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Faculty Directory

Christopher Hrdlicka
Office: 424
Phone: 206-616-0332
Fax: 206-543-7472

Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353226
Seattle, WA 98195-3226

Christopher Hrdlicka

Associate Professor of Finance and Business Economics
John B. and Delores L. Fery Faculty Fellow


PhD University of Chicago (2010)
MBA University of Chicago (2010)
MA Washington University in St. Louis (2005)
BA Washington University in St. Louis (2005)

Academic Expertise

asset pricing
corporate governance
dividend and payout policy / stock splits
financial economics
financial markets
public finance


Asset Management
Pension Funds

Current Research

Measuring information diffusion
Connecting information release to risk structure
Financial investments of corporations and endowments

Positions Held

At the University of Washington since 2010
Towers Perrin Actuarial Summer Intern, 2002-2005

Selected Publications

  1. Trading Volume and Time Varying Betas
    Journal Article:Hrdlicka, C., (2022). The Review of Finance, Vol. 26(1), pp. 79-116.
  2. Where Does the Predictability from Sorting on Returns of Economically Linked Firms Come From?
    Journal Article:Burt, A., Hrdlicka, C., (2021). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Online,
  3. How Much Do Directors Influence Firm Value
    Journal Article:Burt, A., Hrdlicka, C., Harford, J., (2020). Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 33(4), pp. 1818-1847.
  4. The Structure of Information Release and the Factor Structure of Returns
    Journal Article:Gilbert, T., Hrdlicka, C., & Kamara, A., (2018). Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. Vol. 127(3), pp. 546-566.
  5. Precautionary Savings with Risky Assets: When Cash is Not Cash
    Journal Article:Duchin, R., Gilbert, T., Harford, J., & Hrdlicka, C., (2017). Journal of Finance, Vol. 72(2), pp. 793-852.
  6. Why Are University Endowments Large and Risky?
    Journal Article:Gilbert, T., & Hrdlicka, C., (2015). Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 28(9), pp. 2643-2686.
  7. Daily Data is Bad for Beta: Opacity and Frequency-Dependent Betas
    Journal Article:Gilbert, T., Hrdlicka, C., Kalodimos, J., & Siegel, S., (2014). Review of Asset Pricing Studies, Vol. 4(1), pp. 78-117.

Working Papers

“Understanding Network-Based Measures of Information Diffusion” with Aaron Burt
“The Structure of Information Release and the Factor Structure of Returns” with Thomas Gilbert and Avraham Kamara
“Return Predictability Through Board Links” with Aaron Burt

Honors and Awards

European Finance Association Commonfund Price for Best Paper on Foundation and Endowment Asset Management, 2013
Alpha Kappa Psi Professor of the Quarter Spring 2012