Valuation methods based on book values and methods based on earnings should be viewed as complementary-not competing-alternatives. Valuation methods that focus on book value are more appropriate for firms with low return on equity, while a focus on earnings is more appropriate for firms with high return on equity.
David Burgstahler
- Professor of Accounting Chair of the Department of Accounting
Julius A. Roller Professor of Accounting
- PhD University of Iowa (1981)
- BAcc University of Minnesota Duluth (1976)
Academic Expertise
- managerial accounting
Current Research
- Valuation of the firm, management of earnings, evaluation of evidence from audit sampling, accounting information and determinants of stock prices
Positions Held
- University of Washington, 1981-present
Selected Publications
- “Size Management by European Private Firms to Minimize Proprietary Costs of Disclosure“Journal Article:Bernard, D., Burgstahler, D., Kaya, D., (2018). Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 66, pp. 94-122.
- “Management of Earnings and Analysts’ Forecasts to Achieve Zero and Small Positive Earnings Surprise“Journal Article:Burgstahler, D., Eames, M., (2006). Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Vol. 33(5-6), pp. 633-652.
- “The importance of reporting incentives: earnings management in European private and public firms“Journal Article:Burgstahler, D., Hail, L., & Leuz, C., (2006). The Accounting Review, Vol. 81(5), pp. 983-1016.
- “Earnings management to avoid losses and earnings decreases: Are analysts fooled?“Journal Article:Burgstahler, D., & Eames, M., (2003). Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 20(2), pp. 253-294.
- “Do Stock Prices Fully Reflect the Implications of Special Items for Future Earnings?“Journal Article:Burgstahler, D., Jiambalvo, J., & Shevlin, T., (2002). Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 40(3), pp. 585-612.
- “Earnings Surprise Materiality as Measured by Stock Returns“Journal Article:Burgstahler, D., Kinney, W.R., & Martin, R., (2002). Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 40(5), pp. 1297-1329.
- “Error Projection and Uncertainty in the Evaluation of Aggregate Error“Journal Article:Burgstahler, D., Glover, S., & Jiambalvo, J., (2000). Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Vol. 19(1), pp. 79-99.
- “Full-Cost Pricing and the Illusion of Satisficing“Journal Article:Burgstahler, D., (1997). Journal of Management Accounting Research, Vol. 9, pp. 239-263.
- “Earnings, Adaptation, and Equity Value“Journal Article:Burgstahler, D. C. and I. D. Dichev, (1997). Accounting Review, Vol. 72(2), pp. 187-215.
- “Earnings Management to Avoid Earnings Decreases and Losses“Journal Article:Burgstahler, D., & Dichev, I., (1997). Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 24(1), pp. 99-126.
- “Changes in the Probability of Bankruptcy and Equity Value“Journal Article:Burgstahler, D., (1989). Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 11, pp. 207-224.
- “The Incremental Information Content of Accrual Versus Cash Flow Data“Journal Article:Burgstahler, D., (1987). Accounting Review, Vol. 62(4), pp. 723-747.
Honors and Awards
- Andrew V. Smith Faculty Development Award (2008)
- AAA-AICPA Notable Contribution to the Accounting Literature Award (2002)
- MBA Core Professor of the Quarter (Autumn 2001)
- Beta Alpha Psi Professor of the Year (1996, 1998, 1999, and 2001)
- Dean's Research Award (1998)
- US West Andrew V. Smith Faculty Development Award (1994)
- Burlington Northern Foundation Achievement Award for Scholarship (1986)
- Peat Marwick Research Opportunities in Auditing Grant (1983)
Academic Service
- Vice-President for Publications, American Accounting Association (2007-2009)
- Acting Dean, University of Washington Business School (January-April 2005)
- Associate editor of Accounting Horizons (1997-2000)
- Editorial board of Accounting Review (1983-86, 1992-2003)
- Editorial board of Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory (1986-94)
- Board of referees of Accounting and Business Research (1988-92)