Email: click(at)u.washington.edu
Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353226
Seattle, WA 98195-3200
James Gillick
- Associate Teaching Professor Emeritus
- Stanford University (1984)
- MBA New York University (1962)
- BA Manhattan College (1957)
Academic Expertise
- audit
Positions Held
- At the University of Washington since 1983
- Director of Master in Professional Accounting Program – Auditing and Assurance Services, 2000-2012
- Senior Lecturer, 1999-2012
- Full-time Lecturer, 1987-1999
- Director of External Affairs, Business School, 1986-1987
- Member of the Advisory Board to the Business School, 1983-1986
- Deloitte & Touche, CPAs, Retired in 1986, with 30 years of experience
- Position at retirement – Managing Partner of the Northwest Region
- Technical Advisor to the Washington State Board of Accountancy, 1986-1988
- Guest lecturer, Cornell University
- Guest lecturer, Columbia University
- Guest lecturer, Seattle University
- Guest lecturer, Seattle Pacific University
- Guest lecturer, World Trade Institute (New York)
Honors and Awards
- William and Helen Fowler Award for Special Achievement, 2006
- Outstanding 300-level elective course instructor of the year, 2004
- Beta Alpha Psi Distinguished Faculty Award, 2000