44.
- “Corporate Governance and Firm Cash Holdings in the U.S.“Journal Article:Harford, J., Mansi, S., & Maxwell, W., (2008). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 87(3), pp. 535-555.
- “Decoupling CEO Wealth and Firm Performance: The Case of Acquiring CEOs“Journal Article:Harford, J., & Li, K., (2007). Journal of Finance, Vol. 62(2), pp. 917-949.
- “Monitoring: Which Institutions Matter?“Journal Article:Harford, J., (2007). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 86(2), pp. 279-305.
- “Correlated Order Flow: Pervasiveness, Sources, and Pricing Effects“Journal Article:Harford, J., & Kaul, A., (2005). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 40(1), pp. 29-55.
- “What Drives Merger Waves“Journal Article:Harford, J., (2005). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 77(3), pp. 529-560.
- “Takeover Bids and Target Directors’ Incentives: Retention, Experience, and Settling-up“Journal Article:Harford, J., (2003). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 69(1), pp. 51-83.
- “Managerial Opportunism? Evidence from Directors’ and Officers’ Insurance Purchases“Journal Article:Chalmers, J., Dann, L., Harford, J., (2002). Journal of Finance, Vol. 57(2), pp. 609-636.
- “The Cash Flow Permanence and Information Content of Dividend Increases vs. Repurchases“Journal Article:Guay, W., & Harford, J., (2000). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 57(3), pp. 385-415.
- “Corporate Cash Reserves and Acquisitions“Journal Article:Harford, J., (1999). Journal of Finance, Vol. 54(6), pp. 1969-1997.
Honors and Awards
- Undergraduate Professor of the Year in Finance, 2005, 2010, 2012, 2016 & 2017
- Interfraternity / Panhellenic Council Teaching Excellence Award, 2011, & 2013
- William A. and Helen I. Fowler Endowment for Special Achievement in Finance, 2009, & 2013
- Dean's Faculty Research Award, 2008
- ISMBA Excellence in Teaching Award, 2006
- Wells Fargo Faculty Award for Undergraduate Teaching, 2005
- Dean's Junior Faculty Research Award, 2004