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Faculty Directory

Emer Dooley
Office: 211B
Dempsey Hall
Phone: 206-369-7248
Fax: 425-451-1229

Box: 353200

I hope to inspire students by exploring the innovation, perseverance and passion of the great entrepreneurs of the Northwest.

Emer Dooley

Affiliate Instructor of Management and Organization
Charlene M. and Arthur W. Buerk Endowed Faculty Fellow


PhD University of Washington (2000)
MBA University of Washington (1992)
BS University of Limerick

Academic Expertise

technology and innovation strategy

Current Research

Case studies on local startup companies and entrepreneurs for use in class (Joyce Ten/Seattle Chocolate/Theo/Lumera Photonics/Alaska Smokehouse/CIBO Naturals/Front Porch Classics/Rhodes Architectural Stone and others)

Positions Held

At the University of Washington since 1995

Honors and Awards

Andrew V. Smith, Faculty Development Award, 2004, & 2006
Entrepreneurship Program Award, 2003
MBA elective professor of the year, 2002
University of Washington Excellence in Teaching Award, 1997