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Faculty Directory

Emily Cox Pahnke

Associate Professor of Management and Organization
Lawrence P. Hughes Endowed Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship


PhD Stanford University
MA Stanford University
MBA Brigham Young University
BS Brigham Young University

Academic Expertise

network analysis
technology and innovation strategy
venture capital

Selected Publications

  1. Directors in new technology-based ventures: An empirical inquiry
    Journal Article:Garg*, S., Howard, M., & Pahnke, E. C., (2025). Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 40(2)(106431),
  2. Dynamic Silos: Increased Modularity in Intra-organizational Communication Networks During the Covid-19 Pandemic
    Journal Article:Zuzul, T., Pahnke, E. C., Larson, J., Bourke, P., Caurvina, N., Shah, N. P., ... & Priebe, C. E., (forthcoming). Management Science,
  3. Resource Interdependence and Successful Exit: A Configurational Perspective on Young Technology Firms
    Journal Article:Pahnke EC, Sirmon DG, Rhymer J, Campbell JT., (2023). Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol. 17, pp. 507-534.
  4. The Past Is Prologue? Venture-Capital Syndicates’ Collaborative Experience and Start-Up Exits
    Journal Article:Wang, Dan, Emily Cox Pahnke, and Rory McDonald, (2022). Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 65(2), pp. 371-402.
  5. Assessment of the SBIR and STTR Programs at the National Institutes of Health
    Journal Article: (2022). National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, The National Academies Press
  6. Collaboration And Informal Hierarchy In Innovation Teams: Product Introductions In Entrepreneurial Ventures
    Journal Article:Lahiri, A., Pahnke, E., Howard, M., Boeker W., (2019). Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol. 13(3), pp. 326-358.
  7. Entrepreneurial beacons: The Yale endowment, run‐ups, and the growth of venture capital
    Journal Article:Bermiss, Y., Hallen, B., McDonald, R., and Pahnke, E. (All authors contributed equally and are listed alphabetically), (2017). Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 38, pp. 545-565.
  8. When Do Entrepreneurs Accurately Evaluate Venture Capital Firm’s Track Records? A Bounded Rationality Perspective
    Journal Article:Hallen, B. & Pahnke, E.C., (2016). Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 59(5), pp. 1535-1560.
  9. Exposed: Venture Capital, Competitor Ties, and Entrepreneurial Innovation
    Journal Article:Pahnke, E., McDonald, R., Wang, D., Hallen, B., (2015). Academy of Management Journal,
  10. Who Takes You to the Dance? How Funding Partners Influence Innovative Activity in Young Firms
    Journal Article:Pahnke, E.C., Katila, R., Eisenhardt, K.M., (2015). Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 60(4), pp. 596-633.
  11. Understanding Network Formation in Strategy Research: Exponential Random Graph Models
    Journal Article:Kim, J. Y., Howard, M., Pahnke, E. C., & Boeker, W., (2015). Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 37(1), pp. 22-44.
  12. Parting the ivory curtain: Understanding how universities support a diverse set of startups
    Journal Article:Shah, Sonali K., and Emily Cox Pahnke, (2014). The Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 39, pp. 780-792.

Honors and Awards

KSG Best Entrepreneurship Research Award 2022
Ideas Worth Teaching Award from the Aspen Institute
Lex N. Gamble Award for Excellence in Curriculum Innovation and Case Development 2021
Master of Entrepreneurship Faculty of the Quarter, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023
Emerging Scholar Award, Technology and Innovation Management Division of the Academy of Management
Schulze Distinguished Professorship in Entrepreneurship
National Foundation EAGER Grant for Entrepreneurship Game and Simulation Development
University of Washington Distinguished Teaching Award
Industry Studies Association Best Dissertation Award
Best Dissertation Finalist, Technology & Innovation Management Division, Academy of Management
Kauffman Dissertation Fellowship
NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant

Courses Taught

Grand Challenges for Entrepreneurs (ENTRE 579; ENTRE 372; Honors 231)
Opportunity Recognition and Validation (ENTRE 563)
Sociological Foundations of Entrepreneurship (ENTRE 581)
Innovation and Organizations (ENTRE 590)
Entrepreneurial Strategy (ENTRE 510)
Introduction to Entrepreneurship (ENTRE 370)