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Faculty Directory

Bruce Avolio

Professor of Management
Mark Pigott Chair in Business Strategic Leadership

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PhD University of Akron (1981)
MA University of Akron (1978)
BA State University of New York (1975)

Academic Expertise

global business
organizational behavior
organizational transformation

Current Research

Examining how to accelerate positive forms of leadership

Positions Held

At the University of Washington since 2008
Distinguished Visiting Professor, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia (2000-2003)
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Professor of Management (2001-2008)
Director, Gallup Leadership Institute (2003-2008)
Director of Doctoral Program in Leadership (2003-2008)
Clifton Chair in Leadership (2001-2008)
Senior Research Scientist, State University of New York
Co-Director of Global Center for Leadership Studies (2000-2001)
Director of Global Center for Leadership Studies (1998-2000)
Co-Director Eisenhower Leadership Development Project (1993-1996)
Director of Doctoral Programs (1993-1994)
Co-Director of the Kellogg Leadership Program (1990-1994)
Director of Graduate Programs (1990-1993)
Associate Director of the Center for Cognitive and Psycholinguistics Sciences (1988-1992)

Selected Publications

“The role of CEO accounts and perceived integrity in analysts’ forecasts“
Skarlicki, D., Rogo, R., Avolio, B.J., Lo, K., & Codie Ann DeHaas, (in press). Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, Vol. 176

“Authentic leadership’s impact on follower psychological capital and performance through organizational identification and role clarity“
Johnson, H.H., Bluhm, D., Hannah, S., Avolio, B.J., Lester, P. , (2023). Human Performance, Vol. 36(5), pp. 219-248.

“Creating service academies to institutionalize a strategic leadership development focus“
Avolio, B.J., & Drummey, K.C., (2023). Journal of Leadership Studies & Organizational Studies

“Do employees’ views matter in corporate governance? The relationship between employee approval and CEO dismissal“
Wang, D., Shen, W., Zhu, Q., Avolio, B.J., & David A. Waldman, (2022). Strategic Management Journal, pp. 1-27.

“Unpacking psychological ownership: How transactional and transformational leaders motivate ownership“
Guarana, C., & Avolio, B.J., (2022). Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, Vol. 13, pp. 96-114.

“Walking Our Evidence-Based Talk: The Case of Leadership Development in Business Schools“
Leroy, H.L., Anisman-Razin, M., Avolio, B., Bresman, H., Bunderson, S., Burris, E., Claeys, J., Detert, J., Dragoni, L., Giessner, S., Kniffin, K., Kolditz, T., Petriglieri, G., Pettit, N., Sitkin, S. B., Van Quaquebeke, N., & Vongswasdi, P., (forthcoming). Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, Vol. 29(1), pp. 5-32.

“Take a ‘Selfie’: Examining How Leaders Emerge from Leader Self-awareness, Self-leadership, and Self-efficacy“
Bracht, E. M., Keng-Highberger, F. T., Avolio, B. J., & Huang, Y., (2021). Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 12

“Behavioral Integrity: Examining the Effects of Trust Velocity and Psychological contract breach“
Vogelgesang, G., Crossley, C., Avolio, B.J., & Simon, T., (2021). Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 172(1), pp. 175-190.

“Team psychological safety and conflict trajectories’ effect on individual’s team identification and satisfaction“
Johnson, H., & Avolio, B.J., (2019). Group & Organization Management, Vol. 44(5), pp. 843-873.

“Revisiting the development and validation of the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire: Analytical considerations“
Avolio, B.J., Wernsing, T., & Gardner, W.L., (2018). Journal of Management, Vol. 44(2), pp. 399-411.

“Leadership in applied psychology: Three waves of theory and research“
Lord, R.G., Day, D.V., Zaccaro, S.J., Avolio, B.J., & Eagly, A., (2017). Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 102(3), pp. 434-451.

Kahai, S., Avolio, B., & Sosik, J., (2017). In G. Hertel, D. Stone, R. Johnson, & J. Passmore (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of the Internet at Work. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.

“Candor and transparency: Aligning your leadership constellation“
Avolio, B.J., (2016). People & Strategy, Vol. 39(4), pp. 17-20.

“An Integrative Process Model of Leadership: Examining Leadership Loci, Mechanisms and Event Cycles“
Eberly, M.B., Johnson, M.D., Hernandez, M., & Avolio, B.J., (2013). American Psychologist, Vol. 68(6), pp. 427-443.

“Leadership Models, Methods and Applications: Progress and Remaining Blind Spots“
Avolio, B., Sosik, J.J., Berson, Y., Borman, W., Ilgen, D., Klimoski, R., (2013). The Complete Handbook of Psychology, Vol. 12: Industrial and Organizational Psychology

“Embedding Ethical Leadership Within and Across Organizational Levels“
Avolio, B., Schaubroeck, J.M., Hannah, S.T., Kozlowski, S.W.J., Lord, R.G., Trevino, L.K., Peng, A.C., & Dimotakas, N., (2012). Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 55(5), pp. 1053-1078.

“Leader Self and Means Efficacy: A Multi-Component Approach“
Avolio, B., Hannah, S.T., Chan, A., & Walumbwa, F., (2012). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol. 118, pp. 143-161.

“The Loci and Mechanisms of Leadership: Exploring a More Comprehensive View of Leadership Theory“
Hernandez, M., Eberly, M.B., Avolio, B.J., & Johnson, M.D., (2011). Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 22(6), pp. 1165-1185.

“Leadership and Management Research in Africa: A Synthesis and Suggestions for Future Research“
Avolio, B., Walumbwa, F.O., & Aryee, S., (2011). Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 84, pp. 425-439.

“Authentic Leadership and Effects on Follower Moral Courage, Psychological Capital, and Performance“
Avolio, B., Hannah, S.T., & Walumbwa, F.O., (2011). Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 21(4), pp. 555-557.

“Mentoring Impact on Leader Efficacy Development: A Field Experiment“
Avolio, B., Lester, P.O., Hannah, S.T., Harmes, P.D., & Lester, G., (2011). Academy of Management Learning and Education Journal, Vol. 10, pp. 402-429.

“Leader Character, Ethos and Virtue: Individual and Collective Considerations“
Avolio, B., & Hannah, S.T., (2011). The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 22, pp. 989-994.

“The Locus of Leadership“
Avolio, B., & Hannah, S.T., (2011). The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 22, pp. 979-983.

“Building Moral Capacity: Toward a Holistic Development Model“
Avolio, B., Hannah, S.T., & May, D.R., (2011). Academy of Management Review, Vol. 36, pp. 663-685.

“Psychological Capital and Employee Performance Over Time: A Latent Growth Modeling Approach“
Avolio, B., Peterson, S.J., Luthans, F., Walumbwa, F., & Zhang, Z., (2011). Personnel Psychology, Vol. 64(2), pp. 427-450.

“An Investigation of the Relationships between Leader and Follower Psychological Capital, Service Climate and Job Performance“
Avolio, B., Walumbwa, F.O., Peterson, S.J., & Hartnell, C.A., (2010). Personnel Psychology, Vol. 63, pp. 977-1003.

“The Genetic Basis of Entrepreneurship: Effects of Gender and Parents“
Avolio, B., Zhang, Z., Zyphur, M., Narayanan, J., Chaturvedi, S., Lichtenstein, P., & Larsson, G., (2009). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol. 110, pp. 93-107.


Focusing on strategic leadership transformation and organization change

Honors and Awards

International Leadership Association 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award
Named a Fellow of the American Psychological Society (2009)
Named a Fellow of the Academy of Management (2009)
Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology, and Gerontological Society
SUNY-Binghamton Award for Distinguished Scholarly Research (2000)
Appointed to Chief of Defense Advisory Council, Singapore (2002)
SUNY Chancellor's Award for Research Excellence (2001)
Corning Innovation and Research Award (1988, 1998)
Nominated Fellow, Five-year Kellogg Leadership Studies Project

Academic Service

Senior Editor for the Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies
Board member, UW Historic Shellhouse and University Advancement (2018 - Present)
Past Associate Editor, Human Resource Management Journal
Past Board Member for the Psychology and Aging Journal
Board Member for Academy of Management Journal, Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Journal of Organizational Behavior
Editorial Reviewer for Experimental Aging Research, Personnel Psychology, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Gerontology, Applied Psychology: An International Review, Academy of Management Review, and Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Special Editor for International Journal of Public Administration
Consulting Editor: Iatrogenics Handbook, R. Morgan Canadian National Institute of Sciences
U.S. Department of Education
Editor, The Applied Gerontologist (1985-1986)

Courses Taught

Over the past 5 years, I have taught 4 different courses in the MBA and PhD programs. In the MBA program I have taught Management 511 Leadership & Coaching for the “Fritzky Fellows. This is a practicum and is intended to be a leadership developmental experience that trains a highly select group of 2nd year MBAs to work with first year MBA students on their leadership development. I teach the Technology MBA Management 510 course on Leadership Development. The main focus of this course is to provide students with a developmental framework/process and evidence-based models that can help enhance their leadership development. The third course is Technology Management 549: International Business & Cultural Immersion, which immerses students in a different cultural and business context. Building into the student’s international experience we focus on examining the students’ global mindset that each brings to the cross-cultural experience (e.g., past trips included to Peru, Japan, etc.). The fourth course is Management 583: Special Topics in Organizational Behavior. This is a doctoral seminar that examines the major theories of leadership and their applications to both advancing research and in practice. Finally, I am working with Christina Fong and Fran Lo on developing BA/GENST 391: Learning Leadership in Theory & Practice, which is part of the campus-wide Husky Leadership Initiative (HLI) focusing on undergraduate leadership development.
I teach in our Hybrid MBA program a course on Leadership and Team Development. This course focuses on following a Leadership Development Blueprint, developed here in the Center for Leadership & Strategic Thinking