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Faculty Directory

Ali Goli

Curriculum vitae:

Foster School of Business
University of Washington
Box: 353226
Seattle, WA 98195

Ali Goli

Assistant Professor of Marketing
GM Nameplate Endowed Faculty Fellow


PhD University of Chicago (2020)
MBA University of Chicago (2020)
M.Sc. University of Toronto (2015)
BSc Sharif University of Technology (2013)

Academic Expertise

digital marketing
public policy

Current Research

Advertising, marketing and public policy, customer loyalty, behavioral economics

Positions Held

Distinguished Faculty Fellow, Foster Customer Analytics Center
Assistant Professor of Marketing at the University of Washington since August 2020

Selected Publications

  1. Show and Sell: Studying the Effects of Branded Cigarette Product Placement in TV Shows on Cigarette Sales
    Journal Article:A. Goli, S. Mummalaneni, P. K. Chintagunta, S. Dhar, (2022). Marketing Science, Vol. 41(6), pp. 1163-1180.
  2. Effect of Payment on User Engagement in MOOCs
    Journal Article:A. Goli, P. K. Chintagunta, S. Sriram, (2022). Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 59(1), pp. 11-13.
  3. What Happens When a Retailer Drops a Product Category? Investigating the Consequences of Ending Tobacco Sales
    Journal Article:A. Goli, P. K. Chintagunta, (2021). Marketing Science, Vol. 40(6), pp. 1169-1198.

Working Papers

– A. Goli, D. Reiley, H. Zhang “Personalized Versioning: Product Strategies Constructed from Experiments on Pandora”, Available at SSRN
– A. Goli, A. Lambrecht, H. Yoganarasimhan “A Bias Correction Approach for Interference in Ranking Experiments”, Available at SSRN
– A. Goli, S. Mummalaneni, and P. K. Chintagunta “Making a Smooth Exit? Menthol Bans and Cigarette Sales in Massachusetts”, Available at SSRN